1200字范文 > OpenAI最新官方ChatGPT聊天插件接口《插件示例demo》全网最详细中英文实用指南和教程


时间:2024-03-16 10:42:54



Example plugins 插件示例demo

前言Introduction 导言Learn how to build a simple todo list plugin with no auth 了解如何构建一个简单的待办事项列表插件,无需授权Learn how to build a simple todo list plugin with service level auth 了解如何构建一个简单的待办事项列表插件与服务级别身份验证Learn how to build a simple sports stats plugin 了解如何构建一个简单的体育统计插件Learn how to build a semantic search and retrieval plugin 了解如何构建语义搜索和检索插件其它资料下载



Introduction 导言

To get started building, we are making available a set of simple plugins that cover different authentication schemas and use cases. From our simple no authentication todo list plugin to the more powerful retrieval plugin, these examples provide a glimpse into what we hope to make possible with plugins.


During development, you can run the plugin locally on your computer or through a cloud development environment like GitHub Codespaces, Replit, or CodeSandbox.

在开发过程中,您可以在计算机上本地运行插件,也可以通过GitHub Codespaces,Replit或CodeSandbox等云开发环境运行插件。

Learn how to build a simple todo list plugin with no auth 了解如何构建一个简单的待办事项列表插件,无需授权

To start, define anai-plugin.jsonfile with the following fields:


{"schema_version": "v1","name_for_human": "TODO Plugin (no auth)","name_for_model": "todo","description_for_human": "Plugin for managing a TODO list, you can add, remove and view your TODOs.","description_for_model": "Plugin for managing a TODO list, you can add, remove and view your TODOs.","auth": {"type": "none"},"api": {"type": "openapi","url": "PLUGIN_HOSTNAME/openapi.yaml","is_user_authenticated": false},"logo_url": "PLUGIN_HOSTNAME/logo.png","contact_email": "support@","legal_info_url": "/legal"}

Note thePLUGIN_HOSTNAMEshould be the actual hostname of your plugin server.


Next, we can define the API endpoints to create, delete, and fetch todo list items for a specific user.


import jsonimport quartimport quart_corsfrom quart import request# Note: Setting CORS to allow is only required when running a localhost plugin 注意:只有在运行localhost插件时才需要设置CORS以允许app = quart_cors.cors(quart.Quart(__name__), allow_origin="")_TODOS = {}@app.post("/todos/<string:username>")async def add_todo(username):request = await quart.request.get_json(force=True)if username not in _TODOS:_TODOS[username] = []_TODOS[username].append(request["todo"])return quart.Response(response='OK', status=200)@app.get("/todos/<string:username>")async def get_todos(username):return quart.Response(response=json.dumps(_TODOS.get(username, [])), status=200)@app.delete("/todos/<string:username>")async def delete_todo(username):request = await quart.request.get_json(force=True)todo_idx = request["todo_idx"]if 0 <= todo_idx < len(_TODOS[username]):_TODOS[username].pop(todo_idx)return quart.Response(response='OK', status=200)@app.get("/logo.png")async def plugin_logo():filename = 'logo.png'return await quart.send_file(filename, mimetype='image/png')@app.get("/.well-known/ai-plugin.json")async def plugin_manifest():host = request.headers['Host']with open("ai-plugin.json") as f:text = f.read()# This is a trick we do to populate the PLUGIN_HOSTNAME constant in the manifesttext = text.replace("PLUGIN_HOSTNAME", f"https://{host}")return quart.Response(text, mimetype="text/json")@app.get("/openapi.yaml") # openai规范yaml文件async def openapi_spec():host = request.headers['Host']with open("openapi.yaml") as f:text = f.read()# This is a trick we do to populate the PLUGIN_HOSTNAME constant in the OpenAPI spec 这是我们在OpenAPI规范中填充PLUGIN_HOSTNAME常量的一个技巧text = text.replace("PLUGIN_HOSTNAME", f"https://{host}")return quart.Response(text, mimetype="text/yaml")def main():app.run(debug=True, host="", port=5002)if __name__ == "__main__":main()

Last, we need to set up and define a OpenAPI specification to match the endpoints defined on our local or remote server. You do not need to expose the full functionality of your API via the specification and can instead choose to let ChatGPT have access to only certain functionality.


