1200字范文 > 使用Nikto扫描网站漏洞


时间:2020-12-22 08:47:47









在Kali Linux上,会预装Nikto,因此无需下载或安装任何东西,它在分类“Vulnerability Analysi”中。如果由于某种原因没有安装Nikto,可以从GitHub获取Nikto或使用apt install命令安装。

apt install nikto


brew install nikto



nikto -Help


从上一步可以看出,Nikto有很多功能选项,基本语法如下。我们将<IP or hostname>替换为实际IP地址或主机名sans尖括号。

nikto -h <IP or hostname>



nikto -h <IP or hostname> -ssl



nikto -h -ssl

- Nikto v2.1.6------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATUS: Starting up!+ Target IP: Target Hostname:+ Traget Port:443------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ SSl Info:Subject:/CN=Altnames:, , dipsy-, , ga.video., , heart., hub-, ,jaws.., , koth-qa., , , , , , , ,, , weta-qa., whut-qa., wnet.video-, wnet.video-, www-, Ciphers:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256Issuer:/C-US/0=Let's Encrypt/CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3+ Start Time:-12-05 23:34:06 (GMT-8)------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Server: nginx+ The anti-clickjacking X-Frame-Options header is not present.+ The X-XSS-Protection header is not defined. This header can hint to the user agent to protect against some forms of XSS+ Uncommon header 'x-pbs-fwsrvname' found, with contents: fwcacheproxy1+ The site uses SSL and the Strict-Transport-Security HTTP header is not defined.+ The X-Content-Type-Options header is not set. This could allow the user agent to render the content of the site in a different fashion to the MIME type+ Root page / redirects to: /+ No CGI Directories found (use '-C all' to force check all possible dirs)+ RC-1918 IP address found in the 'x-pbs-appsvrip' header: The IP is "".+ Uncommon header 'x-cache-fs-status' found, with contents: EXPIRED+ Uncommon header 'x-pbs-appsvrname' found, with contents: fwcacheproxy1+ Uncommon header 'x-pbs-appsvrip' found, with contents: Server leaks inodes via ETags, header found with file /.zip, fields: 0x5b96537e 0x1678+ 7446 requests: 0 error(s) and 10 item(s) reported on remote host+ End Time:-12-06 00:30:29 (GMT-8) (3383 seconds)------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 host(s) tested




Address: 11000000.10101000.00000000. 00110000Netmask: = 24 11111111.11111111.11111111. 00000000Wildcard: 00000000.00000000.00000000. 11111111=>Network: 11000000.10101000.00000000. 00000000HostMin: 00000001HostMax: 11000000.10101000.00000000. 11111110Broadcast: 11000000.10101000.00000000. 11111111Hosts/Net: 254 Class C, Private Internet


