1200字范文 > 如何在WordPress中建立电子邮件列表–电子邮件营销101


时间:2022-08-15 02:20:41



Building an email list is a hot topic among bloggers and small business owners. Just about every expert will tell you to build an email list, but most forget to cover common questions like what is an email list? why build an email list? how to build an email list in WordPress? etc. In this email marketing 101 guide, we will cover every aspect of email newsletters and WordPress. This includes the very basics to advanced tricks, recommended services & plugins, secret tips to increase opt-in rates, and much more.

建立电子邮件列表是博客作者和小型企业所有者的热门话题。 几乎每位专家都会告诉您建立一个电子邮件列表,但大多数人忘记涵盖常见问题,例如什么是电子邮件列表? 为什么要建立电子邮件列表? 如何在WordPress中建立电子邮件列表? 等等。在此电子邮件营销101指南中,我们将介绍电子邮件新闻通讯和WordPress的各个方面。 这包括高级技巧的基本知识,推荐的服务和插件,提高选择率的秘密技巧等等。

Because this is a long article, we recommend that you follow the table of content below to navigate through the article.


电子邮件营销101 (Email Marketing 101)

What is an Email List?什么是电子邮件列表? Why Build an Email List?为什么要建立电子邮件列表? How to Get Started With Your Email List Building?如何开始构建您的电子邮件列表? Which Service to Use for Email List Building?哪些服务可用于构建电子邮件列表? How to Add Your Email List to WordPress?如何将您的电子邮件列表添加到WordPress?

什么是电子邮件列表? (What is an Email List?)

An email list consists of email addresses of users who have voluntarily signed up on your website to receive email updates in a newsletter or special announcement format. It allows you to stay in touch with your existing and potential customers on a regular basis (daily, weekly, monthly etc). You can send emails about exclusive news, product related announcements, or give special deals to your email newsletter subscribers.

电子邮件列表包含自愿在您的网站上注册以接收新闻稿或特殊公告格式的电子邮件更新的用户的电子邮件地址。 它使您能够定期(每天,每周,每月等)与现有和潜在客户保持联系。 您可以发送有关独家新闻,与产品相关的公告的电子邮件,或为电子邮件时事通讯订阅者提供特殊优惠。

为什么要建立电子邮件列表? (Why Build an Email List?)

On our websites, we have noticed that email outperforms social networks in the number of clicks. We have tested this repeatedly, and always got the same result. Emails got us 10 times more clicks than all social media combined.

在我们的网站上,我们注意到电子邮件的点击次数胜过社交网络。 我们对此进行了反复测试,并始终得到相同的结果。 电子邮件获得的点击次数是所有社交媒体总和的10倍。

Why email performed so well? The answer is simple: email is private and personal. If this is not a good enough reason to start building your email list, then we got plenty more.

为什么电子邮件表现如此出色? 答案很简单:电子邮件既是私人的又是个人的。 如果这还不是开始构建您的电子邮件列表的足够好理由,那么我们获得了更多。

Guaranteed Reach– When you use Twitter or Facebook, your statuses are bound to be missed due to the very nature of twitter/fb updates. However, people tend to check their emails a lot more carefully than their timelines on social networks.保证的访问范围–使用Twitter或Facebook时,由于twitter / fb更新的本质,一定会错过您的状态。 但是,与在社交网络上的时间表相比,人们倾向于更仔细地检查电子邮件。Access and Ownership– You don’t own any data on Twitter or Facebook. At anytime, you can get your account suspended and lose all your followers. Or what if Twitter and FB goes away, not saying they will anytime soon, but email list is something that you can hold on to. Second, you are not limited to 140 characters. You set your limits yourself. You can integrate email newsletters within your WordPress blog a lot better than Facebook or Twitter (We will show you how later in this guide).访问和所有权–您不拥有Twitter或Facebook上的任何数据。 在任何时候,您都可以暂停帐户并失去所有关注者。 或者,如果Twitter和FB消失了,而不是说他们很快就会消失,但是电子邮件列表是您可以保留的东西。 其次,您不限于140个字符。 您可以自己设定限制。 您可以比Facebook或Twitter更好地将电子邮件新闻通讯集成到WordPress博客中(我们将在本指南的后面部分向您展示如何)。Better Targeting– The best part about email newsletters is that you can target it locally (for folks in specific countries, cities, states). If you are launching a product in select locations, then email is the best way to reach your subscribers in that location.更好的针对性–关于电子邮件新闻通讯的最好部分是您可以在本地(针对特定国家,城市,州的人们)进行针对性的定位。 如果要在选定的位置发布产品,那么电子邮件是在该位置联系订户的最佳方法。Increase Revenue– Bottom line is when you have guaranteed reach, better targeting, and attention of your users, then you are definitely going to increase revenue.增加收入–底线是当您确保覆盖范围,更好的定位和用户的关注度时,您肯定会增加收入。

But what about social media? Isn’t email dead and social media is where everyone’s at?