There are also many tools that will automatically turn your server definition code into an OpenAPI specification so you don’t need to do it manually. In the case of the Python code above, the OpenAPI specification will look like:


openapi: 3.0.1info:title: TODO Plugindescription: A plugin that allows the user to create and manage a TODO list using ChatGPT. If you do not know the user's username, ask them first before making queries to the plugin. Otherwise, use the username "global".version: 'v1'servers:- url: PLUGIN_HOSTNAMEpaths:/todos/{username}:get:operationId: getTodossummary: Get the list of todosparameters:- in: pathname: usernameschema:type: stringrequired: truedescription: The name of the user.responses:"200":description: OKcontent:application/json:schema:$ref: '#/components/schemas/getTodosResponse'post:operationId: addTodosummary: Add a todo to the listparameters:- in: pathname: usernameschema:type: stringrequired: truedescription: The name of the user.requestBody:required: truecontent:application/json:schema:$ref: '#/components/schemas/addTodoRequest'responses:"200":description: OKdelete:operationId: deleteTodosummary: Delete a todo from the listparameters:- in: pathname: usernameschema:type: stringrequired: truedescription: The name of the user.requestBody:required: truecontent:application/json:schema:$ref: '#/components/schemas/deleteTodoRequest'responses:"200":description: OKcomponents:schemas:getTodosResponse:type: objectproperties:todos:type: arrayitems:type: stringdescription: The list of todos.addTodoRequest:type: objectrequired:- todoproperties:todo:type: stringdescription: The todo to add to the list.required: truedeleteTodoRequest:type: objectrequired:- todo_idxproperties:todo_idx:type: integerdescription: The index of the todo to delete.required: true

Learn how to build a simple todo list plugin with service level auth 了解如何构建一个简单的待办事项列表插件与服务级别身份验证

To start, define anai-plugin.jsonfile with the following fields:


{"schema_version": "v1","name_for_human": "TODO Plugin (service level auth)","name_for_model": "todo","description_for_human": "Plugin for managing a TODO list, you can add, remove and view your TODOs.","description_for_model": "Plugin for managing a TODO list, you can add, remove and view your TODOs.","auth": {"type": "service_http","authorization_type": "bearer","verification_tokens": {"openai": "758e9ef7984b415688972d749f8aa58e"}},"api": {"type": "openapi","url": "/openapi.yaml","is_user_authenticated": false},"logo_url": "/logo.png","contact_email": "support@","legal_info_url": "/legal"}

Notice that the verification token is required for service level authentication plugins. The token is generated during the plugin installation process in the ChatGPT web UI.

请注意,服务级别身份验证插件需要验证令牌。令牌是在ChatGPT Web UI中的插件安装过程中生成的。

Next, we can define the API endpoints to create, delete, and fetch todo list items for a specific user. The endpoints also check that the user is authenticated.


import jsonimport quartimport quart_corsfrom quart import request# Note: Setting CORS to allow is only required when running a localhost plugin 注意:只有在运行localhost插件时才需要设置CORS以允许app = quart_cors.cors(quart.Quart(__name__), allow_origin="")_SERVICE_AUTH_KEY = "REPLACE_ME"_TODOS = {}def assert_auth_header(req):assert req.headers.get("Authorization", None) == f"Bearer {_SERVICE_AUTH_KEY}"@app.post("/todos/<string:username>")async def add_todo(username):assert_auth_header(quart.request)request = await quart.request.get_json(force=True)if username not in _TODOS:_TODOS[username] = []_TODOS[username].append(request["todo"])return quart.Response(response='OK', status=200)@app.get("/todos/<string:username>")async def get_todos(username):assert_auth_header(quart.request)return quart.Response(response=json.dumps(_TODOS.get(username, [])), status=200)@app.delete("/todos/<string:username>")async def delete_todo(username):assert_auth_header(quart.request)request = await quart.request.get_json(force=True)todo_idx = request["todo_idx"]if 0 <= todo_idx < len(_TODOS[username]):_TODOS[username].pop(todo_idx)return quart.Response(response='OK', status=200)@app.get("/logo.png")async def plugin_logo():filename = 'logo.png'return await quart.send_file(filename, mimetype='image/png')@app.get("/.well-known/ai-plugin.json")async def plugin_manifest():host = request.headers['Host']with open("ai-plugin.json") as f:text = f.read()return quart.Response(text, mimetype="text/json")@app.get("/openapi.yaml")async def openapi_spec():host = request.headers['Host']with open("openapi.yaml") as f:text = f.read()return quart.Response(text, mimetype="text/yaml")def main():app.run(debug=True, host="", port=5002)if __name__ == "__main__":main()

