1200字范文 > 北京工商大学计算机学院研究生院 北京工商大学计算机学院

北京工商大学计算机学院研究生院 北京工商大学计算机学院

时间:2018-08-26 01:28:31


北京工商大学计算机学院研究生院 北京工商大学计算机学院







本科 1999 年至 毕业于 北京航空航天大学 计算机科学与工程系 计算机科学与应用专业

博士 年至 毕业于 北京航空航天大学 计算机学院 计算机应用技术专业


博士期间所参与项目获国家科技进步二等奖1 项、省部级科技进步一等奖1 项。


先后作为项目技术骨干参与国家973 计划项目、国家863计划项目、国家自然科学基金项目共5 项,主持博士后科学基金、973计划项目子课题各1项。发表论文9 篇,获得国家发明专利授权1项。






-present: Beijing Technology and Business University, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Professor.

-present: Beihang University, State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems (VRLab), Postdoc.

-: Beihang University, State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems (VRLab), Ph.D.

1999-: Beihang University, School of Computer Science & Engineering, BE


HP Scholarship Award.

Beihang University Innovation Fund for Ph.D.

The 2nd Prize of National Science and Technology Advancement Award.

The 1st Prize of Beijing Science and Technology Award.

The 1st Prize of Beihang Science and Technology Advancement Award.

“Three good” Student of Beihang University.

2001 Guang Hua Fellowship.

1999 “Three good” Student of Beijing.


1.Research on Many-to-many Reliable Multicast Technology and Algorithms for Distributed Interactive Simulation, 47th China Post Doctors Science Foundation.

As project leader and principle applicant, researched the reliable multicast model in distributed interactive simulation and wrote the application and annual report. Under the support of this fund, published one academic paper and acquired two patents.

2. Research of Reliable Multicast Services and Algorithm in Large-Scale Distributed Interactive Simulation, The National Natural Science Fund Project.(No.60603084)

As major participant and assistant of project leader, took charge of the research in Single-point-backup based Error Recovery method in Many-to-many Reliable Multicast, concentrating on research of key technologies and design of algorithms, and the writing of the application and annual report, published one academic paper.

3. Research of Extendible Distributed Virtual Environment Run-time Platform, National 863 Program project.(No.AA01Z331)

As major participant,researched and developed many-to-many reliable multicast which based on HLA standard, designed the core algorithms and finished the application and annual report. The project has successfully concluded with the publication of an academic paper.

4.Distributed Virtual Environment Technology, one of the Major Projects for Chinese Fundamental Research and Development (973 Program)(No.2002CB312105),and Distributed Virtual Environment, National 863 Program project.(No.2001AA115130)

As the major developer, took charge of researching and developing HLA/RTI; as the chief participant, designed the integrated developing environment of distributed interactive simulation application program, developed the visual developing system of assembly simulation program, programed basic tools of distributed interactive simulation run-time platform, also did all paperwork including but not limited to application and report; Published 2 academic papers, one of them had been indexed by SCI (NO.BDQ17), applied 1 National Patent of Invention and 2 software patents; Relative research findings were rewarded the 2nd Prize of National Science and Technology Advancement Award (, ranking 7), the 1st Prize of Beijing Science and Technology Award (, ranking 7), the 1st Prize of Beihang Science and Technology Advancement Award (, ranking 7).

Publication & Patent:

1 Liu Li, Chen Hongqian, Tan Li, Yao Chunlian, Optimization Method for Rate Control Based on Distributed Virtual Environment, Journal of System Simulation, Vol. 26 No.9, 1950-1955, Sep.

2 Liu Li, Wu Wei, Chen Hongqian, A Publish-subscribe based Correlative Matching Method for Multi-domain Virtual Environment, VR Innovation (ISVRI), IEEE International Symposium, 169 - 174

3 Liu Li, Chen Hongqian, Tan Li, Research of Inter-domain Data Filtering Method for Distributed Interactive Simulation, Audio Language and Image Processing (ICALIP), , 1451 - 1456

4 Liu Li, Wu Wei, A Layered Architecture of Service Organization in AegisGrid, GCC,(SCI, ISPT, EI indexed).11, pp.111-117

5 Liu Li, Wu Wei, Research on The HLA-based Simulation Application Framework BH HLA FM, Journal of Computer Research and Development, .9, vol.42,SuppA:492-496

6 Liu Li, Tang Xin , Wang Yuehua , Zhou Zhong, Research of Single-point-backup based Error Recovery method in Many-to-many Reliable Multicast,Journal of System Simulation,.10, vol.19, 2: 343-347

7 Duan Zuoyi, Tang Shaogang, Liu Li, Research on Input-Output Model of Application System in Distributed Interactive Simulation, Journal of System Simulation, EI indexed, .1, vol.18,No.1:102-105

8 Liu Li, Zhou Zhong, Liu Dongmei, Wu Wei, Congestion Control Algorithm based on Loss Trend Oriented to Many-to-many Reliable Multicast,10thACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing(SNPD), .5

9 Assembly Simulation Program Visual Developing System, Patent of Invention, China. No.10091192.8

10 Error Recovery method of Many-to-many Reliable Multicast in Plane Structure Network Patent of Invention, China, No.10119896.5

11 Data Filtering Method of Many-to-many Reliable Multicast, Patent of Invention, China, No. 10176826.3
