1200字范文 > 第八十九弹‖个性唯美句子:不喜欢就不要选择 选择了就要坚持

第八十九弹‖个性唯美句子:不喜欢就不要选择 选择了就要坚持

时间:2020-01-26 01:36:50


第八十九弹‖个性唯美句子:不喜欢就不要选择 选择了就要坚持


01 我仍然喜欢在黄昏时漫步,喜欢看水中的落日,喜欢看风中的落叶,喜欢看雪中的山峦。

I still like to walk in the evening, like to see the setting sun in the water, like to see the leaves in the wind, like to see the mountains in the snow.

02 有一个人载你看过山川河流也在关外的城门下同你温柔道别低喃:“抱歉,只能陪你走到这里。”

A man took you to see the mountains and rivers and said goodbye to you tenderly at the gate of the gate: "sorry, I can only accompany you here."

03 我这一生都太安静,思考太久,现在就该行动

Ive been so quiet and thoughtful all my life that I should act now.

04 生命中最难的阶段不是没有人懂你,而是你不懂你自己。

The hardest part of life is not that no one knows you, but that you don know yourself.

05 你被安稳地爱着呢,应该有做任何事的勇气。

You should have the courage to do anything.

06 如果你独自一人笑了,那是真心的笑。——安迪·鲁尼

If you laugh alone, its a genuine smile.

07 我拿本书,在长椅上晒太阳,心变得软软的,容易流泪,像个多愁善感的老头。——北岛

I take a book, bask in the sun on the bench, my heart becomes soft, easy to cry, like a sentimental old man.

08 你我认真生活,我抽空爱你,我们终会在人生的更高处相见。

You and I live seriously, I love you in my spare time, and we will meet each other at a higher place in life.

09 不要着急,因为总会有人熬夜陪你,下雨接你,说我爱你,好的总是压箱底。

Don worry, because there will always be someone staying up with you, rain to pick you up, say I love you, good is always under pressure.

10 世界上美好的事情有很多,但美好的人,只有你一个。

There are many beautiful things in the world, but you are the only one.




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