Last, we need to set up and define a OpenAPI specification to match the endpoints defined on our local or remote server. In general, the OpenAPI specification would look the same regardless of the authentication method. Using an automatic OpenAPI generator will reduce the chance of errors when creating your OpenAPI specification so it is worth exploring the options.


openapi: 3.0.1info:title: TODO Plugindescription: A plugin that allows the user to create and manage a TODO list using ChatGPT. If you do not know the user's username, ask them first before making queries to the plugin. Otherwise, use the username "global".version: 'v1'servers:- url: paths:/todos/{username}:get:operationId: getTodossummary: Get the list of todosparameters:- in: pathname: usernameschema:type: stringrequired: truedescription: The name of the user.responses:"200":description: OKcontent:application/json:schema:$ref: '#/components/schemas/getTodosResponse'post:operationId: addTodosummary: Add a todo to the listparameters:- in: pathname: usernameschema:type: stringrequired: truedescription: The name of the user.requestBody:required: truecontent:application/json:schema:$ref: '#/components/schemas/addTodoRequest'responses:"200":description: OKdelete:operationId: deleteTodosummary: Delete a todo from the listparameters:- in: pathname: usernameschema:type: stringrequired: truedescription: The name of the user.requestBody:required: truecontent:application/json:schema:$ref: '#/components/schemas/deleteTodoRequest'responses:"200":description: OKcomponents:schemas:getTodosResponse:type: objectproperties:todos:type: arrayitems:type: stringdescription: The list of todos.addTodoRequest:type: objectrequired:- todoproperties:todo:type: stringdescription: The todo to add to the list.required: truedeleteTodoRequest:type: objectrequired:- todo_idxproperties:todo_idx:type: integerdescription: The index of the todo to delete.required: true

Learn how to build a simple sports stats plugin 了解如何构建一个简单的体育统计插件

This plugin is an example of a simple sports stats API. Please keep in mind our domain policy and usage policies when considering what to build.


To start, define anai-plugin.jsonfile with the following fields:


{"schema_version": "v1","name_for_human": "Sport Stats","name_for_model": "sportStats","description_for_human": "Get current and historical stats for sport players and games.","description_for_model": "Get current and historical stats for sport players and games. Always display results using markdown tables.","auth": {"type": "none"},"api": {"type": "openapi","url": "PLUGIN_HOSTNAME/openapi.yaml","is_user_authenticated": false},"logo_url": "PLUGIN_HOSTNAME/logo.png","contact_email": "support@","legal_info_url": "/legal"}

Note thePLUGIN_HOSTNAMEshould be the actual hostname of your plugin server.


Next, we define a mock API for a simple sports service plugin.


import jsonimport requestsimport urllib.parseimport quartimport quart_corsfrom quart import request# Note: Setting CORS to allow is only required when running a localhost plugin 注意:只有在运行localhost插件时才需要设置CORS以允许app = quart_cors.cors(quart.Quart(__name__), allow_origin="")HOST_URL = ""@app.get("/players")async def get_players():query = request.args.get("query")res = requests.get(f"{HOST_URL}/api/v1/players?search={query}&page=0&per_page=100")body = res.json()return quart.Response(response=json.dumps(body), status=200)@app.get("/teams")async def get_teams():res = requests.get("{HOST_URL}/api/v1/teams?page=0&per_page=100")body = res.json()return quart.Response(response=json.dumps(body), status=200)@app.get("/games")async def get_games():query_params = [("page", "0")]limit = request.args.get("limit")query_params.append(("per_page", limit or "100"))start_date = request.args.get("start_date")if start_date:query_params.append(("start_date", start_date))end_date = request.args.get("end_date")if end_date:query_params.append(("end_date", end_date))seasons = request.args.getlist("seasons")for season in seasons:query_params.append(("seasons[]", str(season)))team_ids = request.args.getlist("team_ids")for team_id in team_ids:query_params.append(("team_ids[]", str(team_id)))res = requests.get(f"{HOST_URL}/api/v1/games?{urllib.parse.urlencode(query_params)}")body = res.json()return quart.Response(response=json.dumps(body), status=200)@app.get("/stats")async def get_stats():query_params = [("page", "0")]limit = request.args.get("limit")query_params.append(("per_page", limit or "100"))start_date = request.args.get("start_date")if start_date:query_params.append(("start_date", start_date))end_date = request.args.get("end_date")if end_date:query_params.append(("end_date", end_date))player_ids = request.args.getlist("player_ids")for player_id in player_ids:query_params.append(("player_ids[]", str(player_id)))game_ids = request.args.getlist("game_ids")for game_id in game_ids:query_params.append(("game_ids[]", str(game_id)))res = requests.get(f"{HOST_URL}/api/v1/stats?{urllib.parse.urlencode(query_params)}")body = res.json()return quart.Response(response=json.dumps(body), status=200)@app.get("/season_averages")async def get_season_averages():query_params = []season = request.args.get("season")if season:query_params.append(("season", str(season)))player_ids = request.args.getlist("player_ids")for player_id in player_ids:query_params.append(("player_ids[]", str(player_id)))res = requests.get(f"{HOST_URL}/api/v1/season_averages?{urllib.parse.urlencode(query_params)}")body = res.json()return quart.Response(response=json.dumps(body), status=200)@app.get("/logo.png")async def plugin_logo():filename = 'logo.png'return await quart.send_file(filename, mimetype='image/png')@app.get("/.well-known/ai-plugin.json")async def plugin_manifest():host = request.headers['Host']with open("ai-plugin.json") as f:text = f.read()# This is a trick we do to populate the PLUGIN_HOSTNAME constant in the manifesttext = text.replace("PLUGIN_HOSTNAME", f"https://{host}")return quart.Response(text, mimetype="text/json")@app.get("/openapi.yaml")async def openapi_spec():host = request.headers['Host']with open("openapi.yaml") as f:text = f.read()# This is a trick we do to populate the PLUGIN_HOSTNAME constant in the OpenAPI spectext = text.replace("PLUGIN_HOSTNAME", f"https://{host}")return quart.Response(text, mimetype="text/yaml")def main():app.run(debug=True, host="", port=5001)if __name__ == "__main__":main()

