1200字范文 > linux桌面环境_Linux桌面环境


时间:2021-02-04 01:20:50




Linux is very different from other operating systems because of its openness and flexibility. Linux One of the most flexible part of the Linux is its graphical user environment or in the Linux desktop environment. Desktop environments provide user-friendly and generally shiny interfaces for the user. In this article, we will look at different types of desktop environments with different tastes.

Linux的开放性和灵活性与其他操作系统有很大不同。 Linux Linux最灵活的部分之一是其图形用户环境或Linux桌面环境。 桌面环境为用户提供了用户友好且通常具有光泽的界面。 在本文中,我们将介绍具有不同品味的不同类型的桌面环境。

侏儒桌面 (Gnome Desktop)

Gnome is the most used desktop environment. It is installed default by most of the Linux distributions. Gnome is complete desktop environments which have a lot of tools developed in this project. Also, other desktop environments also use Gnome’s tools and packages. Gnome provides little details and more ease of use. Gnome resource consumption is moderate according to other desktop environments.

Gnome是最常用的桌面环境。 大多数Linux发行版均默认安装该软件。 Gnome是完整的桌面环境,该项目中开发了许多工具。 另外,其他桌面环境也使用Gnome的工具和软件包。 Gnome提供的细节很少,并且更易于使用。 根据其他桌面环境,地精资源消耗是中等的。

Gnome Desktop

KDE –等离子桌面(KDE – Plasma Desktop)

KDE or with its new name Plasma is the king of the Linux desktop environments. KDE provides ultimate user experience with its shiny interfaces. KDE gives the user the ability to edit all details about it. In the old times, KDE resource consumption was high but currently it is affordable but the highest in the Linux desktop environments. I am currently using KDE with pleasure. We can call KDE as main desktop environment which has its tools.

KDE或新名称Plasma是Linux桌面环境之王。 KDE凭借其闪亮的界面提供了终极的用户体验。 KDE使用户能够编辑有关它的所有详细信息。 在过去,KDE资源消耗很高,但目前负担得起,但在Linux桌面环境中最高。 我目前正在愉快地使用KDE。 我们可以将KDE称为具有其工具的主要桌面环境。

KDE – Plasma Desktop
KDE –等离子桌面

肉桂桌面(Cinnamon Desktop)

The cinnamon desktop is started in . It is a fork of Gnome Desktop. It has the same code base but through time it differentiated with Gnome. The cinnamon desktop is less resource exhaustion than Gnome. It is a project mainly supported by Linux distribution Linux Mint.

肉桂桌面于启动。它是Gnome桌面的分支。 它具有相同的代码库,但随着时间的流逝,它与Gnome有所不同。 肉桂桌面比Gnome少了资源消耗。 这是一个主要由Linux发行版Linux Mint支持的项目。

LEARN MORE How To Setup GUI Like Gnome, KDE, Xfce, Unity For Ubuntu Server and Desktop?了解更多信息如何为Gnome,KDE,Xfce,Unity for Ubuntu Server和Desktop设置GUI?

Cinnamon Desktop

伴侣桌面(Mate Desktop)

Mate Desktop is the continuation of Gnome 2 which is an older release of Gnome. Mate resource usage is lower than Gnome and Cinnamon. Mate provides standard Gnome 2 tools. Mate desktop can be used for low-end systems.

Mate Desktop是Gnome 2(它是Gnome的较旧版本)的延续。 配合资源的使用率低于Gnome和Cinnamon。 Mate提供了标准的Gnome 2工具。 Mate桌面可用于低端系统。

Mate Desktop

Unity桌面(Unity Desktop)

Unity Desktop environment is mainly developed by Canonical or Ubuntu. It is mainly aimed for usage in netbooks. Unity working mechanisms are similar to MacOS. Unity is not a lightweight desktop environment.

Unity Desktop环境主要由Canonical或Ubuntu开发。 它主要用于上网本。 Unity工作机制类似于MacOS。 Unity不是轻量级的桌面环境。

Xfce桌面 (Xfce Desktop)

Xfce or Xfce4 is strong alternative for desktops for low resource usage. Xfce provides tools for whole desktop environments but resource requirements are lower than another desktop environment. It has own tools developed for Xfce project like Xfce-terminal. Ubuntu has spin named Xubuntu which is tightly integrated with Xfce Desktop.

