1200字范文 > 字符实体的特殊符号_HTML实体– HTML空间以及其他HTML符号和特殊字符代码的列表

字符实体的特殊符号_HTML实体– HTML空间以及其他HTML符号和特殊字符代码的列表

时间:2018-08-07 15:50:02


字符实体的特殊符号_HTML实体– HTML空间以及其他HTML符号和特殊字符代码的列表


Most ASCII characters have a special code you can use in HTML to make that character reliably appear.


These HTML Entities are particularly helpful for, say, manually inserting whitespace into your HTML.


Each of these codes starts with an ampersand and ends with a semicolon.


You can use these anywhere in your HTML to reliably create that character. It should render the same regardless of which language your users' browsers are set to.

您可以在HTML中的任何位置使用这些字符来可靠地创建该字符。 无论用户的浏览器设置为哪种语言,它都应呈现相同的效果。

Some of symbols these have easier-to-remember codes. For example, the Euro currency character (€) is€

这些符号中的某些具有易于记忆的代码。 例如,欧元货币字符(€)为€

Where possible, I've used these easier-to-remember codes instead of their numeric codes.


如何使用  空格字符代码 (How to Use the   whitespace character code)

For example, if you wanted to insert a whitespace character, you could do something like this:



You can even insert several of these in a row to create make-shift text padding:



如何使用&13;在HMTL中制作换行符。 换行符代码 (How to Make a Newline in HMTL using the &13; newline character code)

If you wanted to force a newline:


<p>This is paragraph text and &#13; woops there is a new line.</p>

And yes, you can use several of these back-to-back, too:


<p>This is paragraph text and &#13;&#13;&#13; woops there are several new lines.</p>

常用HTML实体字符代码的完整列表 (A Full List of Commonly-Used HTML Entity Character Codes)

Below is a nice ASCII-formatted table of the most commonly-used symbols and characters. It took me a while to assemble all of these get them looking good.

下面是一个漂亮的ASCII格式的表格,其中包含最常用的符号和字符。 我花了一些时间来组装所有这些东西,使它们看起来不错。

As a developer, when I search for these codes I often get results that are image-based. These are inaccessible to people with visual disabilities, and make it hard for everyone to copy-paste the codes.

作为开发人员,当我搜索这些代码时,通常会得到基于图像的结果。 视障人士无法访问这些代码,这使每个人都很难复制粘贴代码。

So if you find this helpful, please link to it and share it with your friends so more people can benefit from it. 😉