Last, we define our OpenAPI specification:


openapi: 3.0.1info:title: Sport Statsdescription: Get current and historical stats for sport players and games.version: 'v1'servers:- url: PLUGIN_HOSTNAMEpaths:/players:get:operationId: getPlayerssummary: Retrieves all players from all seasons whose names match the query string.parameters:- in: queryname: queryschema:type: stringdescription: Used to filter players based on their name. For example, ?query=davis will return players that have 'davis' in their first or last name.responses:"200":description: OK/teams:get:operationId: getTeamssummary: Retrieves all teams for the current season.responses:"200":description: OK/games:get:operationId: getGamessummary: Retrieves all games that match the filters specified by the args. Display results using markdown tables.parameters:- in: queryname: limitschema:type: stringdescription: The max number of results to return.- in: queryname: seasonsschema:type: arrayitems:type: stringdescription: Filter by seasons. Seasons are represented by the year they began. For example, represents season -.- in: queryname: team_idsschema:type: arrayitems:type: stringdescription: Filter by team ids. Team ids can be determined using the getTeams function.- in: queryname: start_dateschema:type: stringdescription: A single date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. This is used to select games that occur on or after this date.- in: queryname: end_dateschema:type: stringdescription: A single date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. This is used to select games that occur on or before this date.responses:"200":description: OK/stats:get:operationId: getStatssummary: Retrieves stats that match the filters specified by the args. Display results using markdown tables.parameters:- in: queryname: limitschema:type: stringdescription: The max number of results to return.- in: queryname: player_idsschema:type: arrayitems:type: stringdescription: Filter by player ids. Player ids can be determined using the getPlayers function.- in: queryname: game_idsschema:type: arrayitems:type: stringdescription: Filter by game ids. Game ids can be determined using the getGames function.- in: queryname: start_dateschema:type: stringdescription: A single date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. This is used to select games that occur on or after this date.- in: queryname: end_dateschema:type: stringdescription: A single date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. This is used to select games that occur on or before this date.responses:"200":description: OK/season_averages:get:operationId: getSeasonAveragessummary: Retrieves regular season averages for the given players. Display results using markdown tables.parameters:- in: queryname: seasonschema:type: stringdescription: Defaults to the current season. A season is represented by the year it began. For example, represents season -.- in: queryname: player_idsschema:type: arrayitems:type: stringdescription: Filter by player ids. Player ids can be determined using the getPlayers function.responses:"200":description: OK

Learn how to build a semantic search and retrieval plugin 了解如何构建语义搜索和检索插件

The ChatGPT retrieval plugin is a more fully featured code example. The scope of the plugin is large, so we encourage you to read through the code to see what a more advanced plugin looks like.


The retrieval plugin includes: 检索插件包括:

Support for multiple vector databases providers

支持多个矢量数据库提供程序All 4 different authentication methods

所有4种不同的身份验证方法Multiple different API features 多种不同的API功能


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