1200字范文 > 合工大c语言考题及答案 合肥工业大学大学物理试题答案

合工大c语言考题及答案 合肥工业大学大学物理试题答案

时间:2024-06-15 18:05:21


合工大c语言考题及答案 合肥工业大学大学物理试题答案


1. S: (answer) 2. S: (proved c) 3. S: (answer) D: 4. S: = -6 J (answer) 5. S: , (answer of a) rad/s (answer of a ) rad/s2 (answer of b ) is time varying not a constant (answer of c) 6. S: (answer a) (answer b) 7. G: m=1.0g, M=0.50kg, L=0.60m, Irod=0.060, R: Isys, v0 S: Isys=Irod+(M+m)L2=0.060+(0.50+0.0010)×0.602= 0.24 (answer) the system’s angular momentum about rotating axis is conservative in the collision. (answer ) D: The bullet momentum (before impact), its angular momentum about rotating axis can be expressed as (a scalar) 8. S: 9. S: 10. S: (answer) 11. S: from and we can get: (answer of a) Change of internal energy between A and B: (answer of b) The net work of the cycle: (answer of c) From the first law : we can derive: the net heat of the whole cycle is (answer) V(m3) P(Pa) C 1 3 100 300 A B 12. P(v) O v vF S: (answer of a ) 13. G: T1=T2=T, m1, p1, vrms,1, m2, p2=2p1, vavg,2 = 2vrms,1 R: m1 / m2 1.60=2×1.73 S: vavg,2 =1.60 vrms,1 = 1.73 vavg,2 = 2vrms,1 (answer) 14. S: dEint=dQ – dW dQ = dEint+ dW = n CvdT+pdV 15. S: 16. S: (R < r
