1200字范文 > wordpress 古腾堡_古腾堡常见问题解答(WordPress 5.0+常见问题解答)

wordpress 古腾堡_古腾堡常见问题解答(WordPress 5.0+常见问题解答)

时间:2022-07-01 05:04:08


wordpress 古腾堡_古腾堡常见问题解答(WordPress 5.0+常见问题解答)

wordpress 古腾堡

WPBeginner has been helping users learn WordPress for nearly a decade. Over these years, we’ve published thousands of tutorials to help you successfully create a WordPress site and grow your business.

WPBeginner已经帮助用户学习WordPress已有近十年了。 这些年来,我们已经发布了成千上万的教程,以帮助您成功创建WordPress网站并发展您的业务。

Over a month ago, WordPress 5.0 was released with a new content editor called Gutenberg. Since then, we’ve been receiving a lot of questions regarding the update. In this article, we’ll answer some of the most frequently asked Gutenberg questions.

一个多月前, WordPress 5.0发行了一个名为Gutenberg的新内容编辑器。 从那时起,我们就收到了许多有关此更新的问题。 在本文中,我们将回答一些最常见的古腾堡问题。

1. WordPress为什么引入了古腾堡? (1. Why did WordPress introduce Gutenberg?)

For a long time, WordPress used a TinyMCE based editor to create posts and pages. The Classic WordPress editor was a simple text window with few buttons on top for basic formatting options.

长期以来,WordPress使用基于TinyMCE的编辑器来创建帖子和页面。 经典WordPress编辑器是一个简单的文本窗口,顶部有几个用于基本格式设置选项的按钮。

While it worked well, users had to learn different approaches to add images, create galleries, embed videos, add tables and other content elements. This learning curve combined with modern web standards made WordPress seem like it’s harder to use when compared to other popular website builders.

尽管效果很好,但用户必须学习不同的方法来添加图像,创建画廊,嵌入视频,添加表格和其他内容元素。 与其他流行的网站建设者相比,这种学习曲线与现代网络标准的结合使WordPress似乎更难使用。

The new WordPress block editor introduces a modern streamlined writing experience where each content element is wrapped in a block. You can move these blocks around the editor, change their settings, and create engaging content layouts without writing code.

全新的WordPress区块编辑器引入了现代化的简化写作体验,其中每个内容元素都包裹在一个区块中。 您可以在编辑器中移动这些块,更改其设置并创建引人入胜的内容布局,而无需编写代码。

The Gutenberg editor also provides a powerful framework for theme and plugin developers to build advanced solutions for WordPress.


2.如何检查我使用的主题和插件是否兼容Gutenberg? (2. How can I check if the theme and plugins I’m using are Gutenberg compatible?)

The easiest way to check if your theme and plugins are Gutenberg compatible is to find if they’re supporting WordPress version 5.0+.

检查主题和插件是否与Gutenberg兼容的最简单方法是查找它们是否支持WordPress 5.0+。

Gutenberg Editor was launched as the default content editor in WordPress 5.0, so a theme or plugin that has a “tested with version 5.0” label means that they are compatible with Gutenberg.

古腾堡编辑器是WordPress 5.0中默认的内容编辑器,因此具有“经过5.0版测试”标签的主题或插件意味着它们与古腾堡兼容。

You can find the “Tested with” label in the plugins directory by searching your plugin’s name.


In the results, you’ll see the WordPress version your plugin is tested with. For instance, you can see WPForms is tested with WordPress 5.0.3 at the moment.

在结果中,您将看到测试插件的WordPress版本。 例如,您可以看到WPForms目前已通过WordPress 5.0.3测试。

This means that WPForms is a Gutenberg compatible plugin.


For a WordPress theme, it’s best to visit your theme’s official website and check if they’ve made any official announcement about Gutenberg support.


If you don’t see any information on their marketing page, then you can visit their blog or knowledgebase and search the ‘Gutenberg’ keyword.

如果您在他们的营销页面上没有看到任何信息,则可以访问他们的博客或知识库并搜索“ Gutenberg”关键字。

For example, if you’re using Divi theme, you can search their documentation.

例如,如果您使用Divi theme ,则可以搜索其文档。

This will help you find articles including their official announcement on Gutenberg support.


If you don’t see any article from your theme or plugin authors about Gutenberg upgrade, then you’ll need to contact them.


Once you’ve confirmation about all your theme and plugins’ Gutenberg compatibility, you can confidently update your site to WordPress 5.0.

确认所有主题和插件的Gutenberg兼容性之后,您可以放心地将您的网站更新为WordPress 5.0。

To prevent errors and conflicts, we have created a complete guide on how to test your WordPress site for upgrading to Gutenberg


3.如何在Gutenberg块编辑器中管理我的旧帖子? (3. How to manage my old posts in the Gutenberg block editor?)

After you update your site to WordPress 5.0, your old post content will be wrapped inside theClassicblock inside the Gutenberg editor.

在将网站更新为WordPress 5.0之后,您的旧帖子内容将被包装在Gutenberg编辑器的Classic块中。

You can edit everything just like before inside the Classic block.


You can also convert your old post content into Gutenberg blocks. Simply click theConvert to Blocksoption from your Classic block’s dropdown menu, and then it’ll automatically convert your post content into appropriate blocks.

您也可以将旧帖子内容转换为Gutenberg块。 只需从“经典”区块的下拉菜单中单击“转换为区块”选项,然后它将自动将您的帖子内容转换为适当的区块。

For detailed instructions, you can read our step by step guide on updating your old WordPress posts with Gutenberg.


4.如何禁用古腾堡并恢复经典编辑器? (4. How can I disable Gutenberg and bring back the Classic Editor?)

