1200字范文 > 陶瓷设计灵感来源_网页设计师的色彩灵感来源


时间:2022-01-07 06:01:03




Design inspiration can (and should) come from any source at all, but there’s something to be said for diving into a rich color palette as a way of kicking off creative work. When I feel the need to do so, my go-to choices include:

设计灵感可以(而且应该)来自任何来源,但是要跳入丰富的调色板作为启动创意工作的一种方式,就有些话要说了。 当我觉得有必要这样做时,我的选择包括:

ColourLovers, the open alternative to Kuler: a community of designers who contribute their own palettes and patterns, while rating others. The site has vigorous sub-communities for not just web development, but also business, crafts, fashion and print. Colrd is similar to ColorLovers, if somewhat less ambitious.

ColourLovers , Kuler的替代产品:一个设计师社区,他们贡献自己的调色板和图案 ,同时为其他人评分。 该网站有活跃的子社区,不仅用于网站开发,还包括商业 , 手Craft.io , 时装和印刷 。 科尔德与ColorLovers类似,但野心较小。

Pantone. I also like the color collections of Kayla Lamoreaux.

Pantone的样品和创意。 我也喜欢Kayla Lamoreaux的色彩系列。

Other sources: Design Seeds, Color Collective, and the fantastic Inspiration Stream of Verlee Pieters.

其他来源: 设计种子 , 色彩收集和Verlee Pieters的奇妙灵感流 。

Some outside examples: cinematographers will often talk about a movie's palette, but outside of some definitive examples the color mood of film is often hard to put your finger on or replicate. Web Colour Data aims to do the same thing for websites, “slurping” a site's most frequently used colors. Dozens of popular sites are listed as examples. Finally, while it is specialised to just a few colors, I very much enjoyed this scientific determination of “sky blue” in hexidecimal.

一些外部的例子:摄影师经常会谈论电影的调色板,但是在某些确定的例子之外,电影的色彩氛围通常很难用手指触摸或复制。 Web颜色数据旨在为网站做同样的事情,“吸引”网站最常用的颜色。 列举了数十个受欢迎的站点作为示例。 最后,尽管它仅适用于几种颜色,但我非常喜欢十六进制中“天蓝色”的科学确定 。

plenty of color has no hex values: just wonderful, creative examples of color used in art, commercial design, fabrics, interior design and more, given classifications such as objects of desire, colourful places and spaces, and color me happy.

大量的颜色没有十六进制值:只是美妙的,创造性的颜色示例,用于艺术,商业设计,织物,室内设计等等,并给出了诸如欲望对象 , 色彩斑places的空间和空间等给我带来快乐的色彩 。

If you have online sources of color inspiration that makeyouhappy, let us know in the comments!


翻译自: /730/Sources-of-Color-Inspiration-For-Web-Designers

