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vs附加linux进程 使用调试器附加到运行的进程 - Visual Studio | Microsoft Docs

时间:2022-04-13 07:54:12


vs附加linux进程 使用调试器附加到运行的进程 - Visual Studio | Microsoft Docs

使用 Visual Studio 调试器附加到正在运行的进程Attach to running processes with the Visual Studio debugger



可将 Visual Studio 调试器附加到本地或远程计算机上正在运行的进程。You can attach the Visual Studio debugger to a running process on a local or remote computer. 进程运行后,在 Visual Studio 中选择“调试” > “附加到进程”,或按 Ctrl+Alt+P,然后使用“附加到进程”对话框将调试器附加到进程 。After the process is running, select Debug > Attach to Process or press Ctrl+Alt+p in Visual Studio, and use the Attach to Process dialog to attach the debugger to the process.

可以使用“附加到进程” 来调试本地或远程计算机上正在运行的应用、同时调试多个进程、 调试并非在 Visual Studio 中创建的应用或未使用附带调试器从 Visual Studio 启动的任何应用。You can use Attach to Process to debug running apps on local or remote computers, debug multiple processes simultaneously, debug apps that weren't created in Visual Studio, or debug any app you didn't start from Visual Studio with the debugger attached. 例如,如果运行的是不带调试器的应用,并触发异常,则可以将调试器附加到运行应用的进程并开始调试。For example, if you're running an app without the debugger and hit an exception, you can then attach the debugger to the process running the app and begin debugging.


不确定自己的调试方案是否需要使用“附加到进程”?Not sure whether to use Attach to Process for your debugging scenario?

附加到本地计算机上正在运行的进程Attach to a running process on your local machine

若要快速重新附加到以前附加到的进程,请参阅重新附加到进程。To quickly reattach to a process you attached to previously, see Reattach to a process.

若要附加到本地计算机上的进程,请执行以下操作:To attach to a process on your local computer:

在 Visual Studio 中,选择“调试” > “附加到进程”(或按 Ctrl+Alt+P),打开“附加到进程”对话框 。In Visual Studio, select Debug > Attach to Process (or press Ctrl+Alt+P) to open the Attach to Process dialog box.

检查“连接类型”。Check the Connection type.

在大多数方案中,可以使用“默认”。In most scenarios, you can use Default. 某些方案可能需要使用不同的连接类型。Some scenarios may require a different connection type. 有关详细信息,请参阅本文中的其他部分或常见调试方案。For more info, see other sections in this article or Common debugging scenarios.

将“连接目标”设置为本地计算机名。Set the Connection target your local machine name.

在“可用进程”列表中,查找并选择要附加到的一个或多个进程。In the Available processes list, find and select the process or processes you want to attach to.

若要快速选择一个进程,请在“筛选进程”框中键入其名称或首字母。To quickly select a process, type its name or first letter in the Filter processes box.

如果不知道进程名称,请浏览列表或参阅常见调试方案,了解一些常见的进程名称。If you don't know the process name, browse through the list, or see Common debugging scenarios for some common process names.


“附加到进程”对话框处于打开状态时,进程可以在后台启动和停止,因此正在运行的进程列表可能不总是最新内容。Processes can start and stop in the background while the Attach to Process dialog box is open, so the list of running processes may not always be current. 可随时选择“刷新”查看当前列表。You can select Refresh at any time to see the current list.

在“附加到”字段中,确保已列出计划调试的代码类型。In the Attach to field, make sure the type of code you plan to debug is listed. 默认的“自动”设置适用于大多数应用类型。The default Automatic setting works for most app types.

如果使用的是“默认”连接类型,可以手动选择要附加到的代码的类型。If you are using the Default connection type, you can manually select the type of code you want to attach to. 否则,“选择”选项可能会被禁用。Otherwise, the Select option may be disabled.

手动选择代码类型:To select code types manually:

单击“选择”。Click Select.

在“选择代码类型”对话框中,选择“调试这些代码类型” 。In the Select Code Type dialog box, select Debug these code types.