A lot of users are not ready to make the switch to the Gutenberg editor due to one reason or another.


In that case, you do have the option to disable Gutenberg and bring back the Classic Editor.


All you need to do is install and activate the Classic Editor plugin.

您需要做的就是安装并激活Classic Editor插件 。

Using this plugin, you can easily disable Gutenberg and use the classic editor on your site.


Classic Editor plugin will be available until at least or as long as necessary.

Classic Editor插件将至少在之前可用,或根据需要提供。

This should provide plenty of time for users to test their websites with Gutenberg and upgrade when they feel comfortable.


5.古腾堡是WordPress页面生成器吗? (5. Is Gutenberg a WordPress Page Builder?)

Gutenberg is a block-based editor which uses content elements called blocks to build posts and pages. Similarly, WordPress page builders also use blocks, also known as widgets, modules, or elements for creating pages in WordPress.

Gutenberg是基于块的编辑器,它使用称为块的内容元素来构建帖子和页面。 同样, WordPress页面构建器还使用块(也称为小部件,模块或元素)在WordPress中创建页面。

This has caused confusion amongst users, and we have been asked the question if Gutenberg is a WordPress page builder alternative.


The answer is ‘No, not at least in its current form’.


WordPress page builder plugins provide a lot more advanced functionalities for creating landing pages in WordPress.


Most of the page builders are frontend editors whereas Gutenberg is a backend editor. Here’s how you can edit content in Gutenberg Content Editor.

大多数页面构建器是前端编辑器,而Gutenberg是后端编辑器。 这是在Gutenberg内容编辑器中编辑内容的方法。

And, below is how one of the best page builders, Beaver Builder, looks like when you’re editing a page:

而且,下面是最好的页面构建器之一Beaver Builder ,它在您编辑页面时的外观:

Page builder blocks are truly drag and drop elements which support free-form dragging and dropping. Whereas, Gutenberg blocks support drag and drop only for reordering the blocks.

页面构建器块是真正的拖放元素,支持自由格式的拖放。 而Gutenberg块仅支持对块进行重新排序的拖放操作。

In simple terms, Gutenberg is a basic editing interface whereas page builders are advanced page editors. You can use both of them for cutting-edge landing pages in WordPress.

简单来说,Gutenberg是一个基本的编辑界面,而页面构建器是高级页面编辑器。 您可以将它们都用于WordPress中的最新着陆页。

For a more detailed answer, please see our detailed explanation of Gutenberg vs WordPress Page Builders.

有关更详细的答案,请参阅有关Gutenberg与WordPress Page Builders的详细说明 。

6.如何使用Gutenberg更新页面构建器的内容? (6. How can I update page builder content with Gutenberg?)

Updating your content created with page builders should not be a problem. The method you use to update your content may vary from one page builder to another.

更新使用页面构建器创建的内容应该不是问题。 用于更新内容的方法可能因一个页面生成器而异。

Therefore, you’ll need to contact your plugin provider for an updating tutorial.


Also, you can check their official website to find their announcements on Gutenberg support.


7.古腾堡是否支持简码? (7. Does Gutenberg support shortcodes?)

Yes, Gutenberg supports shortcodes. There’s a separateShortcodeblock in Gutenberg to add content with shortcodes.

是的,Gutenberg支持简码。 古腾堡(Gutenberg)中有一个单独的Shortcode块,用于添加带有shortcodes的内容。

WordPress blocks are defined as an evolution of the [shortcode], so using regular Gutenberg blocks is recommended instead of shortcodes.


For example, you can add your WPForms to your posts or pages using a shortcode.


All you have to do is copy the shortcode from the Forms Overview screen, and then paste it in the Shortcode block on the post edit screen.


However, the better option is to use the WPForms Gutenberg block directly instead of pasting the form shortcode in the Shortcode block.

但是,更好的选择是直接使用WPForms Gutenberg块,而不是将表单shortcode粘贴到Shortcode块中。

8.如果升级到古腾堡后出现故障,我可以联系谁? (8. Who can I contact if something is broken after upgrading to Gutenberg?)

Gutenberg should not ideally break anything on your site however conflict with your theme and plugins can cause some errors.


It’s always recommended to test your site on a staging area before upgrading to Gutenberg.


However, you may sometimes find unexpected errors. If this happens, you should first disable Gutenberg and activate the Classic editor on your site.

但是,有时您可能会发现意外错误。 如果发生这种情况,您应该首先禁用Gutenberg并在您的站点上激活Classic编辑器。

Then, contact your theme and plugin companies to request support.


9.我如何了解有关古腾堡的更多信息? (9. How can I learn more about Gutenberg?)

You can learn more about Gutenberg right here on WPBeginner. We are the best free WordPress resource website on the internet.

您可以在WPBeginner上了解有关Gutenberg的更多信息。 我们是互联网上最好的免费WordPress资源网站。

We’ve already published a number of articles on the new WordPress Block Editor aka Gutenberg. We’ll be publishing more tutorials in the future to help you master the new block editor.

我们已经在新的WordPress区块编辑器aka Gutenberg上发表了许多文章。 将来,我们将发布更多教程,以帮助您掌握新的块编辑器。

We hope this article helped you find answers to the common Gutenberg questions on your mind. If you have further questions, please reach out to us by leaving a comment or by using the contact form on our website.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到脑海中常见的古腾堡问题的答案。 如果您还有其他问题,请发表评论或使用我们网站上的联系表与我们联系 。

You may also want to see our list of the must have WordPress plugins and tools for every successful website.


If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: /beginners-guide/common-gutenberg-questions-answered/

wordpress 古腾堡
