1200字范文 > 计算机专业学位英语试题 (荐)最新电大学位英语考试精篇复习资料 小抄版.doc...

计算机专业学位英语试题 (荐)最新电大学位英语考试精篇复习资料 小抄版.doc...

时间:2021-09-19 12:20:22


计算机专业学位英语试题 (荐)最新电大学位英语考试精篇复习资料 小抄版.doc...

最新电大学位英语考试精篇复习资料 小抄版

词汇与语法: A、B开头:

(At first) she seemed to find As they can't .....necessary (steps) All the evidence .....face (that)he is Are you.....it(fixed)

-Are you going to..... are (far too) expensive......

At that time,she (was) on a ...... A pair of spectacles (is) what....

According to a recent ......(watching)TV As the bus came round the cornor,it ran into a big

Before the War of Independence,the United States was an English colony. C、D、E、F开头: China is ......is (much)to "DO you think(that)I

Do you know (how to say it) in English Don't forget(to take)your

Don't forget it'll .....(I've spoken) in public

Don't trust him,(no matter that) he says. -Do you want to wait? ....(is) too long for me.....

During the future ..... (making) such mistakes

Either the....sweater (is)a good buy

England is an island......(It....its) climate is......

February 12th...day(on which)we Fish can't live (without) water

Fruit is one of .... and (delicious) foods...... G、H开头:

I need....

Generally speaking,....(whatever) he or.....

His example(indicates) that

He liked to swim(and to play football) He (helps) me do the work

He was drinking pop (while) the rest of ......

He (sets aside) a sun

He is not a child (any more) He (wrote) to me last week

He talks as if he (knew) everything... He (wrote) to me last week. Helen was ....car(accident)

How is he....-oh,he is on the(way)to becoming

How (can) you say that......

He looked quite healthy ...was (in his seventies)

He has smoked for ......can (hardly) give it up

He suddenly left for...,(which) was more......

Henry is often seen (to read) English...... I开头:

It is a teacher's....students(feels) It is possible to .....(by)......

It was a great pleasure (for) me to

be ......

It has been....into(power)in that country I telephoned .....to make (sure) of I thought that .....(is) the best policy I took....didn't (work)

I (have been) to Shanghai once I (wish) I were a bird.

I feel and hurt.....(was playing) basketball......

I telephoned .