如果在尝试附加到列表中的进程时失败,可以使用“选择代码类型”对话框来帮助排查问题。If you experience a failure when you try to attach to a process in the list, you can use the Select Code Type dialog box to help troubleshoot the issue.

选择要调试的代码类型。Select the code types you want to debug.

选择“确定”。Select OK.

选择“附加”。Select Attach.


可附加到多个应用进行调试,但在调试器中一次只能有一个应用处于活动状态。You can be attached to multiple apps for debugging, but only one app is active in the debugger at a time. 可在 Visual Studio 的“调试位置”工具栏或“进程”窗口中设置活动的应用 。You can set the active app in the Visual Studio Debug Location toolbar or Processes window.

附加到远程计算机上的进程Attach to a process on a remote computer

还可以在“附加到进程”对话框中选择远程计算机,查看该计算机上运行的可用进程列表,并附加到一个或多个进程以进行调试。You can also select a remote computer in the Attach to Process dialog box, view a list of available processes running on that computer, and attach to one or more of the processes for debugging. 远程调试器 (msvsmon.exe) 必须在远程计算机上运行。The remote debugger (msvsmon.exe) must be running on the remote computer. 有关详细信息,请参阅远程调试。For more information, see Remote debugging.

有关调试已部署到 IIS 的 应用程序的更完整说明,请参阅远程调试远程 IIS 计算机上的 。For more complete instructions for debugging applications that have been deployed to IIS, see Remote debugging on a remote IIS computer.

附加到远程计算机上正在运行的进程:To attach to a running process on a remote computer:

在 Visual Studio 中,选择“调试” > “附加到进程”(或按 Ctrl+Alt+P),打开“附加到进程”对话框 。In Visual Studio, select Debug > Attach to Process (or press Ctrl+Alt+P) to open the Attach to Process dialog box.

检查“连接类型”。Check the Connection type.

在大多数方案中,可以使用“默认”。In most scenarios, you can use Default. 某些方案(如调试 Linux 或容器化应用)需要使用不同的连接类型。Some scenarios, such as debugging Linux or a containerized app, require a different connection type. 有关详细信息,请参阅本文中的其他部分或常见调试方案。For more info, see other sections in this article or Common debugging scenarios.

在“连接目标”框中,使用以下方法之一选择远程计算机:In the Connection target box, select the remote computer, using one of the following methods:

选择下拉箭头旁边的“连接目标”,并从下拉列表中选择计算机名称。Select the drop-down arrow next to Connection target, and select the computer name from the drop-down list.

在“连接目标”框中键入计算机名称,然后按 Enter 。Type the computer name in the Connection target box and press Enter.

确保 Visual Studio 将所需的端口添加到计算机名称中,其格式为::portVerify that Visual Studio adds the required port to the computer name, which appears in the format: :port


如果无法使用远程计算机名称进行连接,请尝试使用 IP 和端口地址(例如 123.45.678.9:4022)。If you can't connect using the remote computer name, try using the IP and port address (for example, 123.45.678.9:4022). 4024 是 Visual Studio x64 远程调试器的默认端口。4024 is the default port for the Visual Studio x64 remote debugger. 有关其他远程调试器端口分配,请参阅远程调试器端口分配。For other remote debugger port assignments, see Remote debugger port assignments.


如果无法使用远程计算机名称进行连接,请尝试使用 IP 和端口地址(例如 123.45.678.9:4022)。If you can't connect using the remote computer name, try using the IP and port address (for example, 123.45.678.9:4022). 4022 是 Visual Studio x64 远程调试器的默认端口。4022 is the default port for the Visual Studio x64 remote debugger. 有关其他远程调试器端口分配,请参阅远程调试器端口分配。For other remote debugger port assignments, see Remote debugger port assignments.

选择“连接目标”框旁边的“查找”按钮,以打开“远程连接”对话框。Select the Find button next to the Connection target box to open the Remote Connections dialog box. “远程连接”对话框列出了本地子网上或直接附加到计算机的所有设备。The Remote Connections dialog box lists all the devices that are on your local subnet or directly attached to your computer. 可能需要在服务器上打开 UDP 端口 3702 才能发现远程设备。You may need to open UDP port 3702 on the server to discover remote devices. 选择所需的计算机或设备,然后单击“选择”。Select the computer or device you want, and then click Select.


