1200字范文 > oracle 给表指定表空间 oracle数据库创建用户指定表空间

oracle 给表指定表空间 oracle数据库创建用户指定表空间

时间:2022-01-12 19:48:40


oracle 给表指定表空间 oracle数据库创建用户指定表空间


create temporary tablespace test_temp --test_temp表空间名称

tempfile 'E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\testserver\test_temp01.dbf'--oracle文件路径

size 32m

autoextend on

next 32m maxsize 2048m

extent management local;


create tablespace test_data --test_data临时表空间名称


datafile 'E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\testserver\test_data01.dbf'--oracle文件路径

size 32m

autoextend on

next 32m maxsize 2048m

extent management local;


create user username identified by password --username用户名称

default tablespace test_data --默认用户表空间

temporary tablespace test_temp; --默认临时表空间

create user middlebase identified by middle123;--创建用户

grant connect,resource to middlebase;--给用户授权连接角色和资源角色

grant dba to middlebase;--给用户授权




grant connect,resource to username;

grant dba to username


drop tablespace tablespace_name;


drop tablespace tablespace_name including contents;


drop tablespace tablespace_name including datafiles;


drop tablespace tablespace_name including contents and datafiles;

--如果其他表空间中的表有外键等约束关联到了本表空间中的表的字段,就要加上CASCADE CONSTRAINTS

drop tablespace tablespace_name including contents and datafiles CASCADE CONSTRAINTS;

--说明: 删除了user,只是删除了该user下的schema objects,是不会删除相应的tablespace的。

drop user username cascade--创建临时表空间

create temporary tablespace test_temp --test_temp表空间名称

tempfile 'E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\testserver\test_temp01.dbf'--oracle文件路径

size 32m

autoextend on

next 32m maxsize 2048m

extent management local;


create tablespace test_data --test_data临时表空间名称


datafile 'E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\testserver\test_data01.dbf'--oracle文件路径

size 32m

autoextend on

next 32m maxsize 2048m

extent management local;


create user username identified by password --username用户名称

default tablespace test_data --默认用户表空间

temporary tablespace test_temp; --默认临时表空间


grant connect,resource to username;

grant dba to username


drop tablespace tablespace_name;


drop tablespace tablespace_name including contents;


drop tablespace tablespace_name including datafiles;


drop tablespace tablespace_name including contents and datafiles;

--如果其他表空间中的表有外键等约束关联到了本表空间中的表的字段,就要加上CASCADE CONSTRAINTS

drop tablespace tablespace_name including contents and datafiles CASCADE CONSTRAINTS;

--说明: 删除了user,只是删除了该user下的schema objects,是不会删除相应的tablespace的。

drop user username cascade

oracle 查看表空间以及剩余量


SELECT t.tablespace_name, round(SUM(bytes / (1024 * 1024)), 0) ts_size

FROM dba_tablespaces t, dba_data_files d

WHERE t.tablespace_name = d.tablespace_name

GROUP BY t.tablespace_name;


SELECT tablespace_name,



round(bytes / (1024 * 1024), 0) total_space

FROM dba_data_files

ORDER BY tablespace_name;


SELECT segment_name,



(initial_extent / 1024) initialextent,

(next_extent / 1024) nextextent,


v.curext curextent

FROM dba_rollback_segs r, v$rollstat v

WHERE r.segment_id = v.usn(+)

ORDER BY segment_name;


SELECT NAME FROM v$controlfile;




SELECT SUM(bytes) / (1024 * 1024) AS free_space, tablespace_name

FROM dba_free_space

GROUP BY tablespace_name;

SELECT a.tablespace_name,

a.bytes total,

b.bytes used,

c.bytes free,

(b.bytes * 100) / a.bytes "% USED ",

(c.bytes * 100) / a.bytes "% FREE "

FROM sys.sm$ts_avail a, sys.sm$ts_used b, sys.sm$ts_free c

WHERE a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name

AND a.tablespace_name = c.tablespace_name;


SELECT owner, object_type, status, COUNT(*) count#

FROM all_objects

GROUP BY owner, object_type, status;


SELECT version

FROM product_component_version

WHERE substr(product, 1, 6) = 'Oracle';


SELECT created, log_mode, log_mode FROM v$database;






SELECT a.tablespace_name "表空间名",

total "表空间大小",

free "表空间剩余大小",

(total - free) "表空间使用大小",

total / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) "表空间大小(G)",

free / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) "表空间剩余大小(G)",

(total - free) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) "表空间使用大小(G)",

round((total - free) / total, 4) * 100 "使用率 %"

FROM (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) free

FROM dba_free_space

GROUP BY tablespace_name) a,

(SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) total

FROM dba_data_files

GROUP BY tablespace_name) b

WHERE a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name