nikto -h .au

- Nikto v2.1.6---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Target IP: Target Hostname: .au+ Target Port: 80+ Start Time: -12-05 21:48:32 (GMT-8)---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Server: instart/nginx+ Retried via header: 1.1 varnish (Varnish/6.1), 1.1 (CloudFront)+ The anti-clickjacking X-Frame-Options header is not present.+ The X-XSS-Protection header is not defined. This header can hint to the user agent to protect against some forms of XSS+ Uncommon header 'x-cache' found, with contents: Miss from cloudfront+ Uncommon header 'x-instart-cache-id' found, with contents: 17:12768802731504004780::1544075250+ Uncommon header 'v-cache-hit' found, with contents: Hit+ Uncommon header 'x-amz-cf-id' found, with contents: Dr-r6OwO5kk9ABt4ejzpc7R7AIF6SuH6kfJHQgP0v6xZoHwMLE55rQ==+ Uncommon header 'x-instart-request-id' found, with contents: 12814413144077601501:BEQ01-CPVNPPRY18:1552504721:0+ Uncommon header 'x-oneagent-js-injection' found, with contents: true+ Uncommon header 'grace' found, with contents: cache+ The X-Content-Type-Options header is not set. This could allow the user agent to render the content of the site in a different fashion to the MIME type+ Uncommon header 'x-ruxit-js-agent' found, with contents: true+ Cookie dtCookie created without the httponly flag+ Server banner has changed from 'instart/nginx' to 'nginx' which may suggest a WAF, load balancer or proxy is in place+ No CGI Directories found (use '-C all' to force check all possible dirs)+ Entry '/sites/' in robots.txt returned a non-forbidden or redirect HTTP code (200)+ Entry '/search/' in robots.txt returned a non-forbidden or redirect HTTP code (200)+ Entry '*.mobileapp' in robots.txt returned a non-forbidden or redirect HTTP code (400)+ Entry '*.liveradio' in robots.txt returned a non-forbidden or redirect HTTP code (400)+ Entry '*.smartmobile' in robots.txt returned a non-forbidden or redirect HTTP code (400)+ Entry '*.responsive' in robots.txt returned a non-forbidden or redirect HTTP code (400)+ Entry '/stats?*/' in robots.txt returned a non-forbidden or redirect HTTP code (200)+ "robots.txt" contains 8 entries which should be manually viewed.+ OSVDB-3092: /sitemap.xml: This gives a nice listing of the site content.+ OSVDB-3092: /psql_history: This might be interesting...+ OSVDB-3092: /global/: This might be interesting...+ OSVDB-3092: /home/: This might be interesting...+ OSVDB-3092: /news: This might be interesting...+ OSVDB-3092: /search.vts: This might be interesting...+ OSVDB-3092: /stats.htm: This might be interesting...+ OSVDB-3092: /stats.txt: This might be interesting...+ OSVDB-3092: /stats/: This might be interesting...+ OSVDB-3092: /Stats/: This might be interesting...+ OSVDB-3093: /.wwwacl: Contains authorization information+ OSVDB-3093: /.www_acl: Contains authorization information+ OSVDB-3093: /.htpasswd: Contains authorization information+ OSVDB-3093: /.access: Contains authorization information+ OSVDB-3093: /.addressbook: PINE addressbook, may store sensitive e-mail address contact information and notes+ OSVDB-3093: /.bashrc: User home dir was found with a shell rc file. This may reveal file and path information.+ OSVDB-3093: /.bash_history: A user's home directory may be set to the web root, the shell history was retrieved. This should not be accessible via the web.+ OSVDB-3093: /.forward: User home dir was found with a mail forward file. May reveal where the user's mail is being forwarded to.+ OSVDB-3093: /.history: A user's home directory may be set to the web root, the shell history was retrieved. This should not be accessible via the web.+ OSVDB-3093: /.htaccess: Contains configuration and/or authorization information+ OSVDB-3093: /.lynx_cookies: User home dir found with LYNX cookie file. May reveal cookies received from arbitrary web sites.+ OSVDB-3093: /.mysql_history: Database SQL?+ OSVDB-3093: /.passwd: Contains authorization information+ OSVDB-3093: /.pinerc: User home dir found with a PINE rc file. May reveal system information, directories and more.+ OSVDB-3093: /.plan: User home dir with a .plan, a now mostly outdated file for delivering information via the finger protocol+ OSVDB-3093: /.proclog: User home dir with a Procmail rc file. May reveal mail traffic, directories and more.+ OSVDB-3093: /.procmailrc: User home dir with a Procmail rc file. May reveal subdirectories, mail contacts and more.+ OSVDB-3093: /.profile: User home dir with a shell profile was found. May reveal directory information and system configuration.+ OSVDB-3093: /.rhosts: A user's home directory may be set to the web root, a .rhosts file was retrieved. This should not be accessible via the web.+ OSVDB-3093: /.sh_history: A user's home directory may be set to the web root, the shell history was retrieved. This should not be accessible via the web.+ OSVDB-3093: /.ssh: A user's home directory may be set to the web root, an ssh file was retrieved. This should not be accessible via the web.+ OSVDB-5709: /.nsconfig: Contains authorization information+ /portal/changelog: Vignette richtext HTML editor changelog found.+ 7587 requests: 4 error(s) and 55 item(s) reported on remote host+ End Time: -12-05 22:42:41 (GMT-8) (3249 seconds)---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 host(s) tested


Nikto可以将信息导出为Metasploit在执行扫描时可以读取的格式。只需使用上面的命令来执行扫描,但将-Format msf +附加到它的末尾。该格式可以帮助我们使用漏洞库快速配检索数据。

nikto -h <IP or hostname> -Format msf+