“连接类型”设置在调试会话之间保持不变。The Connection type setting persists between debugging sessions. 而“连接目标”设置只有在成功与该目标建立了调试连接时才会在调试会话之间保持不变。The Connection target setting persists between debugging sessions only if a successful debugging connection occurred with that target.

单击“刷新”,填充“可用进程”列表 。Click Refresh to populate the Available processes list.


“附加到进程”对话框处于打开状态时,进程可以在后台启动和停止,因此正在运行的进程列表可能不总是最新内容。Processes can start and stop in the background while the Attach to Process dialog box is open, so the list of running processes may not always be current. 可随时选择“刷新”查看当前列表。You can select Refresh at any time to see the current list.

在“可用进程”列表中,查找并选择要附加到的一个或多个进程。In the Available processes list, find and select the process or processes you want to attach to.

若要快速选择一个进程,请在“筛选进程”框中键入其名称或首字母。To quickly select a process, type its name or first letter in the Filter processes box.

如果不知道进程名称,请浏览列表或参阅常见调试方案,了解一些常见的进程名称。If you don't know the process name, browse through the list, or see Common debugging scenarios for some common process names.

若要查找所有用户帐户下运行的进程,请选择“显示所有用户的进程”复选框。To find processes running under all user accounts, select the Show processes from all users check box.

在“附加到”字段中,确保已列出计划调试的代码类型。In the Attach to field, make sure the type of code you plan to debug is listed. 默认的“自动”设置适用于大多数应用类型。The default Automatic setting works for most app types.

如果使用的是“默认”连接类型,可以手动选择要附加到的代码的类型。If you are using the Default connection type, you can manually select the type of code you want to attach to. 否则,“选择”选项可能会被禁用。Otherwise, the Select option may be disabled.

手动选择代码类型:To select code types manually:

单击“选择”。Click Select.

在“选择代码类型”对话框中,选择“调试这些代码类型” 。In the Select Code Type dialog box, select Debug these code types.

如果在尝试附加到列表中的进程时失败,可以使用“选择代码类型”对话框来帮助排查问题。If you experience a failure when you try to attach to a process in the list, you can use the Select Code Type dialog box to help troubleshoot the issue.

选择“确定”。Select OK.

选择“附加”。Select Attach.


可附加到多个应用进行调试,但在调试器中一次只能有一个应用处于活动状态。You can be attached to multiple apps for debugging, but only one app is active in the debugger at a time. 可在 Visual Studio 的“调试位置”工具栏或“进程”窗口中设置活动的应用 。You can set the active app in the Visual Studio Debug Location toolbar or Processes window.

在某些情况下,在远程桌面(终端服务)会话中进行调试时,“可用进程”列表时不会显示所有可用进程。In some cases, when you debug in a Remote Desktop (Terminal Services) session, the Available processes list won't display all available processes. 如果以受限制的用户帐户的用户身份运行 Visual Studio,则“可用进程”列表不会显示在会话 0 中运行的进程。If you are running Visual Studio as a user who has a limited user account, the Available processes list won't show processes that are running in Session 0. 会话 0 用于服务和其他服务器进程,包括 w3wp.exe。Session 0 is used for services and other server processes, including w3wp.exe. 可通过以下方法解决该问题:使用管理员帐户运行 Visual StudioVisual Studio 或从服务器控制台(而不是“终端服务”会话)运行 Visual StudioVisual Studio。You can solve the problem by running Visual StudioVisual Studio under an administrator account or by running Visual StudioVisual Studio from the server console instead of a Terminal Services session.

如果这两种解决方法都不可行,第三种方法是通过从 Windows 命令行运行 vsjitdebugger.exe -p 来附加到进程。If neither of those workarounds is possible, a third option is to attach to the process by running vsjitdebugger.exe -p from the Windows command line. 可使用 tlist.exe 来确定进程 ID。You can determine the process ID using tlist.exe. 若要获取“tlist.exe”,请从 WDK 和 WinDbg 下载中下载并安装适用于 Windows 的调试工具。To obtain tlist.exe, download and install Debugging Tools for Windows, available at WDK and WinDbg downloads.

