1200字范文 > 英语阅读速度太慢 你该怎么办?

英语阅读速度太慢 你该怎么办?

时间:2018-06-17 21:33:30


英语阅读速度太慢 你该怎么办?


首先,什么是意群?意群(sense group,或word group)指的是相邻的单个字词在意义、语法之间的联系。它是由单词组成的表意单位,介于单词与句子间的结构。意群作为一个语言单位,它具有表达意思上的相对完整性,语法关系密切,因此在读音的时候中间不能够停顿。同时意群是交际和阅读中停顿和换气的标准,划分意群是正确表达思想的前提,一个意群不能读破,否则将产生歧义和误解。

我们以熟悉的中文举例,来看一下断句的重要性。有这么一句话,“下雨天,留客天。天留,我不留。”意思简单明了,但我们再尝试一下这么读,“下雨天,留客天。天留我不?留。“ 还有这样,“下雨天,留客天。天留我?不留。”更有这样“下雨,天留客。天天留我?不留。”头都大了有没有? 好在英文意群划分并没有这么难。


1.名词词组:冠词+名词(a country);名词+名词(car park); 指示代词+名词(this book); 形容词+名词 (natural science);分词+名词(the working class);数词+名词(thirty-two note-books)数词+数词(尤其是听力section1中的大数字和长号码two hundred and twenty-three)等;

2.介词短语,如:under construction, from now on;

3.副词短语,如:first of all

4.副词+介词短语,如:early in the morning,far into the night;

5.副词+动词,或动词+副词,如:quite understand,study hard;

6.固定的动词词组,如:to take a rest,to reserve a hotel room

7.简单句的主语+谓语+宾语,如:He prepared a presentation.

8.简短的名词性从句,(主语从句、表语从句和宾语从句等),如:He told me where I could find my book.


我们以一个英文绕口令为例:Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? 12个单词的句子里面竟有一半都是can,确实有点儿绕,但仔细来看,can往往有能够(情态动词),罐头(名词)和装罐(动词)之分,这么一来,意群也就明了了:Can you(主)can a can(动宾 as a canner can(主)can a can?(动宾)

热身之后,是不是对意群的划分有了进一步的了解了呢? 话不多说,我们来看一个雅思阅读中的长难句:

1. This phenomenon has been emphasized by the relocation of some industries, particularly those which are labor intensive, to reduce production costs, even though the production site is hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away from the final assembly plant or away from users.(1012)

意群划分之后的效果是这样的:This phenomenon has been emphasized(主谓)by the relocation of some industries,(后置定语)particularly those which are labor intensive,(定语从句)to reduce production costs,(动词词组)even though the production site is(主系)hundreds or even thousands of kilometers(距离作表语) away from the final assembly plant or away from users.(并列介词短语)

2. There are, nevertheless, people working in luxurious, state-of-the-art centres designed to stimulate innovation who find that their environment doesn’t make them fell at all creative.

我们来尝试划分意群:There are,(存在句)nevertheless,(插入语) people(和there be呼应)working in luxurious, state-of-the-art centers(后置定语修饰people)designed to stimulate innovation(后置定语修饰centers)who find(定从)that their environment doesn’t make them fell at all creative.(宾从)

3. Tourists flock to wells in far-flung corners of north-western India to gaze in wonder at these architectural marvels from hundreds of years ago, which serve as a reminder of both the ingenuity and artistry of ancient civilization and of the value of water to human existence.

4. 再来划分一下:Touristsflock to wells (主谓) in far-flung corners of north-western India (介词短语)to gaze in wonder at these architectural marvels(动词短语) from hundreds of years ago, (介词短语)which serve as a reminder(定从) of both the ingenuity and artistry of ancient civilization(后置定语1) and of the value of water to human existence.(后置定语2)

