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html参考文献英文文献 写英文paper的参考文献格式How To Cite References - Chicago Style...

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html参考文献英文文献 写英文paper的参考文献格式How To Cite References - Chicago Style...

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Chicago Manual of Style

Documentary Note or Humanities Style

The Chicago Documentary Note, or Humanities

Style is favored by many in the humanities and the arts. It is

recommended for history research papers.

For other social sciences and sciences disciplines,

use the Chicago

Author-Date System.

This guide provides examples of the most commonly

cited types of sources used by Williams College students. For

additional examples and explanations, see Chicago Manual of Style

or the print manual at Sawyer or Schow Reference Z253 .U69




(For more detailed information see CMS, sec.


The Documentary Note or Humanities Style uses

bibliographic notes rather than text citations. It consists of two

parts: a number in the text and a note either at the

bottom of the page (footnote) or at the end of the paper

(endnote). Notes are numbered sequentially, beginning with

1., throughout each article, chapter, or paper. The numbers in the

text must be in superscript and should follow sentences, clauses,

quotations, punctuation marks and closing parentheses. The note

should have a normal, full sized number.

Subsequent references to sources already fully

cited should be shortened whenever possible.

1. Tom Nairn, Faces of Nationalism: Janis

Revisited (London and New York: Verso, 1997), 17.

2. Gilbert Geis and Ivan Bunn, A Trial of

Witches: A Seventeenth-Century Witchcraft Prosecution (London:

Routledge, 1997), 17.

3. Nairn, Faces of Nationalism, 176.

Note consisting of several references

documenting a single fact should be separated by


Multiple citation of a single note should

refer to the previous note.

15. See note 4 above.

For an unknown author start the note and

bibliographic entry with the title of the work.

Ibid is used in place of the author's name,

the title, and as much of the information as is identical to the

immediately preceding note. It cannot be used if the preceding note

cites more than one work.

6. Tom Nairn, Faces of Nationalism: Janis

Revisited (London and New York: Verso, 1997), 17.

7. Ibid., 39 - 43.

For direct quotations from sources without page

numbers use subheading, chapter, paragraph number, or other

organizational division of the work.

8. David Pilgrim, "The Mammy Caricature," Jim

Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia,

http://www.ferris.edu/htmls/news/jimcrow/mammies/, under

"Commercial Mammies."

Citations taken from secondary sources

should be avoided as researchers are expected to examine the works

they cite. If the original work is not available, the original and

secondary source must be cited.

9. Theodore Sedgwick, Thoughts on the Proposed

Annexation of Texas to the United States (New York: D. Fanshaw,

1844), 31, quoted in Lyon Rathbun, "The Debate over Annexing Texas

and the Emergence of Manifest Destiny," Rhetoric

& Public Affairs 4, no. 3 (Fall 2001): 479.

Notes and

Bibliography Examples


(Chicago Manual of Style, sec. 17.16-17.147)

Single author


1. Tom Nairn, Faces of Nationalism: Janus Revisited (London:

New York: Verso, 1997), 17.


Nairn, Tom. Faces of Nationalism: Janus

Revisited. London: New York: Verso, 1997.

Multiple authors


2. Gilbert Geis and Ivan Bunn, A Trial of Witches: A

Seventeenth-Century Witchcraft Prosecution (London: Routledge,

1997), 17.


Geis, Gilbert, and Ivan Bunn. A Trial of

Witches: a Seventeenth-Century Witchcraft Prosecution. London:

Routledge, 1997.

Edited Book


3. Basil Dmytryshym, ed., Imperial Russia: A Source Book,

1700-1917 (New York: Academic International Press, 1999),



Dmytryshyn, Basil, ed. Imperial Russia: A Source

Book, 1700-1917. New York: Academic International Press,


Group or corporate author


4. Global Environment Coordination, Facing the Global

Environment Challenge (Washington, DC: Global Environment

Coordination Division, Environment Dept., The World Bank, 1994),



Global Environment Coordination. Facing the

Global Environment Challenge. Washington, DC: Global

Environment Coordination Division, Environment Dept., The World

Bank, 1994.

