1200字范文 > Python数据结构与算法基础|第三期:代码实现——顺序存储队列与链式存储队列


时间:2020-06-12 08:28:38






class Queue(object):'定义队列。'def __init__(self):'初始化一个空列表。'self.items = []def IsEmpty(self):'方法:判断队列是否为空。'return self.items == []def get_size(self):'方法:求队列长度。'return len(self.items)def get_TopValue(self):'方法:访问队头元素。'if self.IsEmpty():return Noneelse:return self.items[0]def get_BottomValue(self):'方法:访问队尾元素。'if self.IsEmpty():return Noneelse:return self.items[-1]def push(self,data):'方法:进队。'self.items.append(data)def pop(self):'方法:出队。'if self.IsEmpty():raise IndexError('队列为空。')else:self.items.pop(0)


my_queue = Queue()print('Is my queue empty?\n{}'.format(my_queue.IsEmpty()))[my_queue.push(i + 1) for i in range(10)] print('The top value is {}'.format(my_queue.get_TopValue()))print('The bottom value is {}'.format(my_queue.get_BottomValue()))for i in range(11):print('第{}次:'.format(i + 1))my_queue.pop()print('The top value is {}'.format(my_queue.get_TopValue()))print('The bottom value is {}'.format(my_queue.get_BottomValue()))


Is my queue empty?TrueThe top value is 1The bottom value is 10第1次:The top value is 2The bottom value is 10第2次:The top value is 3The bottom value is 10第3次:The top value is 4The bottom value is 10第4次:The top value is 5The bottom value is 10第5次:The top value is 6The bottom value is 10第6次:The top value is 7The bottom value is 10第7次:The top value is 8The bottom value is 10第8次:The top value is 9The bottom value is 10第9次:The top value is 10The bottom value is 10第10次:The top value is NoneThe bottom value is None第11次:Traceback (most recent call last):File "带链的队列.py", line 58, in <module>my_queue.pop()File "带链的队列.py", line 44, in popraise IndexError('队列为空。')IndexError: 队列为空。



class Node(object):'定义节点。'def __init__(self):'初始化数据域和指针域。'self.data = Noneself.next = Noneclass Queue(object):'定义队列。'def __init__(self):'初始化队头top与队尾bottom。'self.top = Noneself.bottom = Noneself.size = 0def IsEmpty(self):'方法:判断是否为空队。'if self.size == 0:return Trueelse:return Falsedef get_size(self):'方法:得到队列大小。'return self.sizedef get_TopValue(self):'方法:访问队头元素。'if self.IsEmpty():return Noneelse:return self.top.datadef get_BottomValue(self):'方法:访问队尾元素。'if self.IsEmpty():return Noneelse:return self.bottom.datadef push(self,data):'方法:入队。'node = Node()node.data = dataif self.IsEmpty():self.top = nodeself.bottom = nodeelse:self.bottom.next = nodeself.bottom = nodeself.size += 1def pop(self):'方法:出队。'if not self.IsEmpty():self.top = self.top.nextelse:raise IndexError('队列为空。')self.size -= 1


my_queue = Queue()print('Is my queue empty?\n{}'.format(my_queue.IsEmpty()))[my_queue.push(i + 1) for i in range(10)] print('The top value is {}'.format(my_queue.get_TopValue()))print('The bottom value is {}'.format(my_queue.get_BottomValue()))print('The size of my queue is {}'.format(my_queue.get_size()))for i in range(11):print('第{}次:'.format(i + 1))my_queue.pop()print('The top value is {}'.format(my_queue.get_TopValue()))print('The bottom value is {}'.format(my_queue.get_BottomValue()))print('The size of my queue is {}'.format(my_queue.get_size()))


Is my queue empty?TrueThe top value is 1The bottom value is 10The size of my queue is 10第1次:The top value is 2The bottom value is 10The size of my queue is 9第2次:The top value is 3The bottom value is 10The size of my queue is 8第3次:The top value is 4The bottom value is 10The size of my queue is 7第4次:The top value is 5The bottom value is 10The size of my queue is 6第5次:The top value is 6The bottom value is 10The size of my queue is 5第6次:The top value is 7The bottom value is 10The size of my queue is 4第7次:The top value is 8The bottom value is 10The size of my queue is 3第8次:The top value is 9The bottom value is 10The size of my queue is 2第9次:The top value is 10The bottom value is 10The size of my queue is 1第10次:The top value is NoneThe bottom value is NoneThe size of my queue is 0第11次:Traceback (most recent call last):File "带链的队列.py", line 84, in <module>my_queue.pop()File "带链的队列.py", line 70, in popraise IndexError('队列为空。')IndexError: 队列为空。
