1200字范文 > 组合规则 combination rule英语短句 例句大全

组合规则 combination rule英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-27 03:33:04


组合规则 combination rule英语短句 例句大全

组合规则,combination rule

1)combination rule组合规则

1.The paper introduces Dempstercombination rule and auto-recognition method of radar radiator based on fusion in time domain,such as weighted M-distance method,gray association analysis method,etc.介绍了Dempster组合规则和加权M-距离法、灰关联分析法等时间融合的雷达辐射源自动识别方法,提出了基于证据理论的单传感器时间融合算法,研究了单传感器在不同时间测量周期的证据综合过程,并给出仿真试验结果。

2.Hereafter the gray correlation coefficients are combined by D-Scombination rules for d.针对灰色关联分析中特征矢量的无量纲化处理和灰色关联度方面主观性较强的问题,提出了基于D-S组合规则的灰色关联分析方法。

3.① evidence model is modified and the structure of Dempster scombination rule is not modified.该方法具有以下特点:①只修改模型,不改变Dempster组合规则的结构。


1.On Pragmatic Rule-One of the Formation Rules of Languages;论语言的组合规则之一——语用规则

2.The rule of combination of symmetry operations is successive performance of them.对称操作的组合规则,是逐次地去运用它们。

3.The Constitution Rules and Functions of the Modern Chinese form of Address in Social Communication;现代汉语社会面称语的组合规则及其功能

4.studies of the rules for forming admissible sentences.组成合法句子的规则研究。

5.A Rule-based Framework for Dynamic Semantic Web Service Composition;基于规则的语义Web服务动态组合框架

6.A Method Combining Rule-Based and Statistics-Based Approaches for Chunk in English and Chinese;统计与规则相结合的中英文组块分析

7.An Integral Programming Model of Portfolio Selection with Probability Criterion;概率准则下组合投资的整数规划模型

8.New rule of evidence combination based on improved conflict measure基于改进冲突度量的证据组合新规则

9.Optimize on Policy/Rule Combining Algorithm for XACMLXACML中策略/规则组合算法优化

10.The regulations comply with the WTO rule, the principle of prudence and international common practice, he said.他称,这些规定符合世界贸易组织规则,谨慎原则和国际惯例。

11.The rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language are called sequential rules.在一种特定的语言中,语音的组合是受规则制约的,这些规则叫做系列规则。

12.Research on Seismic Performance of an Asymmetric-plan Composite High-rise Building;不规则组合结构高层建筑的抗震性能分析研究

13.Algorithms for Combinatorial Auction Winner Determination Based on Item Association Analysis;基于关联规则分析的组合拍卖竞胜标决定算法

14.The short-selling permitted portfolio optimization under a minimax rule;允许卖空的基于MINIMAX规则的证券组合选择


16.On the Prudent Investor Rule and Modern Portfolio Theory;美国谨慎投资者规则与现代投资组合理论探析

17.To Mine the Best Packing Means For a Commodity Based on The Association Rules;基于关联规则的商品最佳打包组合挖掘

18.Improvement of Portfolio Management Based on Stein Rule;基于斯坦规则的投资组合管理改进研究


combination rules组合规则

1.Research oncombination rules of evidence reasoning;证据推理的组合规则研究

3)rules of combination组合规则

4)combining rule组合规则

1.The short-range repulsive potentials for different combinations of the alkali atom Li and inert gas atoms are estimated using two differentcombining rules procedure.利用电荷密度重叠积分,采用两种不同的组合规则分别计算了锂原子和惰性气体原子的近程排斥势,并与实验结果进行了比较,所得到的势阱参数与实验符合较好。

2.For Na-Ne and K-Ne systems, the parameters of Born-Mayer potential of Na-Na and K-K atoms are gotten by usingcombining rules.首先求Na-Na、K-K相同原子间Born-Maye势参数,利用TT势模型和边界条件,从色散系数、势阱位置与深度出发,导出Na、K与Ne不同原子间的势参数,再从Na-Ne、K-Ne原子系统出发,利用组合规则计算出Na、K相同原子间的势参数;然后研究Li-He、Na-He、K-He原子系统,利用电荷密度重叠积分与组合规则,从相同原子间势参数计算不同原子的势参数。

5)Combinatorial rule规则组合

6)Dempster combination ruleDempster组合规则

1.The comprehensive recognition method of electronic target is put forth based onDempster combination rule,and the comprehensive processing arithmetic is studied regarding of electronic target auto-recognition based onDempster combination rule,then the simulation expe.提出了基于Dempster组合规则的电子目标综合识别方法,完成了基于Dempster组合规则的电子目标自动识别综合处理算法研究,并进行了仿真实验,试验结果表明,该算法是可行的。


