1200字范文 > 博图SCL编程实例(一):SimMultizone


时间:2024-04-22 00:04:16





FUNCTION_BLOCK "SimMultizone"{S7_Optimized_Access := 'TRUE' }VERSION : 0.1VAR_INPUT velocity : SInt; // Mass transport velocity in %ambTemp : Real := 20.0; // Ambient temperaturereset : Bool; // Reset blockcycle : Real := 0.1; // Cyclic interrupt time in secondsEND_VARVAR_OUTPUT error : Bool; // Error occurred (block stopped working)statusID : UInt; // Error source (see comment)status : Word; // Error code (see comment)maxReached : Bool; // Output of "LSim_PT1" or "LSim_PT2aper" has reached max. limitminReached : Bool; // Output of "LSim_PT1" or "LSim_PT2aper" has reached min. limitEND_VARVAR_IN_OUT zones : Array[1..#MAX] of "typeZone"; // Zone parametersEND_VARVAR statZ : Array[1..#MAX] of "typeDynState"; // Internal parameters for calculationinstPT2Z : Array[1..#MAX] of "LSim_PT2aper"; // LSim_PT2aper instancesinstHeatZ : Array[1..#MAX] of "LSim_PT1"; // LSim_PT1 instances for heatinginstCoolZ : Array[1..#MAX] of "LSim_PT1"; // LSim_PT1 instances for coolingEND_VARVAR_TEMP tempIndex : DInt;tempKFor : Real;tempKBack : Real;END_VARVAR CONSTANT MAX : DInt := 3; // Numbers of zonesTMLAG_HEATER : Real := 5.0; // Time constant for PT1 (heating)TMLAG_COOLER : Real := 10.0; // Time constant for PT1 (cooling)GAIN_ZONE : Real := 5.0; // Gain factor for PT2 (temperature)TMLAG1_ZONE : Real := 20.0; // Time constant 1 for PT2 (temperature)TMLAG2_ZONE : Real := 3.0; // Time constant 2 for PT2 (temperature)K_BACK_MIN : Real := 0.1; // Minimum coupling constant backwardsK_FOR_MAX : Real := 0.3; // Maximum coupling constant forwardsK_INT : Real := 0.2; // Coupling constant internalPT2_MAX_OUT : Real := 1000.0; // Maximum output limit for PT2 (temperature)PT2_MIN_OUT : Real := -1000.0; // Minimum output limit for PT2 (temperature)END_VARBEGIN//===================================================================// SIEMENS AG// (c)Copyright All Rights reserved//-------------------------------------------------------------------// Tested with: S7-1200 CPU FW >= V4.2 or S7-1500 CPU FW >= V2.0// Engineering: STEP7 V14 (TIA Portal)// Restrictions: OB cyclic interrupt// Requirements: SIMATIC Memory Card for using S7-1500 CPU// Functionality: Simple simulation of coupled thermal zones//---------------------------------------------------------------------// Change log table:// Version Date Expert in charge Changes applied// 01.00.00 12.10. DF CS SD CCC OS1 First released version//=====================================================================// Inputs:// heating and cooling input (0..100%) for all zones// via #instPidTempX.OutputHeat and #instPidTempX.OutputCool// Outputs:// the simulated temperatur for all zones// via #zones[X].simMultizone.output// Error handling:// error source #statusID = z*10 + n*1; z =zone// n = 1: FB "LSim_PT1" (instHeatZ[z])// n = 2: FB "LSim_PT1" (instCoolZ[z])// n = 3: FB "LSim_PT2aper" (instPT2Z[z])// // Example: #statusID = 21// -> error source: FB "LSim_PT1" (instHeatZ[2])// // error code #status// -> see comment #status of error source//=====================================================================REGION PT1FOR #tempIndex := 1 TO #MAX DO// Simulation of Heating and Cooling actuator logic for each thermal zoneREGION heat// Zone Heater dynamics (PT1) 0..100%, tmLag1 = 5sek#instHeatZ[#tempIndex](input := #zones[#tempIndex].pidTemp.outputHeat,tmLag1 := #TMLAG_HEATER,cycle := #cycle,reset := #reset);IF (#instHeatZ[#tempIndex].error = TRUE) THEN#error := TRUE;#statusID := 10 * DINT_TO_UINT(#tempIndex) + 