1200字范文 > CK6136数控卧式车床机械结构设计(论文+CAD图纸+开题报告+任务书+外文文献……)


时间:2022-04-21 09:12:23



摘 要





Horizontal CNC Lathe CK6136 mechanical design features of CNC machine tools are introduced and their application in manufacturing of CNC machine features a more detailed analysis made, and on this basis, given the system structure of CNC machine tools.

The design of the overall start, and then the main drive and the cross feed drive system design, final design of the control system.First, the processing characteristics of CNC lathes and advantages of CNC lathes in order to know the importance of processing to determine the background of the design.Machine tool main drive system design is the design of a very important part of its design to start mainly by the series machines, the structure, structure, development of networks and speed chart, to the gear and shaft design, the final accounting of the gear and shaft.Traverse part of the ball screw pair for selection and calculation, and then select the motor, so as to meet the demand for machine tools.Control system part of the design is achieved through a variety of auxiliary circuit design the overall control of the CNC lathe.The results of the design is out of a total organizational chart and a spindle box and a lateral expansion plan component feed mechanism parts drawings.

Keywords: CNC lathe; main drive; horizontal feed mechanism; control system

目 录

1 数控车床的加工特点分析

1.1 数控车床的优点

1.2 数控车床加工特点

1.3 适合数控车床加工的零件

2 总体方案设计

2.1 主传动的组成部分

2.2 机床主要部件及其运动方式的选定

2.3 机床参数的拟定

2.4 各组成部件的特性与所应达到的要求

3 机床主传动设计

3.1 主要技术参数的确定

3.2 电动机的选择

3.3 齿轮传动的设计计算

3.4 轴的设计计算

4 横向进给系统的设计计算

4.1 滚珠丝杠螺母副的选择计算

4.2 步进电机的选择

5.1 绘制控制系统结构框图

5.2 选择中央处理单元(CPU)的类型

5.3 存储器扩展电路设计



致 谢

附 录