Xfce或Xfce4是台式机的强大替代产品,可降低资源使用率。 Xfce为整个桌面环境提供了工具,但是资源需求低于另一个桌面环境。 它为Xfce项目开发了自己的工具,例如Xfce-terminal。 Ubuntu的名称为Xubuntu,它与Xfce Desktop紧密集成。

Xfce Desktop

LXQt桌面(LXQt Desktop)

LXQt is a lightweight Qt desktop environment. Qt is a library specifically designed for graphics operations. LXQt uses similar code base with Lxde. It is proposed to replace Lxde Desktop in someday.

LXQt是一个轻量级的Qt桌面环境。 Qt是专门为图形操作设计的库。 LXQt使用与Lxde类似的代码库。 建议有朝一日更换Lxde Desktop。

LXQt Desktop

Lxde桌面(Lxde Desktop)

Lxde is another alternative for lightweight desktop environments. Lxde is fewer resource needs. Lxde provides a component-based design which means only some part of Lxde can be used and another part is committed. Lxde has an active community for development and support.

Lxde是轻量级桌面环境的另一种选择。 Lxde是较少的资源需求。 Lxde提供了基于组件的设计,这意味着只能使用Lxde的一部分,而提交另一部分。 Lxde有一个活跃的社区来提供开发和支持。

Lxde Desktop

万神殿桌面(Pantheon Desktop)

Pantheon is the default desktop environment originally created for Elementary OS distribution. It is written by using Vala and GTK3. It provides similarities with Gnome Shell and MacOS. Support for Pantheon OS is not so wide. Pantheon OS provides eye-candy view.

Pantheon是最初为Elementary OS发行而创建的默认桌面环境。 它是使用Vala和GTK3编写的。 它与Gnome Shell和MacOS相似。 对Pantheon OS的支持并不广泛。 Pantheon OS提供令人赞叹的视图。

Pantheon Desktop

深度桌面(Deepin Desktop)

Deepin Desktop Environment is a default desktop environment created for Linux Deepin distribution. Deeping Desktop also supported by distributions like Arch Linux, Ubuntu, Manjaro. It is easy to use and provides sleek user interfaces for absolute productivity.

深度桌面环境是为Linux深度发行版创建的默认桌面环境。 Deeping Desktop也受到Arch Linux,Ubuntu和Manjaro等发行版的支持。 它易于使用,并提供时尚的用户界面,可实现绝对的生产率。

LEARN MORE What is Linux TTY?了解更多什么是Linux TTY?

Deepin Desktop

启蒙桌面(Enlightenment Desktop)

Enlightenment Desktop environment also is known as E a compositing and stacking windows manager. It is called “the original eye-candy window manager”. This desktop has low resource requirements and provides original desktop experience. There are some interesting work mechanisms different from other desktop environments. Enlightenment provides its own terminal emulator, video player, and image viewer.

Enlightenment Desktop环境也称为E合成和堆叠Windows管理器。 它被称为“原始的糖果窗口管理器”。 此桌面对资源的要求较低,并提供原始的桌面体验。 有一些有趣的工作机制不同于其他桌面环境。 Enlightenment提供了自己的终端模拟器,视频播放器和图像查看器。

Enlightenment Desktop

糖桌面(Sugar Desktop)

Sugar Desktop environment is specifically designed for education. Sugar Desktop developed as a part of the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project. Suger Desktop is designed, inexperienced users. Sugar Desktop is generally used for children related distributions or applications.

Sugar Desktop环境是专门为教育设计的。 Sugar Desktop是“每个孩子一个笔记本电脑”(OLPC)项目的一部分。 Suger Desktop是设计的,没有经验的用户。 Sugar Desktop通常用于与儿童相关的发行版或应用程序。

Sugar Desktop

夏威夷桌面(Hawaii Desktop)

Hawaii Desktop is Wayland and Qt Quick based desktop environment designed for Hawaii OS a Linux distribution. Some Linux distributions like RebeccaBlackOS uses Hawaii Desktop.

Hawaii Desktop是基于Wayland和Qt Quick的桌面环境,设计用于Hawaii OS Linux发行版。 某些Linux发行版(例如RebeccaBlackOS)使用Hawaii Desktop。

翻译自: /linux-desktop-environments/

