1200字范文 > java发送gmail邮件_如何为Gmail创建电子邮件列表以发送组电子邮件


时间:2022-07-15 23:31:20




If you send emails to the same group of people regularly, you can cut down on wasted time by creating an email list to use in Gmail. While it’s not inherently obvious, here’s how to generate a mailing list.

如果您定期向同一组人发送电子邮件,则可以通过创建要在Gmail中使用的电子邮件列表来减少浪费的时间。 虽然从本质上来说不是很明显,但这是生成邮件列表的方法。

使用Google通讯录创建电子邮件列表 (Create an Email List Using Google Contacts)

In typical Google fashion, all of the contacts you see and access in Gmail are managed by a separate Google app: Contacts. To create a contact list that you can use in Gmail, you have to visit the Google Contacts web app.

以典型的Google方式,您在Gmail中看到和访问的所有联系人均由单独的Google应用管理:“联系人”。 要创建可在Gmail中使用的联系人列表,您必须访问Google联系人网络应用。

Fire up a web browser and head on over to Google Contacts. Once here, hover over the contact you want to add to the mailing list and then click on the checkbox to select it. Repeat for every contact you want to put on the list.

启动网络浏览器,然后转到Google通讯录。 到达此处后,将鼠标悬停在要添加到邮件列表中的联系人上方,然后单击复选框以将其选中。 对要添加到列表中的每个联系人重复此操作。

Make sure each contact you add has an email associated with it. Otherwise, they won’t appear in the label when you go to email them later.

确保您添加的每个联系人都有与之关联的电子邮件。 否则,当您以后发送电子邮件给他们时,它们将不会出现在标签中。

After you have every contact selected, click on the Label icon and then click on the “Create Label” button.


Give the label a name that’s easy to remember and then click “Save” to create the contact list.


To add contacts to an already existing label, select the contact, click the Label icon, click on the label you want to add it to, and then click the “Apply” button.


After you save the label, you can create another label for a different list or close the tab.


使用Gmail中的电子邮件列表发送电子邮件 (Send an Email Using the Email List in Gmail)

Now that you have a list created and labeled, go to your Gmail inbox to send an email to the whole group of contacts.


Once the page loads, hover the mouse cursor over the Plus (+) icon and click the “Compose” button when it appears to start a new email.


From the “New Message” window, start to type the name you gave the label and then click on the suggestion when it appears below the text field.


After you select the label, fill out the email and then click the “Send” button when you finish to send it to everyone in the group list.


While you could use this for running a small business or marketing campaign, your free Google account only allows for up to 500 sent and received emails per day. If you reach this limit within a 24-hour period, you might get an error message notifying you of your overage.

虽然您可以使用它来进行小型企业或市场营销活动,但是您的免费Google帐户每天最多只能发送和接收500封电子邮件。 如果您在24小时内达到此限制,则可能会收到一条错误消息,通知您超量。

翻译自: /464478/how-to-create-an-email-list-for-gmail-to-send-group-emails/