使用 SSH 附加到正在 Linux 上运行的 .NET Core 进程Attach to a .NET Core process running on Linux using SSH

附加到在 Docker 容器上运行的进程Attach to a process running on a Docker container

自 Visual Studio 起,可以将 Visual Studio 调试器附加到在 Docker 容器上运行的进程。Starting in Visual Studio , you can attach the Visual Studio debugger to a process running on a Docker container. 对于 Linux .NET Core Docker 容器,请参阅附加到在 Linux Docker 容器上运行的进程。

重新附加到进程Reattach to a process

您可以快速重新附加到先前已通过选择附加到的进程 “调试” > “重新附加到进程” (Shift+Alt+P)。You can quickly reattach to processes that you were previously attached to by choosing Debug > Reattach to Process (Shift+Alt+P). 当选择此命令时,调试器会立即尝试附加到最后连接的进程,方法是首次尝试匹配先前的进程 ID ,如果失败,将匹配先前的进程名称。When you choose this command, the debugger will immediately try to attach to the last processes you attached to by first attempting to match the previous process ID and if that fails, by matching to the previous process name. 如果不找到任何匹配项,或多个进程具有相同的名称,“附加到进程” 对话框将打开,这样您就可以选择正确的进程。If no matches are found, or if several processes have the same name, the Attach to Process dialog box will open so you can select the correct process.


从 Visual Studio 开始,可以使用“重新附加到进程”命令。The Reattach to Process command is available starting in Visual Studio .

常见调试方案Common debugging scenarios

为帮助确定是否使用“附加到进程”以及要附加到的进程,下表显示了一些常见调试方案,并提供了指向更多可用说明的链接。To help you determine whether to use Attach to Process and what process to attach to, the following table shows a few common debugging scenarios, with links to more instructions where available. (该列表并未列出详尽信息。)(The list is not exhaustive.)

对于某些应用类型,如通用 Windows 应用 (UWP) ,不能直接附加到进程名称,而需使用 Visual Studio 中的“调试安装的应用程序包”菜单选项(请参阅表格)。For some app types, like Universal Windows App (UWP) apps, you don't attach directly to a process name, but use the Debug Installed App Package menu option in Visual Studio instead (see table).

为使调试器附加到用 C++ 编写的代码,该代码需要发出 DebuggableAttribute。For the debugger to attach to code written in C++, the code needs to emit DebuggableAttribute. 可通过链接 /ASSEMBLYDEBUG 链接器选项将它自动添加到代码中。You can add this to your code automatically by linking with the /ASSEMBLYDEBUG linker option.

对于客户端脚本调试,必须在浏览器中启用脚本调试。For client-side script debugging, script debugging must be enabled in the browser. 若要在 Chrome 上调试客户端脚本,请选择“JavaScript (Chrome)”或“JavaScript (Microsoft Edge - Chromium)”作为代码类型,根据应用类型的不同,可能需要关闭所有 Chrome 实例并在调试模式下启动浏览器(在命令行中键入 chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222) 。For debugging client-side script on Chrome, choose JavaScript (Chrome) or JavaScript (Microsoft Edge - Chromium) as the code type, and depending on your app type, you may need to close all Chrome instances and start the browser in debugging mode (type chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222 from a command line). 在 Visual Studio 的早期版本中,Chrome 的脚本调试器是 Web 工具包。In earlier versions of Visual Studio, the script debugger for Chrome was Web kit.

若要快速选择要附加到的正在运行的进程,请在 Visual Studio 中键入 Ctrl+Alt+P,然后键入进程名称的第一个字母 。To quickly select a running process to attach to, in Visual Studio, type Ctrl+Alt+P, and then type the first letter of the process name.


调试方法Debug method

进程名Process name

备注和链接Notes and links

远程调试 IIS 服务器上的 4 或 4.5Remote debug 4 or 4.5 on an IIS server

使用远程工具和“附加到进程”Use remote tools and Attach to Process


远程调试 IIS 服务器上的 CoreRemote debug Core on an IIS server

使用远程工具和“附加到进程”Use remote tools and Attach to Process

w3wp.exe 或 dotnet.exew3wp.exe or dotnet.exe

从 .NET Core 3 开始,w3wp.exe 进程用于默认的应用内托管模型。Starting in .NET Core 3, the w3wp.exe process is used for the default in-app hosting model. 有关应用部署,请参阅发布到 IIS。For app deployment, see Publish to IIS.

