1200字范文 > 微信小程序万里目_微信小程序学习用推荐:破音万里:音频播放 音乐列表

微信小程序万里目_微信小程序学习用推荐:破音万里:音频播放 音乐列表

时间:2023-12-10 00:07:30


微信小程序万里目_微信小程序学习用推荐:破音万里:音频播放 音乐列表


let bsurl = 'https://poche.fm/api/app/playlists' var common = require('../../../utils/util.js'); let seek = 0 let defaultdata = { winWidth: 0, winHeight: 0, listHeight: 0, // tab切换 currentTab: 0, // 播放列表 playlists: [], tracks: [], coverImgUrl: "../../../imgs/icon.jpg", nowPlayingTitle:"请选择歌曲", nowPlayingArtist: "", playing:false, playtime: '00:00', duration: '00:00', percent: 1, lrc: [], lrcindex: 0, showlrc: false, disable: false, downloadPercent: 0, curIndex: 0, initial: true, shuffle: 1, music: {} } //获取应用实例 let app = getApp() Page({ data: defaultdata, onLoad: function(options) { var that = this; wx.request({ url: bsurl, success: function (res) { that.setData({ listHeight: res.data.length * 230, playlists: res.data, loadingHide:true }) } }) //获取系统信息 wx.getSystemInfo( { success: function( res ) { that.setData( { winWidth: res.windowWidth, winHeight: res.windowHeight }) } }) // 获取上次播放数据 let index = wx.getStorageSync('curIndex') let tracks = wx.getStorageSync('tracks') if (tracks) { let track = tracks[index] that.setData( { curIndex: index, tracks: tracks, coverImgUrl:track.cover, nowPlayingArtist: track.artist, nowPlayingTitle: track.name, }) } //监听停止,自动下一首 wx.onBackgroundAudioStop(function(){ that.playnext(); }) }, bindChange: function(e) { var that = this; that.setData( { currentTab: e.detail.current }); }, swichNav: function(e) { var that = this; if( this.data.currentTab === e.target.dataset.current ) { return false; } else { that.setData( { currentTab: e.target.dataset.current }) } }, // 跳转下一页 tracks: function(event) { var index = event.currentTarget.id var playlist = this.data.playlists[index] var p = playlist.id var title = playlist.title wx.navigateTo({ url: '../tracks/index?id=' + p + '&title=' + title }) }, // 接收点击数据 changeData: function(tracks, index) { var curMusic = tracks[index] this.setData({ curIndex: index, tracks: tracks, coverImgUrl:curMusic.cover, nowPlayingArtist: curMusic.artist, nowPlayingTitle: curMusic.name, playing: true, music: curMusic }) app.globalData.curplay.id = curMusic.id //存储当前播放 wx.setStorageSync("curIndex", index) wx.setStorageSync("tracks", tracks) app.seekmusic(1) }, //播放方法 playingtoggle:function(){ var that = this if (this.data.initial) { // this.play(this.data.tracks, this.data.curIndex) this.setData({ initial: false }) app.seekmusic(1) return } if (this.data.playing) { that.setData({ playing: false }) app.stopmusic(1) } else { app.seekmusic(1, function () { that.setData({ playing: true }) }, app.globalData.currentPosition) } }, playnext: function (e) { if (this.data.initial) { this.setData({ initial: false }) } let shuffle = this.data.shuffle let count = this.data.tracks.length let lastIndex = parseInt(this.data.curIndex) if (shuffle == 3) { //随机播放 lastIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * count) } else if (shuffle == 1) { if (lastIndex == count - 1) { lastIndex = 0 } else { lastIndex = lastIndex + 1 } } this.changeData(this.data.tracks, lastIndex) }, playprev: function (e) { if (this.data.initial) { this.setData({ initial: false }) } let shuffle = this.data.shuffle let lastIndex = parseInt(this.data.curIndex) let count = this.data.tracks.length if (shuffle == 3) { //随机播放 lastIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * count) } else if (shuffle == 1) { if (lastIndex == 0) { lastIndex = count - 1 } else { lastIndex = lastIndex - 1 } } this.changeData(this.data.tracks, lastIndex) }, playshuffle: function() { if (this.data.shuffle == 1) { this.setData({ shuffle: 2 }) return } if (this.data.shuffle == 2) { this.setData({ shuffle: 3 }) return } if (this.data.shuffle == 3) { this.setData({ shuffle: 1 }) } }, onShow: function () { var that = this app.globalData.playtype = this.data.shuffle common.playAlrc(that, app); seek = setInterval(function () { common.playAlrc(that, app); }, 1000) }, })
