1200字范文 > 计算机网络软考英语题 软考:网络工程师英文真题.doc

计算机网络软考英语题 软考:网络工程师英文真题.doc

时间:2018-10-18 23:18:36


计算机网络软考英语题 软考:网络工程师英文真题.doc


09下半年网络工程师英文真题、译文及答案Routing protocols use different techniques for assigning(71)to individual networks.Further,? each routing protocol forms a metric aggregation in a different way. Most routing protocols can use multiple paths if the paths have an equal(72).Some routing protocols can even use multiple paths when paths have an unequal cost.In either case,load(73)can improve overall allocation of network bandwidth.When multiple paths are used,there are several ways to distribute the packets. The two most common mechanisms are per-packet load balancing and per-destination load balancing.Per-packet load balancing distributes the(74)across the possible routes in a manner proportional to the route metrics,Per-destination load balancing distributes packets across the possible routes based on(75).(71)A. callsB. metrics C. links D. destinations(72)A. user B. distance? C. entityD. cost(73)A. bracketingB. balancing C. downloading D. transmitting(74)A. destinationsB. resources C. packets D. sources(75)A. destinationsB. resources C. packets D. sources参考译文各种路由协议使用不同的技术来为网络赋予度量值。进一步说,每一种路由协议都形成了不同的度量汇聚模式。大部分路由协议在各个通路具有相等费用时可以使用多个通路。某些路由协议甚至在各个通路费用不相等时也可以使用多个通路。在上述任何一种情况下.负载均衡都可以改进网络带宽的全局分配。当使用多个通路时,可以使用多种方法来分配分组。两种最通常的机制是按分组进行负载均衡和按目标进行负载均衡。按分组进行负载均衡是指按照路由度量的比例向各个可能的路由上分配分组。按目标进行负载均衡是指根据目标向各个可能的路由上分配分组。参考答案(71)B(72)D (73)B (74)C (75)A

09上半年网络工程师英文真题、译文及答案The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is an interautonomous system (71) protocol.The primary function of a BGP speaking system is to exchange network (72) information with other BGP system. This network reachability information includes information on the list of Autonomous System (ASs)? that reachability? information? traverses. BGP-4 provides a new set of mechanisms for supporting (73) interdomain routing. These mechanisms include support for advertising an IP (74) and eliminate the concept of network class within BGP.BGP-4 also introduces mechanisms that allow aggregation of routes, including (75)
