1200字范文 > linux设置静态ip地址_什么是静态IP地址 与动态IP地址比较以及如何为Windows和Linux设置?...

linux设置静态ip地址_什么是静态IP地址 与动态IP地址比较以及如何为Windows和Linux设置?...

时间:2022-10-22 18:14:15


linux设置静态ip地址_什么是静态IP地址 与动态IP地址比较以及如何为Windows和Linux设置?...


IP addresses are the core mechanism of Computer networks. The IP address is used to specify the hostto communicate and transmit data. Thereare two types of IP address configuration mechanism. Dynamic and Static. In this tutorial, we will examine the static IP address configuration.

IP地址是计算机网络的核心机制。 IP地址用于指定主机进行通信和传输数据。 IP地址配置机制有两种。 动态和静态。 在本教程中,我们将检查静态IP地址配置。

静态IP地址 (Static IP Address)

Static means stable or not changeable, fixed, etc. Static IP addresses set to the host or interface and do not change during time. An IP address generally set manually. Every IP address can be used as static or dynamic there is no restriction. The setting or configurationtype makes it static or dynamic.

静态表示稳定或不可更改,固定等。静态IP地址设置为主机或接口,并且在一段时间内不会更改。 IP地址通常是手动设置的。 每个IP地址都可以用作静态或动态地址,没有限制。 设置或配置类型使其为静态或动态。

动态IP地址 (Dynamic IP Address)

The dynamic IP address is set with the DHCP protocol. DHCP means Dynamic Host Control Protocol and as its name suggest it is used to set network related configuration dynamically.

动态IP地址是通过DHCP协议设置的。 DHCP表示动态主机控制协议,顾名思义,它用于动态设置与网络相关的配置。

静态IP地址用例 (Static IP Address Use Cases)

We can use static IP addresses for different cases.


Servers伺服器 Web Server’s must use static IP address becauseWeb服务器必须使用静态IP地址,因为Mail Server邮件服务器Web Services网页服务Network Devices网络设备Routers路由器Switches开关Security Devices安全装置

专用静态IP地址(家庭或Intranet)(Private Static IP Address (Home or Intranet))

IP addressescategorized as Private IP Address or Public IP Address. Private IP addresses only used in internal networks like the intranet, home network, ISP network, etc. Private IP addresses can not be used on the internet. We can use all private IP addressed as static. Home routers generally use192.168.1.1as the static IP address for the home network. Example Private Static IP Addresses:

IP地址分为专用IP地址或公用IP地址。 专用IP地址仅在内部网络(如Intranet,家庭网络,ISP网络等)中使用。专用IP地址不能在Internet上使用。 我们可以使用所有定为静态的专用IP。 家庭路由器通常使用192.168.1.1作为家庭网络的静态IP地址。 专用静态IP地址示例:

公用静态IP地址(Internet) (Public Static IP Address (Internet))

Public IP addresses can be used as static too. As stated previously these IP addresses can be routed over the internet. We can set public IP Addresses as static as Private IP addresses. Especially web servers, DNS servers, applications servers will have the static IP address. Here are some of the well know Public Static IP Addresses:

公用IP地址也可以用作静态地址。 如前所述,这些IP地址可以通过Internet路由。 我们可以将公共IP地址设置为静态作为私有IP地址。 特别是Web服务器,DNS服务器,应用程序服务器将具有静态IP地址。 以下是一些众所周知的公共静态IP地址: MORE How To Setup FortiOS or FortiGate For The First Time By Setting Static IP For The Management Port?了解更多信息如何通过为管理端口设置静态IP来首次设置FortiOS或FortiGate?

设置Linux的静态IP地址 (Set Static IP Address For Linux)

We can set a static IP address for Linux in different ways. In this part, we will set a static IP address for Linux from the command line.

我们可以通过多种方式为Linux设置静态IP地址。 在这一部分中,我们将从命令行为Linux设置一个静态IP地址。

Ubuntu,Debian,Mint,Kali (Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali)

First, we will open theinterfacesconfiguration file which holds the network interface configuration.


$ sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

Then we will setifaceens33 as static and provide information likemIP address, netmask, network, gateway etc.


auto ens33iface ens33 inet staticaddress

Fedora,CentOS,RedHat (Fedora, CentOS, RedHat)

Inrpmbased distributions like Fedora, CentOS, RedHat network configuration is stored innetwork-scriptsdirectory with the name of the network interface. In this example, we will set a static IP address forem1interface.

在基于rpm的发行版(如Fedora,CentOS)中,RedHat网络配置存储在具有网络接口名称的network-scripts目录中。 在此示例中,我们将为em1接口设置静态IP地址。

$ nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em1

We will set information like IPADDR, NETMASK, BROADCAST, GATEWAY etc.



设置Windows的静态IP地址 (Set Static IP Address For Windows)

In Windows operating systems we will use standard network configurationto set the static IP address. Open the following screens.Control Panel->Network Connections-> Double clickLAN or Internet Connection-> ClickProperties.EnableUse the following IP address

在Windows操作系统中,我们将使用标准网络配置来设置静态IP地址。 打开以下屏幕。Control Panel->Network Connections->双击LAN or Internet Connection->单击Properties启用Use the following IP address

Set Static IP Address For Windows

翻译自: /what-is-static-ip-address-compare-with-dynamic-ip-address-and-how-to-set-for-windows-and-linux/

