1200字范文 > php连接mysql与mssql 数据库代码

php连接mysql与mssql 数据库代码

时间:2022-06-13 05:10:37


php连接mysql与mssql 数据库代码




1,php连接mssql 1,下载以下两个文件,放入php ext目录及system32.

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安装的时候提示是sql server 的,不过也是可以用的.


"testdb","uid"=>"test","pwd"=>"test"); $conn = sqlsrv_connect($servername, $connectioninfo); if($conn) { echo "connection established.

"; } else { echo "connection could not be established.

"; die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true)); exit(); } $sql = "select * from t_employee"; $result = sqlsrv_query($conn,$sql); $data = array(); while($row=sqlsrv_fetch_array($result)) { $data[] = $row; } foreach($data as $p) { echo $p[ ame]."

"; } sqlsrv_close($conn); echo "


"; echo date("y-m-d h:i:s");


class db_handle { var $classname = "db_handle"; var $server; var $username; var $password; var $database; var $linkid = 0; var $queryresult = ""; var $lastinsertid = ""; /* private ignore=>ignore the error and continue, halt=>report the error and halt, report=>report the error and continue */ var $halt_on_error = "report"; var $error = ""; var $errno = 0; /**public * remark: this is the db_mysql_classs structure * function: set the server,username,password,database variable. */ function db_handle($server = "", $username = "", $password = "", $database = "") { $this->server = $server; $this->username = $username; $this->password = $password; $this->database = $database; } /**public * function: connect database and select database * success: retun 1 * failed: return 0 */ function connect() { $this->linkid = @mssql_pconnect ( $this->server, $this->username, $this->password ); if (! $this->linkid) { $this->halt ( "mssql_pconnect($this->server,$this->username,$this->password): failed" ); return 0; } if (! @mssql_select_db ( $this->database )) { $this->halt ( "mssql_select_db($this->database) failed." ); return 0; } return 1; } /**public * function: check the database, if exist then select * exist: return 1 * not exist: return 0 */ function selectdatabase() { if (@mssql_select_db ( $this->database )) return 1; else return 0; } /**public * function: execute sql instruction * success: return sql result. * failed: return 0; */ function execquery($sql = "") { $this->connect(); if ($this->linkid == 0) { $this->halt ( "execute sql failed: have not valid database connect." ); return 0; } ob_start (); $this->queryresult = mssql_query ( $sql, $this->linkid ); $error = ob_get_contents (); ob_end_clean (); if ($error) { $this->halt ( "execute sql: mssql_query($sql,$this->linkid) failed." ); return 0; } $reg = "#insert into#"; if (preg_match ( $reg, $sql )) { $sql = "select @@identity as id"; $res = mssql_query ( $sql, $this->linkid ); $this->lastinsertid = mssql_result ( $res, 0, id ); } return $this->queryresult; } /**public * function: get the query results row number * success: return the row fo the result * failed: return 0 */ function gettotalrownum($result = "") { if ($result != "") $this->queryresult = $result; $row = @mssql_num_rows ( $this->queryresult ); if ($row >= 0) return $row; $this->halt ( "get a row of result failed: result $result is invalid." ); return 0; } /**public * function: get the last insert records id * success: return id * failed: return 0 */ function lastinsertid() { return $this->lastinsertid; } /**public * function: get a fields value * success: return value of the field * failed: return 0 */ function getfield($result = "", $row = 0, $field = 0) { if ($result != "") $this->queryresult = $result; $fieldvalue = @mssql_result ( $this->queryresult, $row, $field ); if ($fieldvalue != "") return $fieldvalue; $this->halt ( "get field: mssql_result($this->queryresult,$row,$field) failed." ); return 0; //here should have error handle } /**public * function: get next record * success: return a array of the records value * failed: return 0 */ function nextrecord($result = "") { if ($result != "") $this->queryresult = $result; $record = @mssql_fetch_array ( $this->queryresult ); if (is_array ( $record )) return $record; //$this->halt("get the next record failed: the result $result is invalid."); return 0; } /**public * function: free the query result * success return 1 * failed: return 0 */ function freeresult($result = "") { if ($result != "") $this->queryresult = $result; return @mssql_free_result ( $this->queryresult ); } /**public * function: set the halt_on_errors state * success: return 1 * failed: return 0 */ function sethaltonerror($state = "ignore") { if (! ($state == "ignore" || $state == "report" || $state == "halt")) { $this->halt ( "set the halt_on_error fail: there is no state value $state" ); return 0; } $this->halt_on_error = $state; return 1; } /**public * function: get the halt_on_errors state */ function gethaltonerror() { return $this->halt_on_error; } /**public * function: get the classs name */ function tostring() { return $this->classname; } /**private * function: error handle */ function halt($msg) { $this->error = @mysql_error ( $this->linkid ); $this->errno = @mysql_errno ( $this->linkid ); if ($this->halt_on_error == "ignore") return; $this->makemsg ( $msg ); if ($this->halt_on_error == "halt") die ( "session halted" ); }//开源代码 /**private * function: make error information and print */ function makemsg($msg) { printf ( "database error: %sn", $msg ); printf ( "mysql error: %s (%s)n", $this->errno, $this->error ); } }
