1200字范文 > 单片机酒精浓度测试仪硬件软件 基于单片机的酒精浓度检测仪的设计(附实物图 原理图

单片机酒精浓度测试仪硬件软件 基于单片机的酒精浓度检测仪的设计(附实物图 原理图

时间:2021-02-02 22:51:05


单片机酒精浓度测试仪硬件软件 基于单片机的酒精浓度检测仪的设计(附实物图 原理图






关键词:单片机 酒精浓度检测仪 设计 实现


Different concentrations of alcohol solution are detected and showed in the design. The design can be used to the detection of drunk driving through improvement. In this thesis, the concentration of alcohol can be measured and displayed by using the gas sensor based on AT89S51 MCU and MQ-3. At the same time the concentration is displayed by LCD, and the system allow to alarm in the certain value.

In the thesis Major researches are three points. detecting the technology parameters MQ-3 gas sensor, and connecting it to a testing part of the alcohol gas concentration; Analog voltage signal amplification to drive light-emitting diode light to alarm; conversing the voltage signal through the A/D conversion at the control of the single-chip, obtaining the digital voltage signal; displaying the concentration in the digital tube display module.The designed sensor is calibrated. The design of gas sensor is responsive to the alcohol, can measure concentration in the effective range of its concentration. And in the low concentration of alcohol in the test the error is small with the maximum error 8.2%, meeting requirements of the design.

The characteristics of the thesis are to determine the standard. The solutions and verification methods are proposed about the flow of air samples, the sample stability and water vapor. The conversion between voltage and concentration in different range is treated as linear relationship. The design of sensor can detect different the alcohol gas with different concentration. It plays an important role to solve the drunk-driving accidents and alcohol testing for special occasions after improvement.

Keywords:Single chip microcomputer The alcohol oncentration detecor Design Implementation




1 绪论 1

1.1 设计背景 1

1.2 气敏传感器的研究现状 1

1.3 设计酒精浓度探测仪的意义 2

1.4 本文主要研究工作 2

2 硬件电路设计与实现 4

2.1 单片机开发流程 4

2.2 硬件系统框图 4

2.3 信号采集电路 5

2.3.1 气体传感器的选择 5

2.3.2 信号采样电路 7

2.4 信号转换电路 8

2.5 显示电路 12

2.6 系统整体电路图 14

3 Protel硬件开发软件 15

3.1 Protel软件组成 15

3.2 PCB板设计 15

4 软件设计 19

4.1 软件流程图 19

4.2 主程序 20

5 下载与调试 28

5.1 USB转串口驱动安装 28

5.2 调试 28

5.3 实物验证 30

结论 31

致谢 32

参考文献 33

附录 34

附录A 仿真图 34

附录B 调试结果 35

单片机酒精浓度测试仪硬件软件 基于单片机的酒精浓度检测仪的设计(附实物图 原理图接线图 仿真程序)...
