1200字范文 > 谷歌chrome离线安装包_Google将向手机制造商支付更多费用以立即安装Chrome


时间:2022-11-01 21:56:57




Google is going to start charging for the Play Store in Europe as a response to an antitrust ruling—and naturally, speculators are pontificating what that will mean. Here’s what will actually happen: Nothing.

谷歌将开始对欧洲的Play商店收费,以此作为对反托拉斯裁决的回应-自然,投机者正在对这意味着什么。 这实际上是会发生的:无。

什么什么? 反托拉斯? (What the What? Antitrust?)

So here’s the deal, for those of you that don’t have time to pay attention to these things. The European Commission found that Google broke antitrust laws in the EU for anticompetitive behavior, fined them $5 billion, and gave them 90 days to comply.

对于那些没有时间关注这些事情的人来说,这就是交易。 欧盟委员会发现Google因违反反竞争行为而违反了欧盟的反托拉斯法 ,对其处以50亿美元的罚款,并给予他们90天的遵从时间。

Google has been banning phone makers from using forked versions of Android, and forces them to preinstall Chrome and Google Search if they are going to offer the Google Play Store. And of course, without the Google Play Store, your Android device is sorta worthless—that’s why our article on installing the Google Play Store on your Amazon tablet has nearly 3 million views.

Google一直禁止手机制造商使用派生版本的Android,并强迫他们如果要提供Google Play商店,则预装Chrome和Google搜索。 当然,如果没有Google Play商店,您的Android设备就一文不值了-这就是为什么我们有关在您的Amazon平板电脑上安装Google Play商店的文章拥有近300万观看次数的原因。

There’s a whole bunch of debate that we won’t get into about how antitrust works and whether this is good or bad for consumers. The fact is that antitrust works differently in Europe than in the US, and over there, it’s more important to allow access to alternatives—even if those alternatives aren’t actually realistically going to happen.

关于反托拉斯的运作方式以及这对消费者的利弊有很多争论,我们将不予讨论。 事实是,反托拉斯在欧洲的运作方式与在美国​​的运作方式不同,在那儿,允许使用替代品更为重要-即使这些替代品实际上并不会现实发生。

Google的免费Android商业模式需要Chrome (Google’s Business Model for Free Android Needs Chrome)

The main reason that Google is able to spend billions of dollars creating and promoting the free Android operating system is because they get the benefit of advertising dollars from people searching Google on their phones, usually using Chrome.


And the only way they can force manufacturers to not screw Android up it is to use the Play Store, and Google Play Services, as a big hammer to force everybody to stay in line and keep the core functionality updated. If you want to make a phone with Android, you need the Play Store, and if you want the Play Store, you have to set Chrome as the default browser with Google Search set to default.

他们迫使制造商不要搞砸Android的唯一方法就是使用Play商店和Google Play服务 ,这是迫使所有人保持一致并保持核心功能更新的重要工具。 如果要使用Android制作手机,则需要Play商店,如果要Play商店,则必须将Chrome设置为默认浏览器,并将Google搜索设置为默认。

After the initial ruling, Google hinted in a blog post that Android’s free business model would probably have to come to an end in Europe as a response, and they might need to start charging phone makers.

最初的裁定后, 谷歌在博客中暗示 ,Android的免费商业模式可能必须在欧洲终结,作为回应,他们可能需要开始向手机制造商收费。

The free distribution of the Android platform, and of Google’s suite of applications, is not only efficient for phone makers and operators—it’s of huge benefit for developers and consumers. If phone makers and mobile network operators couldn’t include our apps on their wide range of devices, it would upset the balance of the Android ecosystem. So far, the Android business model has meant that we haven’t had to charge phone makers for our technology, or depend on a tightly controlled distribution model.

Android平台和Google应用程序套件的免费发行版不仅对电话制造商和运营商有效,而且对开发人员和消费者也有巨大的好处。 如果电话制造商和移动网络运营商不能将我们的应用程序包含在各种各样的设备中,那么它将破坏Android生态系统的平衡。 到目前为止,Android商业模式意味着我们不必向手机制造商收取技术费用,也不必依赖严格控制的发行模式。

Leaked documents have shown that Google is actually charging up to $40 per phone for phone makers to bundle the Google Play Store. That’s a ton of extra money for phone makers to have to pay, but it’s not going to change anything.

泄露的文件显示, Google实际上向电话制造商收取每部电话40美元的费用 ,以捆绑制造商的Google Play商店。 对于手机制造商来说,这是一笔额外的钱,但这并不会改变任何东西。

Google的解决方案:向电话制造商支付更多费用来安装Chrome (Google’s Solution: Pay Phone Makers More to Install Chrome)

Earlier this week, Google laid out their solution to comply with the EU’s antitrust ruling, and it was a three-part plan:

本周早些时候, Google制定了他们的解决方案以符合欧盟的反托拉斯裁决,这是一个分为三个部分的计划:

Phone makers will be allowed to use forked versions of Android in the EU if they choose.如果愿意,可以允许手机制造商在欧盟使用分叉的Android版本。 Google will start charging for the Play Store, and stop making Google Search and Chrome mandatory along with it.Google将开始为Play商店收费,并将不再强制要求Google搜索和Chrome。 Google will start paying phone makers more to install Google Search and Chrome.Google将开始向电话制造商支付更多费用来安装Google搜索和Chrome。

That’s right, the solution is that they are going to start paying phone makers more to keep Google Search and Chrome on their devices and set to default:


Third, we will offer separate licenses to the Google Search app and to Chrome.


We’ll also offer new commercial agreements to partners for the non-exclusive pre-installation and placement of Google Search and Chrome. As before, competing apps may be pre-installed alongside ours.

我们还将向合作伙伴提供新的商业协议,以非排他性地预安装和放置Google搜索和Chrome。 和以前一样,竞争性应用程序可能会与我们的产品一起预装。

According to the always-excellent Ben Thompson over at Stratechery—a subscription website that is a must for anybody interested in analysis around the world of business and technology—this is essentially just moving numbers around:

根据Stratechery一向出色的Ben Thompson所说,这是一个订阅网站,任何对商业和技术领域的分析感兴趣的人都必须使用该订阅网站,这实际上只是在移动数字:

What I suspect will happen is that Google will increase the amount it pays OEMs for the pre-installation of Search and Chrome by roughly the same amount it charges for the installation of Google’s other apps, including the Play Store. In other words, Google will spend more on traffic acquisition costs, but earn more in licensing fees; on the flipside, OEMs will pay more for licensing but earn more for preinstalling Search and Chrome.

我怀疑将会发生的事情是,谷歌将增加与OEM的预付Search和Chrome支付额,即与安装Google的其他应用(包括Play商店)所收取的费用大致相同。 换句话说,Google将在流量获取成本上花费更多,但会获得更多的许可费用; 另一方面,OEM厂商将为许可支付更多费用,但通过预安装Search和Chrome获得更多收入。

So Google charges phone makers up to $40 per phone for the Play Store, and then makes them an offer they can’t refuse (probably around the same dollar amount) to offset that cost and keep Chrome and Google Search as the defaults, and everything stays exactly the same.


Image Credit: Shutterstock

图片来源: Shutterstock

翻译自: /fyi/google-is-going-to-pay-phone-makers-more-to-install-chrome-now/

