1200字范文 > 考研英语作文押题---垃圾分类


时间:2023-05-18 07:48:47



/11/26 考研英语写作押题:



作者:乐乐 书香博乐

垃圾分类算是最近全民最大的新闻了,所以在准备今年的考研笔试的时候,要留意这个话 题相关的几组词汇,如:

厨余垃圾:kitchen waste 可回收垃圾:recyclable waste 有害垃圾:harmful waste 各种大量垃圾:an avalanche of various garbage 湿垃圾:Household food waste 干垃圾:Residual waste 垃圾分类:garbage sorting 废物污染:waste pollution 乱 扔(垃圾):litter 生活垃圾 :domestic garbage 社会习惯:Social habits 促进改革 :promote reform 有毒物质 :toxic substance 工业化 :industrialization

这个项目需要付出巨大的努力:Entail This project entails a lot of effort. 形成文明、健康、崇尚科学的良好社会风尚 form civilized, healthy and science- upholding social practice


垃圾分类,很多人调侃这是“来自灵魂的拷问”。但是,坚持垃圾分类,让每一种垃圾,去 到合理的地方,不仅可以减少环境污染,更加可以找到能够循环利用的资源。——选自北 极星固废网《为什么要下决心搞垃圾分类?看看垃圾分类在中国的前世今生》

Garbage sorting, many people tease this is “torture from the soul”. However, sticking to garbage classification and letting every kind of garbage go to a reasonable place can not only reduce environmental pollution, but also find resources that can be recycled.

人性本身就有惰性。因为很难实行,所以不能靠自觉要靠立法强制执行。只要涉及罚款, 大家就会遵守。罚款只是手段,重在培养环保意识。只要国家足够重视,它就会一直持续 下去。国外也是靠罚款逼大家养成良好习惯。——选自网友评论

Human nature has its own inertia. Because it"s hard to implement, we can"t rely on self-consciousness to enforce by legislation. As long as fines are involved, they will be observed. Fine is only a means, and the key is to cultivate environmental awareness. As long as the state pays enough attention, it will continue. Foreign countries also rely on fines to force people to form good habits.

没有人会否认垃圾分类本身,社会习惯的养成,是润物细无声的,给民众一点耐心,垃圾 分类,道阻且长,但行则将至。——选自人民网

No one will deny that garbage classification itself, the cultivation of social habits, is to moisten things silently, to give people a little patience, garbage classification, road obstruction and long, but the line will come.

垃圾分类不能只是简简单单算“经济账”。“垃圾分类现在渐渐从过去的‘大包大揽’的政府管 理走向社会共建共治共享的格局,要让垃圾产生者也都参与到垃圾处理中来,每个人尽到 自己的责任。——选自中国环境网《垃圾分类,如何让每个人都参与进来?》

Garbage classification can"t simply be called “economic account”. “Garbage classification is gradually moving from the past” all in one "government management to the pattern of social co governance and sharing. We need to let garbage producers also participate in garbage disposal, and everyone should fulfill their responsibilities.

一说垃圾分类,我们就会想到日本。既然日本人能做到,我们为何做不到?但是,日本是 从上世纪70年代开始,用了40多年的时间将垃圾分类的方法逐步细化。可以说,日本几 乎是从幼儿园时期,就对公民进行垃圾分类的强化教育,才有了今天的成果。我们不要寄 望于短短一个月之内就能做到日本这样,除非动用更多人力成本进行强制性管理。——选 自经济观察报

When it comes to garbage sorting, we think of Japan. Since the Japanese can do it, why can"t we? However, since the 1970s, Japan has spent more than 40 years to gradually refine the garbage classification method. It can be said that Japan has achieved today"s results by strengthening the education of garbage classification for citizens almost from the kindergarten period. We don"t expect to do this in Japan in just one month, unless we use more human costs for compulsory management.