针对受支持的应用类型,调试本地 IIS 服务器上的客户端脚本Debug client-side script on a local IIS server, for supported app types

使用“附加到进程”Use Attach to Process

chrome.exe、MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe 或 iexplore.exechrome.exe, MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe, or iexplore.exe

必须启用脚本调试。Script debugging must be enabled. 对于 Chrome,还必须在调试模式下运行 Chrome(在命令行中键入 chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222),并在“附加到”字段中选择“JavaScript (Chrome)”。For Chrome, you must also run Chrome in debug mode (type chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222 from a command line) and select JavaScript (Chrome) in the Attach to field.

调试本地计算机上的 C#、Visual Basic 或 C++ 应用Debug a C#, Visual Basic, or C++ app on the local machine

使用标准调试 (F5) 或“附加到进程”Use either standard debugging (F5) or Attach to Process


在大多数情况下,请使用标准调试,而不是“附加到进程”。In most scenarios, use standard debugging and not Attach to Process.

调试 Linux 上的 .NET CoreDebug .NET Core on Linux

使用“附加到进程”Use Attach to Process

dotnet.exe 或唯一进程名称dotnet.exe or a unique process name

调试容器化应用Debug a containerized app

使用“附加到进程”Use Attach to Process

dotnet.exe 或唯一进程名称dotnet.exe or a unique process name

在 Linux 上远程调试 PythonRemote debug Python on Linux

使用“附加到进程”Use Attach to Process


在没有调试器的情况下,在启动本地计算机上的 应用后调试该应用Debug an app on the local machine after you start the app without the debugger

使用“附加到进程”Use Attach to Process


这可能有助于加快应用加载速度,例如在进行分析时。This may be helpful to make your app load faster, such as (for example) when profiling.

在服务器进程上调试其他受支持的应用类型Debug other supported app types on a server process

如果是远程服务器,请使用远程工具和“附加到进程”If server is remote, use remote tools, and Attach to Process

chrome.exe、iexplore.exe 或其他进程chrome.exe, iexplore.exe, or other processes

如有必要,请使用资源监视器来帮助识别进程。If necessary, use Resource Monitor to help identify the process. 请参阅远程调试。

远程调试通用 Windows 应用 (UWP)、OneCore、HoloLens 或 IoT 应用Remote debug a Universal Windows App (UWP), OneCore, HoloLens, or IoT app

调试安装的应用包Debug installed app package


请参阅调试安装的应用包,而不是使用“附加到进程”See Debug an installed app package instead of using Attach to Process

调试不是从 Visual Studio 启动的通用 Windows 应用 (UWP)、OneCore、HoloLens 或 IoT 应用Debug a Universal Windows App (UWP), OneCore, HoloLens, or IoT app that you didn't start from Visual Studio

调试安装的应用包Debug installed app package


请参阅调试安装的应用包,而不是使用“附加到进程”See Debug an installed app package instead of using Attach to Process

使用调试器功能Use debugger features

若要在附加到进程时使用 Visual Studio 调试器的全部功能(例如命中断点),应用必须与本地源和符号完全匹配。To use the full features of the Visual Studio debugger (like hitting breakpoints) when attaching to a process, the app must exactly match your local source and symbols. 也就是说,调试器必须能够加载正确的符号 (.pdb) 文件。That is, the debugger must be able to load the correct symbol (.pdb) files. 默认情况下,这需要调试生成。By default, this requires a debug build.

对于远程调试方案,必须已在 Visual Studio 中打开了源代码(或源代码的副本)。For remote debugging scenarios, you must have the source code (or a copy of the source code) already open in Visual Studio. 远程计算机上编译的应用二进制文件必须与本地计算机上的源自同一版本。The compiled app binaries on the remote machine must come from the same build as on the local machine.