但是社交媒体呢? 难道不是电子邮件死了,而社交媒体才是每个人都在的地方吗?

If email was truly dead, then why does every social media website require you to have an email address before you sign up?


Email has been the most reliable form of electronic communication for the past two decades, and it hasn’t slowed down.


Building an email list is a lot easier than building a following on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.


Facebook limits the reach of your pages to a small percentage of your followers. Similarly your tweets only appear for a limited time on a user’s timeline. On the other hand, when you send an email it reaches to all your subscribers and stays in their inbox until they take an action.

Facebook将您页面的访问范围限制为一小部分关注者。 同样,您的推文仅在用户的时间轴上显示有限的时间。 另一方面,当您发送电子邮件时,它会到达所有订阅者并保留在他们的收件箱中,直到他们采取行动为止。

We are not saying that you should abandon social networks. Social networking sites are great for building user engagement, but email will bring you more visitors, conversions, and sales.

我们并不是说您应该放弃社交网络。 社交网站非常适合建立用户参与度,但是电子邮件将为您带来更多的访问者,转化和销售。

Lastly, a social media site can disappear or become less popular (remember Myspace?). When they disappear, they will take your followers with them. On the other hand email is around since the dawn of the internet, and it is still the most popular way people communicate on the internet.

最后,社交媒体网站可能会消失或变得不那么受欢迎(还记得Myspace吗?)。 当他们消失时,他们将带您的追随者。 另一方面,自从互联网诞生以来,电子邮件就已经出现了,它仍然是人们在互联网上进行交流的最流行的方式。

如何开始构建您的电子邮件列表? (How to Get Started With Your Email List Building?)

The first thing that you need is a reliable email service provider. These companies specialize in email delivery, and you need them to ensure that your email reaches the inbox of all your subscribers (instead of having your email marked as spam).

您需要的第一件事是可靠的电子邮件服务提供商。 这些公司专门从事电子邮件传递,因此您需要它们来确保电子邮件到达所有订户的收件箱(而不是将电子邮件标记为垃圾邮件)。

Even though, you can use WordPress to send emails, we strongly recommend against that (see why you should never use WordPress to send email newsletters).

即使可以使用WordPress发送电子邮件,我们还是强烈建议您这样做(请参阅为什么永远不要使用WordPress发送电子邮件新闻稿 )。

These professional email service providers spend a lot of money and resources on their email delivery infrastructure to make sure that your email does not end up in your subscribers junk mail. All major companies like Facebook, Apple, eBay, etc use a third-party email marketing service.

这些专业的电子邮件服务提供商在其电子邮件传递基础结构上花费了大量金钱和资源,以确保您的电子邮件不会落入订阅者的垃圾邮件中。 所有主要公司,例如Facebook,Apple,eBay等,都使用第三方电子邮件营销服务。

您应该使用哪种电子邮件营销服务? (Which Email Marketing Service Should You Use?)

There are tons of great email marketing providers out there. It’s a very competitive industry which means companies are always trying to keep their costs low while offering a lot of features. Below are just some of the providers that we have work with and highly recommend.

有大量的优秀电子邮件营销提供商。 这是一个竞争激烈的行业,这意味着公司在提供许多功能的同时一直试图保持低成本。 以下是我们合作并强烈推荐的一些提供商。

持续接触 (Constant Contact)

Constant Contact is the best email marketing service provider for all size of businesses and websites. It lets you send emails, manage subscribers, track emails, view analytics, setup autoresponders, create beautiful email templates, target subscribers, and split test your campaigns.

持续联系是各种规模的企业和网站的最佳电子邮件营销服务提供商。 它使您可以发送电子邮件,管理订户,跟踪电子邮件,查看分析,设置自动回复器,创建精美的电子邮件模板,目标订户以及拆分测试广告系列。

The best part is that Constant Contact comes with a two month free trial. This gives you enough time to setup your email list and start capturing email addresses. By the end of the trial, your list will be paying for itself. Signup for FREE!

最好的部分是, Constant Contact提供了两个月的免费试用期。 这给您足够的时间来设置您的电子邮件列表并开始捕获电子邮件地址。 在试用期结束时,您的清单将物有所值。 免费注册!

