1200字范文 > 考情回顾 | 11月25日托福口语 写作独立题解析

考情回顾 | 11月25日托福口语 写作独立题解析

时间:2020-10-24 16:52:39


考情回顾 | 11月25日托福口语 写作独立题解析


口语回顾与解析 1125TASK 1Which of the qualities that parents or family members can help us to develop.A. Self-confidenceB. KindnessC. Patience 解析:1. 自信:家人会鼓励和激励,赞美自己孩子的优点。所以孩子比较容易树立自信心。2. 善良友善:父母帮助他人包括帮助救助动物等等。自己受到鼓舞,也帮助他人或者动物。3. 耐心:家里有老人或者年幼的弟弟妹妹需要照顾,可以锻炼人的耐心,比如需要给小孩子读bedtime stories,给老人喂药等等。 相关题目:150711 CN S1Which one of the following characteristics does your friend value most:A. CheerfulnessB. KindnessC. IntelligencePlease choose one and use specific details and examples to support your opinion. 161113 CN S1If you are going to choose a roommate which of the following quality is more important to you?A. CleannessB. FriendlinessC. QuietnessPlease choose one and use specific details and examples to support your opinion. 参考范文:I would definitely say that kindness is the quality that family members can bring to us. The warm and harmonious atmosphere a family can create can be an important factor for their children, because children always regard their parents as role models and imitate their behaviors and attitudes. For example, when I was a little kid, my parents always taught me to help the person in need. Apart from that, they rescued and adopted two stray cats and treated them with care and love. I am deeply influenced by their actions, so nowadays I work as a volunteer in an animal shelter in Shanghai weekly to help more stray animals find homes. I believe that kindness can change the world. 相关词汇:deciding factor/ warm and harmonious/ role models/ imitate behaviors and attitudes/ treat...with TASK 2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The deciding factor of a student being successful is intelligence. Use details and examples to support your opinion. 解析:同意:聪明的学生,记忆力比较好,所以成绩也相对高。自我管理能力也比较好,可以有效的利用时间来平衡学习和生活。 不同意:聪明虽然很重要,但不是deciding factor,比如还有,勤奋努力,积极上进,效率高等才是成功的关键要素。 相关题目:160228 CN S2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools need to encourage students to be more creative and use imagination to be successful. Which of the following qualities do you think is most important for a university student to be successful? Highly motivated, Hardworking, Intelligence? 参考范文:I strongly oppose the statement. Although intelligence is quite important, it cannot be considered as the deciding factor. It is more about the natural talents. I think that highly motivated quality is the determining factor of a successful student. If a student is highly motivated, he or she will have strong ambition and set goals for the future, which is a prerequisite for success. With this in mind, they will drive themselves towards the goals. What’s more, highly motivated students tend to participate more in the social activities. They can cultivate strong social skills like communication and group work, which play a very important role in their future career and the path to success. 相关词汇:deciding factor/ natural talents/ highly motivated/ strong ambition/ prerequisite/ cultivate social skills/ play…role写作回顾与解析 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:The more money a person has, the more should he or she give away to charities.(你同意还是反对以下说法: 一个人的钱越多, 他或她就越应该捐给慈善机构。) 解析:本题可以说是在近期出现的考题中难度较大的一题。本题本质上还是利弊分析类,即需要我们分析是否“应该”把钱捐给慈善机构。如果“应该”,则论证好处是什么;如果“不应该”,则讨论坏处有哪些。值得注意的是题干中“the more…, the more…”的结构,意为“越……越……”,所以从逻辑和常识的角度上来说,“反对”的观点会更好写一些。 参考分论点: 观点:反对1、当自己还不富裕的时候,人们应该把钱存下来以改善自己的生活/或为将来的不时之需做准备;When people are not rich enough (simply have adequate food and clothing), they should save money to further improve the quality of life/for emergency needs in the future 2、即使人们有了富余的钱,也不一定要捐给慈善机构。(比如可以创办企业,通过交税和雇佣员工来贡献社会,或者不通过机构而是自己去做善事);Even if one has considerable savings, it is not obligatory for him or her to donate money to charitable institutions. 3、当然,极少数特别有钱人应该把钱捐掉,因为从某种意义上说他们有道德(社会)义务(比如比尔·盖茨、马克·扎克伯格);但是这样的人不会很多。Admittedly, some extremely wealthy people should make contribution to charities since, in some sense, they have moral/social obligation. However, the number of those people is fairly limited. 观点:同意1、人们把钱捐给慈善机构能够使得社会更加公平;Donating to non-profit organization can lead to a fairer world. 2、捐钱给慈善机构体现了一种社会责任感;Giving money to charitable institutions displays a sense of social responsibility. 3、通过捐钱人们能够获得社会认同。Through making contribution to charities, people can achieve public recognition. 涉及词汇及表达:钱 money/assets/property/wealth/fortune私人财产 private property存钱 deposit money, put money in the bank, put money into the bank攒钱 hoard/save/set aside/stash away money捐赠 donate/give/contribute money to charity;慈善机构non-profit-making organization/non-profit organization/not-for-profit organization/voluntary organization/charitable institution 社会责任 moral/social obligation履行职责/责任/义务to discharge your duties/responsibilities/obligations社会认可 public/social recognition; public praise/reward获得认可 achieve/attain/earn sb/gain/get/obtain/receive/win recognition公平 justice/fairness过好的生活 live/have/lead a fulfilling/good/great/happy/perfect/wonderful life; enjoy a better quality of life雇佣 hire/ employ/engage/recruit为社会做贡献 contribute to/make contribution to society富裕的 prosperous/well-to-do/well-off温饱 just/simply have adequate food and clothing 作者介绍王老师沃邦托福学科负责人华东师范大学研究生毕业,在校期间曾获得托福接近满分的成绩。毕业后曾任英文报记者,后为教育理想转入培训行业,迄今为止已有8年托福sat教学经验。曾任天道教育上海分公司教研主管,沃邦教育五角场校区校长,目前担任沃邦教育上海地区托福教研组长。 胡老师沃邦托福口语教师主讲托福口语,辅讲托福基础课程。上海华师大英语专业(英美文学以及语言学方向),拥有英语专业八级(TEM 8)和高级口语证书。世博期间,曾担任荷兰驻上海领事馆领事陪同翻译和中国馆文字翻译。从事出国留学培训行业7年,课堂上思路清晰,对于托福口语解题有独特见解,深知学生口语困难所在,语言亲和,教过近千名学生,培养出过口语满分以及多位29的高分学员。