在某些本地调试方案中,如果应用中存在正确的符号文件,则可以在 Visual Studio 中进行调试而无法访问源。In some local debugging scenarios, you can debug in Visual Studio with no access to the source if the correct symbol files are present with the app. 默认情况下,这需要调试生成。By default, this requires a debug build. 有关详细信息,请参阅指定符号文件和源文件。

排查附加错误Troubleshoot attach errors

在某些情况下,调试程序可能需要帮助来正确识别要调试的代码的类型。In some scenarios, the debugger may need help to correctly identify the type of code to debug. 如果正确设置了连接值(可以在“可用进程”列表中查看正确的进程),但调试程序无法执行附加,请尝试在“连接类型”列表中选择最合适的连接类型(这样做可能是必需的,例如在调试 Linux 或 Python 应用时)。If the connection values are set correctly (you can view the correct process in the Available processes list), but the debugger fails to attach, try to select the most appropriate connection type in the Connection type list, which may be required, for example, if you are debugging a Linux or Python app. 如果使用的是“默认”连接类型,也可以选择要连接到的特定类型代码,如此部分稍后所述。If you are using the Default connection type, then you can alternatively select the specific type of code to connect to, as described later in this section.

当调试器附加到一个正在运行的进程时,该进程可能包含一种或多种类型的代码。When the debugger attaches to a running process, the process can contain one or more types of code. 可在 “选择代码类型” 对话框中显示并选择可将调试器附加到的代码类型。The code types the debugger can attach to are displayed and selected in the Select Code Type dialog box.

有时,调试器能够成功附加到一种代码类型,但不能附加到另一种代码类型。Sometimes, the debugger can successfully attach to one code type, but not to another code type. 通常,在以下情况下会发生此问题:Typically, this occurs when:

尝试附加到远程计算机上运行的进程。You try to attach to a process that is running on a remote computer. 原因是远程计算机上可能安装了一些代码类型的远程调试组件,但没有安装另一些代码类型的远程调试组件。The remote computer might have remote debugging components installed for some code types but not for others.

尝试附加到两个或更多进程,以进行直接数据库调试。You try to attach to two or more processes for direct database debugging. SQL 调试仅支持附加到单个进程。SQL debugging supports attaching to a single process only.

如果调试器能够附加到某些代码类型而不是所有代码类型,你会看到一条消息,指示无法附加的类型。If the debugger is able to attach to some, but not all, code types, you see a message identifying which types failed to attach.

如果调试器成功地附加到至少一种代码类型,你就可以继续调试进程。If the debugger successfully attaches to at least one code type, you can proceed to debug the process. 你只能调试那些已被成功附加的代码类型。You will be able to debug only the code types that were successfully attached. 进程中未附加的代码将继续运行,但你无法对该代码设置断点、查看数据或执行其他调试操作。The unattached code in the process will still run, but you won't be able to set breakpoints, view data, or perform other debugging operations on that code.

如果想了解有关调试器未能附加到某种代码类型的详细原因,请尝试仅重新附加到该代码类型。If you want more specific information about why the debugger failed to attach to a code type, try to reattach to only that code type.

获得有关代码类型未能附加的具体信息:To obtain specific information about why a code type failed to attach:

从进程中分离。Detach from the process. 在“调试”菜单上,选择“全部分离”。On the Debug menu, select Detach All.

重新附加到该进程,但仅选择未能附加的代码类型。Reattach to the process, selecting only the code type that failed to attach.

在“附加到进程”对话框,选择“可用进程”列表中的进程 。In the Attach to Process dialog box, select the process in the Available processes list.

选择“选择”。Select Select.

在 “选择代码类型” 对话框中,选择 “调试以下代码类型” 和未能附加的代码类型。In the Select Code Type dialog box, select Debug these code types and the code type that failed to attach. 取消选择其他代码类型。Deselect the other code types.

选择“确定”。Select OK.

在“附加到进程”对话框中,选择“附加”。In the Attach to Process dialog box, select Attach.

此时,附加将彻底失败,并且你将收到一条特定的错误消息。This time, the attach will fail completely, and you will get a specific error message.

请参阅See also
