1200字范文 > VB移动及改变无标题窗体的大小(二)


时间:2024-05-03 16:12:25




Option Explicit


Private Declare Function SetCapture Lib “user32” (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long


Public Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib “user32” () As Long


Private Declare Function GetActiveWindow Lib “user32” () As Long


Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib “user32” (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long

Private Type POINTAPI

X As Long

Y As Long

End Type


Public LWTH As Long


Dim LW1 As Long, LW2 As Long, TH1 As Long, TH2 As Long


Const Smove = 50


Private Function PrintCursorPos() As POINTAPI

Dim dl As Long


dl& = GetCursorPos(MyPoint)

PrintCursorPos.X = Str(MyPoint.X) * 15

PrintCursorPos.Y = Str(MyPoint.Y) * 15

End Function


Public Sub MoveForm(FormMe As Form, Button As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single, Optional FormWidth As Long = 2000, Optional FormHeight As Long = 500, Optional DM As Long = 0)

'If GetActiveWindow <> FormMe.hwnd Then Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault: DM = 0: Exit Sub '窗体失去焦点时拦截以下操作


SetCapture FormMe.hwnd

If Button = 1 And DM = 1 Then

LW1 = FormMe.Left

LW2 = FormMe.Left + FormMe.Width

TH1 = FormMe.Top

TH2 = FormMe.Top + FormMe.Height

ElseIf Button = 1 And DM = 2 Then '鼠标弹起

Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault: DM = 0: ReleaseCapture '释放鼠标

End If

If LWTH <> 0 Then DoEvents '转让控制权,让操作系统处理其它的事件(如果忽略窗体控件会很闪)


Select Case True

Case (X < Smove And Y < Smove) Or (Y < Smove And X < Smove) '左上角

If Button <> 1 Then Screen.MousePointer = vbSizeNWSE

If DM = 1 Then LWTH = 1

Case (X < Smove And Y > FormMe.ScaleHeight - Smove) Or (Y > FormMe.ScaleHeight - Smove And X < Smove) '左下角

If Button <> 1 Then Screen.MousePointer = vbSizeNESW

If DM = 1 Then LWTH = 2

Case (X > FormMe.ScaleWidth - Smove And Y < Smove) Or (Y < Smove And X > FormMe.ScaleWidth - Smove) '右上角

If Button <> 1 Then Screen.MousePointer = vbSizeNESW

If DM = 1 Then LWTH = 3

Case (X > FormMe.ScaleWidth - Smove And Y > FormMe.ScaleHeight - Smove) Or (Y > FormMe.ScaleHeight - Smove And X > FormMe.ScaleWidth - Smove) '右下角

If Button <> 1 Then Screen.MousePointer = vbSizeNWSE

If DM = 1 Then LWTH = 4

Case (X < Smove Or X > FormMe.ScaleWidth - Smove) '左右

If Button <> 1 Then Screen.MousePointer = vbSizeWE

If DM = 1 Then LWTH = IIf(X > 0 And X < Smove, 5, IIf(X > FormMe.ScaleWidth - Smove, 6, 5))

Case (Y < Smove Or Y > FormMe.ScaleHeight - Smove) '上下

If Button <> 1 Then Screen.MousePointer = vbSizeNS

If DM = 1 Then LWTH = IIf(Y > 0 And Y < Smove, 7, IIf(Y > FormMe.ScaleHeight - Smove, 8, 7))

Case Else

If Button <> 1 Then Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault: LWTH = 0: ReleaseCapture '释放鼠标

End Select


If Button <> 1 And (X < 0 Or X > FormMe.Width Or Y < 0 Or Y > FormMe.Height) Then Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault: DM = 0: ReleaseCapture '释放鼠标


If Button = 1 Then

Select Case LWTH

Case 1 '左上角

FormMe.Move IIf((LW2 - PrintCursorPos.X) > 0 And (LW2 - PrintCursorPos.X) > FormWidth, PrintCursorPos.X, LW2 - FormWidth), IIf((TH2 - PrintCursorPos.Y) > 0 And (TH2 - PrintCursorPos.Y) > FormHeight, PrintCursorPos.Y, TH2 - FormHeight), LW2 - FormMe.Left, TH2 - FormMe.Top

Case 2 '左下角

FormMe.Move IIf((LW2 - PrintCursorPos.X) > 0 And (LW2 - PrintCursorPos.X) > FormWidth, PrintCursorPos.X, LW2 - FormWidth), TH1, LW2 - FormMe.Left, IIf(PrintCursorPos.Y - TH1 > FormHeight, PrintCursorPos.Y - TH1, FormMe.Height)

Case 3 '右上角

FormMe.Move LW1, IIf((TH2 - PrintCursorPos.Y) > 0 And (TH2 - PrintCursorPos.Y) > FormHeight, PrintCursorPos.Y, TH2 - FormHeight), IIf(PrintCursorPos.X - LW1 > FormWidth, PrintCursorPos.X - LW1, FormMe.Width), IIf(FormMe.Height + Y > FormHeight, TH2 - FormMe.Top, FormMe.Height)

Case 4 '右下角

FormMe.Move LW1, TH1, IIf(PrintCursorPos.X - LW1 > FormWidth, PrintCursorPos.X - LW1, FormMe.Width), IIf(PrintCursorPos.Y - TH1 > FormHeight, PrintCursorPos.Y - TH1, FormMe.Height)

Case 5 '左拉

FormMe.Move IIf((LW2 - PrintCursorPos.X) > 0 And (LW2 - PrintCursorPos.X) > FormWidth, PrintCursorPos.X, LW2 - FormWidth), TH1, LW2 - FormMe.Left

Case 6 '右拉

FormMe.Move LW1, TH1, IIf(PrintCursorPos.X - LW1 > FormWidth, PrintCursorPos.X - LW1, FormMe.Width)

Case 7 '上拉

FormMe.Move LW1, IIf((TH2 - PrintCursorPos.Y) > 0 And (TH2 - PrintCursorPos.Y) > FormHeight, PrintCursorPos.Y, TH2 - FormHeight), FormMe.Width, TH2 - FormMe.Top

Case 8 '下拉

FormMe.Move LW1, TH1, FormMe.Width, IIf(PrintCursorPos.Y - TH1 > FormHeight, PrintCursorPos.Y - TH1, FormMe.Height)

End Select


LWTH = 0

End If

End Sub



Option Explicit

Dim Xl As Single, Yt As Single '获得鼠标在对象的坐标

Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

Call MoveForm(Me, Button, X, Y, , , 1)

End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)


If Button = 1 And LWTH = 0 Then

Me.Move Me.Left + (X - Xl), Me.Top + (Y - Yt)


Xl = X: Yt = Y

End If


Call MoveForm(Me, Button, X, Y)

End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)


Call MoveForm(Me, Button, X, Y, , , 2)

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()


Me.Line (50, 500)-(Me.ScaleWidth - 50, Me.ScaleHeight - 50), RGB(255, 255, 255), BF

End Sub
