1200字范文 > 电脑一打开计算机硬盘就嗡嗡 硬盘嗡嗡声和笔记本电脑无法启动

电脑一打开计算机硬盘就嗡嗡 硬盘嗡嗡声和笔记本电脑无法启动

时间:2023-08-23 15:32:08


电脑一打开计算机硬盘就嗡嗡 硬盘嗡嗡声和笔记本电脑无法启动

我有近一年的笔记本电脑,一段时间以来我一直遇到问题。 有时,当我尝试打开笔记本电脑时,Windows的加载屏幕会冻结,硬盘开始发出奇怪的声音,就像嗡嗡声一样。 我发现,如果我摇晃笔记本电脑有点问题,笔记本电脑启动没有问题。

I Have a laptop from nearly an year and for some time now I've been experiencing a problem with it. Sometimes when I try to power on the laptop the loading screen of Windows freezes and the hard disk starts making a strange noise, something like buzzing. I found out that if I shake the laptop a bit the problem goes a way and the laptop boots with no problems.


I have a couple of questions:

1. 这个问题的原因是什么?

2. 驱动器可能会更快停止工作吗?

1. What is the cause of that problem?

2. Is it possible that the drive will stop working sooner?

我计划购买希捷SSHD 1TB硬盘内存 8GB SSD内存 64MB缓存 5400转 SATA3

I have plans on buying a Seagate SSHD 1TB HDD Memory 8GB SSD Memory 64MB Cache 5400 RPM Sata3


The SATA3 Troubles me here because my old one is with SATA2 port and I don't know if it will work

编辑:我现在有一个非常不同的问题。 我哥哥把笔记本电脑放在地板上。 现在显示器不工作:没有加载,没有BIOS启动画面。 第二件事是我的笔记本电脑上的硬盘驱动器无法启动。

Edit: I have a very different problem now. My brother dropped the laptop on the floor. Now there the display wont work: No loading, no BIOS splash screen. And the second thing is that the hard drive led on my laptop won't turn on.

其他信息: 我尝试在没有硬盘的情况下启动 - 仍然是黑屏 我尝试在另一台计算机上使用硬盘驱动器作为辅助硬盘 - 这里的一切似乎都很好 我试图将笔记本电脑连接到外接显示器 - 什么都没发生 我在笔记本电脑上启动时听到硬盘驱动器发出的噪音,CPU的风扇工作正常,CPU也很暖和。

Aditional Information: I tried booting without the hard drive - still black screen I tried to use the hard drive on a different computer as a secondary hard drive - everything seems fine here I tried to connect the laptop to an external monitor - nothing happend I hear noise from the hard drive when booted on the laptop, the fan of the CPU is working and the CPU is warm.


The Laptop is Lenovovo G650


What could be the problem, is the motherboard damaged or is the screen cable damaged or is it something else?

编辑:这是芯片组。 我把它修好了,现在一切都很好,关于硬盘 - 我计划购买一台SSHD 750GB硬盘,但我不知道我的笔记本电脑型号的速度是否会提高

EDIT: It was the Chipset. I had it repaired and now everything is fine, about the hard drive - I'm planing to buy a SSHD 750GB hard drive, but I don't know if the speed will be improved for my laptop model