Note:You do have to pay after the trial period.


阿韦伯 (Aweber)

Aweber is one of the most popular email service provider among bloggers and internet marketers. It lets you send emails, manage subscribers, and offer great tracking. Aside from that, you can also send sequence of automatically delivered emails (autoresponder), automatically create emails from your newest blog posts, and target subscribers based on their action, location, etc with a single click.

在博客和互联网营销商中,Aweber是最受欢迎的电子邮件服务提供商之一。 它使您可以发送电子邮件,管理订户并提供出色的跟踪。 除此之外,您还可以发送一系列自动发送的电子邮件(自动响应程序),从最新的博客帖子中自动创建电子邮件,并只需单击一下即可根据订阅者的操作,位置等来为其定位目标。

With Aweber, you can easily split test email templates, headlines, headline color, text color, text of submit button, and much more. You can try Aweber for $1 for the first month.

使用Aweber ,您可以轻松拆分测试电子邮件模板,标题,标题颜色,文本颜色,提交按钮的文本等。 您可以在第一个月以1美元的价格试用Aweber 。

Some others that we have worked with include Campaign Monitor, GetResponse, MailChimp, etc. They all offer similar functionality. You mainly have to compare prices and user interface.

我们使用过的其他工具包括Campaign Monitor, GetResponse , MailChimp等。它们都提供类似的功能。 您主要必须比较价格和用户界面。

如何在WordPress中增加您的电子邮件列表? (How to Grow Your Email List in WordPress?)

Once you have signed up for an email service provider, the next step is to integrate email subscription forms through out your WordPress site.


The success of your email marketing depends on it.


To increase your email subscribers, you need to find the perfect spot on your site where subscription forms perform the best.


WordPress Popup也称为Ligthbox Popup (WordPress Popup also known as Ligthbox Popup)

Lightbox popups are by far the highest converting signup forms you can place on your website.


We have successfully used lightbox popup on WPBeginner and noticed a 600% increase in our subscribers without affecting the user experience or any decrease in pageviews.


Our founder, Syed Balkhi, built a popular WordPress lead-generation plugin called OptinMonster that allows you to create WordPress lightbox popups.

我们的创始人Syed Balkhi构建了一个流行的WordPress潜在客户生成插件,称为OptinMonster ,该插件可让您创建WordPress灯箱弹出窗口。

The best part about OptinMonster is the exit-intent technology. This feature tracks user’s mouse behavior and only show them the popup at the precise moment they are about to leave. This has proven to be less intrusive and offers the best conversion.

OptinMonster最好的部分是退出意图技术 。 此功能可跟踪用户的鼠标行为,并仅在用户即将离开时显示弹出窗口。 事实证明,它具有较低的侵入性,并提供最佳转换。

You can also use OptinMonster to do A/B testing of your forms, show different forms on specific categories or pages, and much more.

您还可以使用OptinMonster对表单进行A / B测试,在特定类别或页面上显示不同的表单,等等。

If you’re someone who is a bit hesitant on using a popup on your site, then we have a challenge for you. Try it out for 14 days, and if you don’t increase your subscribers by huge numbers, then you can turn it off.

如果您不愿意在网站上使用弹出窗口,那么我们将对您构成挑战。 试用14天,如果您不增加大量订阅者,则可以将其关闭。

Folks are often surprised when they see the results. This is why OptinMonster is now being used on QuickBooks website, Michael Hyatt’s blog, and at many other reputable online sources.

人们看到结果时通常会感到惊讶。 这就是为什么OptinMonster现在可以在QuickBooks网站,Michael Hyatt的博客以及许多其他知名在线资源中使用的原因。

Get OptinMonster now and use the couponWPB10to get 10% off.


浮动页脚栏 (Floating Footer Bar)

Floating footer bar is what you see at the bottom of every page on WPBeginner. It’s a bar that scrolls with the user as they scroll.

浮动页脚栏是您在WPBeginner每页底部看到的。 这是一个随着用户滚动而滚动的栏。

We have written a tutorial on how you can create a sticky floating footer bar in WordPress.


You can easily add email signup forms to the floating bar to maximize the optin rate.


For those who don’t want to deal with following a tutorial and customizing HTML / CSS, then we have it built-in to OptinMonster.

对于不想处理教程和自定义HTML / CSS的用户,我们将其内置在OptinMonster中。

Aside from getting pre-built designs that you can easily edit without writing any code, you also get full power of OptinMonster.


For example, if a user closes the bar, then you can choose to never show them the bar again for 30 days or any period that you desire. You can show different message on different categories, posts, or pages.