1;#status := #instHeatZ[#tempIndex].status;RETURN;END_IF;END_REGIONREGION cool// Zone Cooler dynamics (PT1) 0.100%, tmLag1 = 10sek#instCoolZ[#tempIndex](input := #zones[#tempIndex].pidTemp.outputCool,tmLag1 := #TMLAG_COOLER,cycle := #cycle,reset := #reset);IF (#instCoolZ[#tempIndex].error = TRUE) THEN#error := TRUE;#statusID := 10 * DINT_TO_UINT(#tempIndex) + 2;#status := #instCoolZ[#tempIndex].status;RETURN;END_IF;END_REGION// generate inputvariable for thermal simulation area zone#statZ[#tempIndex].uInp := #instHeatZ[#tempIndex].output- #instCoolZ[#tempIndex].output+ #zones[#tempIndex].simMultizone.disturbance;END_FOR;END_REGIONREGION factors//===================================================================================// calculating the forward and backward coupling factors as a factor of // fore example mass transport//===================================================================================#tempKFor := ((#K_FOR_MAX - #K_INT) / 100.0) * SINT_TO_REAL(#velocity) + #K_INT;#tempKFor := LIMIT(MN := #K_BACK_MIN, IN := #tempKFor, MX := #K_FOR_MAX);#tempKBack := ((#K_BACK_MIN - #K_INT) / 100.0) * SINT_TO_REAL(#velocity) + #K_INT;#tempKBack := LIMIT(MN := #K_BACK_MIN, IN := #tempKBack, MX := #K_FOR_MAX);FOR #tempIndex := 1 TO #MAX DO#statZ[#tempIndex].kFor := #tempKFor;#statZ[#tempIndex].kBack := #tempKBack;END_FOR;END_REGIONREGION coupling//===================================================================================// dynamic simulation of at least 3 thermal coupled zones// Connection logic between thermal zones//===================================================================================//First zone: previous zone doesn't exist -> (#statZ[z-1].y * #statZ[z-1].kFor)= 0#statZ[1].u := #statZ[1].uInp- (2 * (#statZ[1].y * #statZ[1].kInt))+ (#statZ[2].y * #statZ[2].kBack);FOR #tempIndex := 2 TO (#MAX - 1) DO// 1 < zone < max: #statZ[z].u := #statZ[z].uInp// + (#statZ[z-1].y * #statZ[z-1].kFor)// - (2 * (#statZ[z].y * #statZ[z].kint))// + (#statZ[z+1].y * #statZ[z+1].kBack);#statZ[#tempIndex].u := #statZ[#tempIndex].uInp+ (#statZ[(#tempIndex - 1)].y * #statZ[(#tempIndex - 1)].kFor)- (2 * (#statZ[#tempIndex].y * #statZ[#tempIndex].kInt))+ (#statZ[(#tempIndex + 1)].y * #statZ[(#tempIndex + 1)].kBack);END_FOR;//Last zone: next Zone doesn't exist -> (#statZ[z+1].y * #statZ[z+1].kBack);)= 0#statZ[#MAX].u := #statZ[#MAX].uInp+ (#statZ[(#MAX - 1)].y * #statZ[(#MAX - 1)].kFor)- (2 * (#statZ[#MAX].y * #statZ[#MAX].kInt));END_REGIONREGION PT2FOR #tempIndex := 1 TO #MAX DO// dynamic Simulation of zone (PT2)#instPT2Z[#tempIndex](input := #statZ[#tempIndex].u,tmLag1 := #TMLAG1_ZONE,tmLag2 := #TMLAG2_ZONE,gain := #GAIN_ZONE,cycle := #cycle,maxOut := #PT2_MAX_OUT,minOut := #PT2_MIN_OUT,reset := #reset,output => #statZ[#tempIndex].y);IF (#instPT2Z[#tempIndex].error = TRUE) THEN#error := TRUE;#statusID := 10 * DINT_TO_UINT(#tempIndex) + 3;#status := #instPT2Z[#tempIndex].status;RETURN;END_IF;// Output of simulation model adding ambient temperature#zones[#tempIndex].simMultizone.output := #statZ[#tempIndex].y + #ambTemp;END_FOR;END_REGIONFOR #tempIndex := 1 TO #MAX DO//Reached handling (PT1 & PT2)IF #instHeatZ[#tempIndex].maxReached OR #instCoolZ[#tempIndex].maxReached OR #instPT2Z[#tempIndex].maxReached THEN#maxReached := TRUE;END_IF;IF #instHeatZ[#tempIndex].minReached OR #instCoolZ[#tempIndex].minReached OR #instPT2Z[#tempIndex].minReached THEN#minReached := TRUE;END_IF;END_FOR;IF (#reset = TRUE) THEN#maxReached := FALSE;#minReached := FALSE;END_IF;END_FUNCTION_BLOCK
