1200字范文 > 英语四级议论文的基本万能模板


时间:2023-07-03 04:38:47




开头段:①引出主题 +②表明立场


结尾段:①重申立场 + ②建议

题目:'You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of paying attention to others' opinions.


我认为关注别人的建议很重要的原因如下所述也许第一个主要的原因是接受别人的意见的人获得充足的知识并且更了解自己。最典型的一个例子是Jackson Lee的故事是中国一位有名的年轻明星。具体来说正是其他成员的建议帮助他形成最匹配自己特长的风格。此外,众所周知倾听别人的观点对职业成功有好处。很多的教育研究者同意大多数名人的职业成功能归因于对别人建议的关注例如朋友,家人和同事


The reasons why I think paying attention to others’ opinions is of utmost importance are as follows. Perhaps the primary reason is that people who accept others’ advice will acquire sufficient knowledge and get a clear understanding of themselves. A typical example is the story of Jackson Lee, who is a young star in China. Specifically speaking, it is other group members’ suggestions that help him to form the style which most suits his talent. In addition, it would be universally acknowledged that listening to others’ viewpoints is beneficial for career success. Many educational researchers agree that most famous people’s career success can be generally attributed to the focus on opinions from other people. such as close friends, family and colleagues.


一、The reasons why I think …… is of utmost importance are as follows

二、Perhaps the primary reason is that people who ……will……

三、A typical example is the story of……,who……

四、 Specifically speaking, it is……that……

五、In addition, it would be universally acknowledged that…… is beneficial for ……

六、Many educations researcher agree that……can be generally attributed to the focus on……. such as ……, …… and …….






There has been a heated discussion about experiences of attending different courses in college among university student.

from my point of view,taking part inEnglish literature courses has given me impressive experience.


There has been a heated discussion about XX among university student.

from my point of view, xx


一、After investigating the situation in detail, the reasons for my well-considered decision are as follows.(原分)

二、The reasons why I recommend/think xx is of utmost impression/importance are as follows.(保分)

三、The reasons for my unforgettable memories of xx are as follows.(冲分)


一、The reasons for a truly unforgettable memorizes of English literature courses are as follows.

二、After investigating the situation in detail, the reasons for my well-considered decision are as follows

一、After investigating the situation in detail, the reasons for a truly unforgettable impression of courses in English literature are as follows.Firstly,this course broadened my horizons.I encountered a wider array of absorbing works of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction from around the world and throughout history.Secondly,analyzing the works of the greatest minds and imaginations taught me to think critically about complex topics from different perspectives. For example, The study of George Orwell’s 1984 shed new light on the importance of freedom.Lastly, the courses enabled me to develop transferable skills, which are crucial for employers. For example, in the group project, I learned how to organize information, write reports and give presentation in a collaborative way.

二、After investigating the situation in detail, the reasons for a truly unforgettable impression of courses in English literature are as follows. Perhaps the primary reason is that I read many works will broaden my horizons.I encountered a wider array of absorbing works of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction from around the world and throughout history.The second reason is thatanalyzing the works of the greatest minds and imaginations taught me to think critically about complex topics from different perspectives. For example, the study of George Orwell’s 1984 shed new light on the importance of freedom. Lastly, the courses enabled me to develop transferable skills, which are crucial for employers. For example, in the group project, I learned how to organize information, write reports and give presentation in a collaborative way.


一、After investigating the situation in detail, the reason for my well-considered decision are as follows.

二、Perhaps the primary reason is that xx,

三、 the second reason is that xx . for example

四、 Lastly , the courses enabled me to develop transferable skills, which are crucial for employers. For example, in the group project, I learned how to organize information, write reports and give presentation in a collaborative way.


In view of the reasons mentioned above, I intend to choose English literature courses. Besides, I highly suggest that everyone balance the pros and cons of each option to make a sound choice.

In view of the valuable knowledge and improved skills acquire in course, I would highly suggest choosing English literature courses in the university.


In view of the reasons mentioned above, I intend to xx . Besides, I highly suggest that everyone balance the pros and cons of each option to make a sound choice.

In view of xx and xx acquire in course, I would highly suggest choosing xx in the university.



There has been a heated discussion about xx among xx . From my point of view, xx


After investigating the situation in detail, The reasons for (my well-considered decision/ xx) are as follows.

Perhaps the primary reason is that xx will. for example xx.

The second reason is that xx. For example xx.

Lastly, xx It’s no secret that xx.


in view of the reasons mentioned above, I intend to xx . Besides, I highly suggest that everyone balance the pros and cons of each option to make a sound choice



题目:How to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients


while society is developing at a rapid rate. There has been an increase in the number of people who are facing problems withdoctor-patient relationship.In view of this situation, many researchers suggest thata good doctor-patient relationshipwillimprove health outcomesand it is high time for individuals to seek effective methods tonurture and maintain a strong/healthy relationship between doctors and patients.


**while society is developing at a rapid rate. There has been an increase in the number of people who are facing problems with xx **

In view of this situation, many researchers suggest thatxxwillxxand it is high time for individuals to seek effective methods toxx


Then, how tofoster a good doctor-patient relationship ?

Perhaps the first step is thatdoctorsneed toact as an active listener to cultivate good communication.Specifically speaking, physicians are supposed to take time to listen to their patients to understand both their symptoms and emotional state.Otherwise,the great opportunity forestablishing a trusting and meaningful relationshipwill slip away.Another necessary step is to build mutual respect relationship between doctors and patients,which can lay a solid foundation fora strong and positive doctor-patient relationship.by combining aforementioned methods, we can achieve the aim/goal.