因此,如果您发现此功能有用,请链接到此页面并与您的朋友分享,以便更多的人可以从中受益。 😉

+----------+--------+-----------------------------+| &code | symbol | description |+----------+--------+-----------------------------+| &#33; | !| exclamation point || &#34; | "| double quotation mark || &#35; | #| hash symbol (octothorpe) || &#36; | $| dollar sign || &#37; | %| percentate sign || &#38; | &| ampersand || &#39; | '| apostrophe || &#40; | (| left parenthesis || &#41; | )| right parenthesis || &#42; | *| asterisk|| &#43; | +| plus sign || &#44; | ,| comma || &#45; | -| hyphen || &#46; | .| period || &#47; | /| forward slash|| &#48; | 0| the number 0|| &#49; | 1| the number 1|| &#50; | 2| the number 2|| &#51; | 3| the number 3|| &#52; | 4| the number 4|| &#53; | 5| the number 5|| &#54; | 6| the number 6|| &#55; | 7| the number 7|| &#56; | 8| the number 8|| &#57; | 9| the number 9|| &#58; | :| colon || &#59; | ;| semicolon || &#60; | <| less-than symbol || &#61; | =| equals symbol|| &#62; | >| greater-than symbol || &#63; | ?| question mark|| &#64; | @| at symbol || &#65; | A| uppercase A || &#66; | B| uppercase B || &#67; | C| uppercase C || &#68; | D| uppercase D || &#69; | E| uppercase E || &#70; | F| uppercase F || &#71; | G| uppercase G || &#72; | H| uppercase H || &#73; | I| uppercase I || &#74; | J| uppercase J || &#75; | K| uppercase K || &#76; | L| uppercase L || &#77; | M| uppercase M || &#78; | N| uppercase N || &#79; | O| uppercase O || &#80; | P| uppercase P || &#81; | Q| uppercase Q || &#82; | R| uppercase R || &#83; | S| uppercase S || &#84; | T| uppercase T || &#85; | U| uppercase U || &#86; | V| uppercase V || &#87; | W| uppercase W || &#88; | X| uppercase X || &#89; | Y| uppercase Y || &#90; | Z| uppercase Z || &#91; | [| left square bracket || &#92; | \| backslash || &#93; | ]| right square bracket || &#94; | ^| caret || &#95; | _| underscore || &#96; | `| backtick|| &#97; | a| lowercase a || &#98; | b| lowercase b || &#99; | c| lowercase c || &#100; | d| lowercase d || &#101; | e| lowercase e || &#102; | f| lowercase f || &#103; | g| lowercase g || &#104; | h| lowercase h || &#105; | i| lowercase i || &#106; | j| lowercase j || &#107; | k| lowercase k || &#108; | l| lowercase l || &#109; | m| lowercase m || &#110; | n| lowercase n || &#111; | o| lowercase o || &#112; | p| lowercase p || &#113; | q| lowercase q || &#114; | r| lowercase r || &#115; | s| lowercase s || &#116; | t| lowercase t || &#117; | u| lowercase u || &#118; | v| lowercase v || &#119; | w| lowercase w || &#120; | x| lowercase x || &#121; | y| lowercase y || &#122; | z| lowercase z || &#123; | {| left curly brace || &#124; | || vertical bar|| &#125; | }| right curly brace || &#126; | ~| tilde || &larr; | ←| left arrow || &uarr; | ↑| up arrow|| &rarr; | →| right arrow || &darr; | ↓| down arrow || &harr; | ↔| left-right arrow || &lArr; | ⇐| left double arrow || &uArr; | ⇑| up double arrow || &rArr; | ⇒| right double arrow|| &dArr; | ⇓| down double arrow || &hArr; | ⇔| left-right double arrow|| &lsquo; | ‘| left single smart quote|| &rsquo; | ’| right single smart quote || &ldquo; | “| left double smart quote|| &rdquo; | ”| right double smart quote || &#8218; | ‚| single low quotation mark || &#8222; | „| double low quotation mark || &ndash; | -| en dash || &mdash; | –| em dash || &nbsp; | | nonbreaking space || &iexcl; | ¡| inverted exclamation mark || &sect; | §| section sign (used in law) || &brvbar; | ¦| broken vertical bar || &copy; | ©| copyright symbol || &reg; | ®| registered trademark symbol || &#8482; | ™| trademark sign || &cent; | ¢| cent sign || &pound; | £| Pound Sterling sign || &yen; | ¥| Yen sign|| &euro; | €| Euro sign || &plusmn; | ±| plus-or-minus sign|| &micro; | µ| micro symbol (mu) || &183; | ·| middle dot character || &deg; | °| degree sign || &sup1; | ¹| superscript one || &sup2; | ²| superscript two (squared) || &sup3; | ³| superscript three (cubed) || &para; | ¶| paragraph sign || &middot; | ·| middle dot || &frac14; | ¼| one quarter fraction || &frac12; | ½| one half fraction || &frac34; | ¾| three quarters fraction|| &iquest; | ¿| inverted question mark|| &#8224; | †| dagger || &#8225; | ‡| double dagger|| &#8226; | •| bullet || &#8230; | …| ellipsis (three dots) |+----------+--------+-----------------------------+

翻译自: /news/html-entities-symbols-special-character-codes-list/