例如,如果用户关闭条形图,则您可以选择在30天或您希望的任何时间段内不再显示该条形图。 您可以在不同的类别,帖子或页面上显示不同的消息。

Footer bars convert a little bit less than popups, but they are still one of the better converting email signup forms on your site.


If you use OptinMonster vs another plugin, you will actually see the conversion data. While it’s fairly easy to create a footer bar (see tutorial above), it’s hard to collect data, run split tests, etc.

如果您使用OptinMonster和其他插​​件,则实际上会看到转换数据。 尽管创建页脚栏非常容易(请参见上面的教程),但是很难收集数据,运行拆分测试等。

Get OptinMonster now and use the couponWPB10to get 10% off.


滑入式或滑入式 (Slide-ins or Slide-ups)

Slide-ins are forms that slide from the bottom right corner of your screen with an email signup offer. Unlike static sidebar forms, these get user’s attention and are considered to be less annoying than popups.

滑入式表单是从屏幕的右下角通过电子邮件注册提供的表单。 与静态边栏形式不同,这些形式引起用户的注意,并且不如弹出窗口令人讨厌。

Business owners feel more comfortable with this form when compared to popups. While it gets decent conversion rate, it is no match for a popup.

与弹出窗口相比,企业主更喜欢这种形式。 虽然获得了不错的转换率,但弹出窗口却不匹配。

There are tons of plugins that allow you to create a slide-in form.


The three that we recommend are OptinMonster, Qualaroo, and Drip.

我们推荐的三个是OptinMonster , Qualaroo和Drip 。

Qualaroo and Drip come with monthly subscription plans, while OptinMonster comes with an annual fee.


通用边栏和After Post表单 (Generic Sidebar and After Post Forms)

It’s become a common practice to put an email signup form in the sidebar and after the post.


These forms usually get the lowest conversion, but most folks don’t realize it because these forms come built-in with the themes.


Due to popular demand, we have added the forms to OptinMonster mainly to allow users to split-test their message along with seeing the actual results, so you can see how well the sidebar forms and after post forms convert when compared to the other form types.


联络表格 (Contact Forms)

While the title read contact forms, we are talking about any WordPress form in general so it includes: user signup forms, general contact form, request a quote form, submit a post form etc.


You can creatively add a checkbox in your form that says something like this “Yes I want to receive updates from WPBeginner”. We have seen this technique used in numerous big brand websites where they will have two checkboxes where one says, I agree with the Terms of Service and the other says sign me up for the updates. Normally coding this would be impossible for beginners. But it has been made easy with our favorite WordPress form plugin: WPForms.

您可以在表单中添加一个复选框,该复选框的内容类似于“是的,我想从WPBeginner接收更新”。 我们已经在许多大品牌网站中看到了这种技术,它们将有两个复选框,其中一个表示我同意服务条款,另一个表示向我注册以进行更新。 通常,对于初学者来说,这是不可能的。 但是使用我们最喜欢的WordPress表单插件WPForms可以轻松实现 。

With the WPForms drag and drop form builder, you can simply create as many forms you want, and use their Aweber, GetResponse, or MailChimp addons to have the opt-in option within your contact form. Note: This addon is available for their Plus & Pro plan, so Basic Plan users don’t get this addon.

使用WPForms拖放表单构建器,您可以简单地创建所需的任意表单,​​并使用其Aweber, GetResponse或MailChimp插件在联系人表单中使用选择加入选项。 注意:此插件适用于其Plus&Pro计划,因此“基本计划”用户无法获得此插件。

We believe this is a great way to stay in touch with your clients, if you are a designer or consultant. It can be used in anyway you want, so sky is really the limit.

如果您是设计师或顾问,我们相信这是与客户保持联系的好方法。 它可以以任何方式使用,因此天空确实是极限。

Use this WPForms coupon to get 10% off your purchase.


与您的订户互动 (Interacting with your Subscribers)

Once you have started building your email list, it’s crucial that you engage with your subscribers.


You should make a habit of sending them regular updates, whether it’s weekly or monthly.


Not every email has to be promotional. You can send emails requesting feedback, giving helpful tips, etc.

并非每封电子邮件都必须具有促销性。 您可以发送电子邮件请求反馈,提供有用的提示等。

We hope this email marketing 101 guide helped you build an email list in WordPress.


If you liked this article, then subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Google+.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道的WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Google+上找到我们。

翻译自: /beginners-guide/how-to-build-an-email-list-in-wordpress-email-marketing-101/