Then, how to xx ?

Perhaps the first step is that individuals(个人的)/doctors(医生)/patients(病人) need to xx .

Specifically speaking, xx.

Otherwise, the great opportunity for xx will slip away.

Another necessary step is to build mutual respect relationship between doctors and patients,which can lay a solid foundation forXX.

by combining aforementioned methods, we can achieve the aim/goal.


In conclusion, there many well-documented benefits ofestablishing a good relationship between doctorsand patients and it isworth investing the effort tobest handle the relationship.


In conclusion, there many well-documented benefits of xx and patients and it is worth investing the effort to xx.



You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on this kind of modern life.


This simple but enlightening cartoon is a lively depiction ofa common lifestyle in the modern world.Specifically speaking, the person in the picture isalways sitting in front of computers all most the whole day. Even when he or she is sleeping, the scene of playing computers emerges in the dreams.The scene in this drawing symbolically reveals that computers can have a harmful influence on people’s lives.


This simple but enlightening cartoon is a lively depiction of xx.

Specifically speaking, 人物 in the picture is/are 做什么.

The scene in this drawing symbolically reveals that computers can have a harmful influence on xx


No one could deny the fact that there has been an increase in the number of people whooveruse computers in the everyday life,which can negatively affectindividuals’ physical and emotional health.For example, if peoplespend a lot of time sitting at computer desks, they may suffer from physical symptoms, such as headaches, blurred eyes and upper back pain.In addition, it would be universally acknowledged thatspending too much time playing computer gamesis not beneficial formental health.Many psychological researchers found that there is a link betweencomputer addictionandemotional health issues, such as depression and anxiety.That is to say,people with computer addiction are more likely to feel anxious when they cannot surf online or play computer games.


No one could deny the fact that there has been an increase in the number of people who xx , which can negatively affect

For example, if people xx, they may suffer xx, such as xx

In addition, it would be universally acknowledged that xx is not beneficial for xx

Many psychological researchers found that there is a link between 现象 and 问题

That is to say, xx


In conclusion, it is worth investing the effort tocounteract the negative effects mentioned above.In my opinion, setting limits of/on screen time and taking frequent breaksshould be the first step.


In conclusion, it is worth investing the effort to xx.

In my opinion, xx should be the first step.




While the society is developing at a rapid rate, there has been an increase in the number of people/individuals who are more inclined touse translation applications.From my point of view,reasons behind this phenomenon are various and this trend might generate undesirable outcomes in the long run.



While the society is developing at a rapid rate, there has been an increase in the number of people/individuals who are more inclined todo sth.


From my point of view,reasons behind this phenomenon are various and this trend might generate undesirable outcomes in the long run.



1.0 谈好处

On the one hand, the greatest advantage ofusing electronic translation applicationsis that it offers great convenience.More specifically,translation applications are usually user-friendly and can be easily downloaded in the applications store.For example, language learners can just type/input the sentence they don’t understand and check its meaning at any time.

2.0 谈坏处

On the other hand, I am of the opinion thatoverusing electronic translation applicationscan cause more problems.For one thing, if language learners depend heavily on translation applications, they will gradually be detrimental to independent thinking ability.In addition, machine translations are inaccurate and grammatical when the text is long and complicated.this is because there is often a link betweenaccurate meaning of languageandthe context.


1.0 现象产生的原因(谈两个原因)

The main reason why translation applications have become immensely popular is thattranslation applicationsare more convenient than traditional dictionaries in this fast-paced era.Another equally important reason is thatlanguage learner are more user-friendly nowbecause oftechnological advancements.

1.1 第二个写法(谈一个现象,论述)

Multiple reason can account for the phenomenon mentioned above. the primary reason is thattranslation applications aretoo convenient.This is due to the fact thattranslation applications are user-friendly and can be easily downloaded in the applications store.For example, language learner can just type the sentence they don’t understand in the translation applications and check its meaning at any time when text is difficult to read.

2.0 谈坏处

However, there are problems accompanying with the benefits mentioned in the last paragraph. For one thing, it would be universally acknowledged thatif language learners depend heavily on translation applications,they will gradually be detrimental to independent thinking ability.For another one, no one can deny/doubt the fact thatmachine translation are ungrammatical and inaccurate when the text is long and complicated. This is because there is often a link between the accurate meaning of language and the context




On the one hand, the greatest advantage of xx is that it offers great convenience. More specifically, xx. For example xx.


On the other hand, I am of the opinion that xx can cause more problems. For one thing,ifindividualsxx.In addition xx.

this is because there is often a link betweenxxandthe xx.



The main reason why translation applications have become immensely popular is that xx are more convenient than traditional dictionaries in this fast-paced era. Another equally important reason is that xx because of technological advancements.


Multiple reason can account for the phenomenon mentioned above. the primary reason is thatxxtoo convenient.This is due to the fact thatxxFor example, xx.


However, there are problems accompanying with the benefits mentioned in the last paragraph. For one thing, it would be universally acknowledged thatifxx,they will gradually be detrimental to independent thinking ability.For another one, no one can deny/doubt the fact thatxx.This is because there is often a link betweenxx the xx.


In conclusion, using translation applications are more drawbacks than benefits and I highly suggest that language learner should use translation applications reasonably.


In conclusion, xx are more drawbacks than benefits and I highly suggest that xx reasonably.