Chapter or essay in book


5. Craig H. Roell, "The Piano in the American Home," in The Arts

and the American Home, 1980-1930, ed. Jessica H. Foy and Karal

Ann Marling (Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 1994),



Roell, Craig H. "The Piano in the American Home."

In The Arts and the American Home, 1890 - 1930, edited by

Jessica H. Foy and Karal Ann Marling, 193-204. Knoxville, TN:

University of Tennessee Press, 1994.

Article from a reference book


6. Dictionary of American Biography, s.v. "Washington,


For online reference sources, include URL and date of access.


Well-known encyclopedias and dictionaries are

usually not listed in the bibliography. For other reference works,

cite as a book. (for more information, see CMS )


(Chicago Manual of Style, sec. 17.148-17.203)

Article in a journal (one author)


1. Ilya Bodonski, "Caring among the Forgotten," Journal of

Social Activism 14, no.3 (1989):117.


Bodonski, Ilya. "Caring among the Forgotten."

Journal of Social Activism 14, no.3 (1989): 112-34.

Article in a journal (multiple



2. Arthur Carter and Margaret Speigel, "Childhood in Alsace,"

Journal of Modern History 74, no.4 (2002):741.


Carter, Arthur and Margaret Speigel. "Childhood in

Alsace." Journal of Modern History 74, no.4


Article in a popular magazine


3. Scott Spencer, "Childhood's End," Harper's, May 1979,



Spencer, Scott. "Childhood's End." Harper's,

May 1979, 16-19.

Article in a newspaper


4. Steven Erlanger, "Pact on Israeli Pullback Hinges on Defining

Army's Role," New York Times, sec. A, May 8, 1998.

"Because a newspaper's issue of any given day may include several

editions, and items may be moved or eliminated in various editions,

page numbers are best omitted. (CMS sec.



Newspapers are usually cited in notes, not

bibliographies. (CMS sec.

17.191) If a bibliographic entry is included, it would be

formatted as follows:

Erlanger, Steve. "Pact on Israeli Pullback Hinges

on Defining Army's Role," New York Times, May 8, 1998, sec.


Note: Different web browsers break the text

in different places of a URL. The URL should begin on the same line

as the rest of the citation information, with a break inserted

after a slash, if needed.

Article from a full-text database


5. Wendy Zellner, "An Insider's Tale Of Enron's Toxic Culture,"

Business Week, March 31, , 16,



Zellner, Wendy. "An Insider's Tale of Enron's Toxic

Culture." Business Week March 31, , 16.


Article from an e-journal collection


6. Miguel Edward, "Tribe or Nation? Nation Building and Public

Goods in Kenya versus Tanzania," World Politics 56, no.3

(): 330,



Miguel, Edward. "Tribe or Nation? Nation Building

and Public Goods in Kenya versus Tanzania." World Politics

56, no. 3 (): 327-362.


Note: if the article has a DOI, use it in place of

the page numbers. See Chicago Manual of Style sec. 17.181

for more information and example.

Article from a free web e-journal


7. Robert Shrum, "Taxing Clinton's Character," Slate, June

25, 1996, /id/1573/.


Shrum, Robert. "Taxing Clinton's Character."

Slate, June 25, 1996. /id/.

Note: if the article has a DOI, use it in place of

the page numbers. See Chicago Manual of Style sec. 17.181

for more information and example.


(Chicago Manual of Style, sec. 17.263-17.273)

Music Score


1. Charles L. Johnson, "Crazy Bone Rag," in Ragtime Jubilee: 42

Piano Gems, 1911-21, ed. David A. Jasen, 41-45 (Mineola, NY:

Dover Publications, 1997).


Johnson, Charles L. "Crazy Bone Rag." In Ragtime

Jubilee: 42 Piano Gems, 1911-21, edited by David A. Jasen,

41-45. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 1997.

"Published musical scores are treated in much the

same way as books." (CMS 17.263)

Sound Recording


2. Virginia Eskin, Fluffy Ruffle Girls: Women in Ragtime,

Northeastern Records NR 9003-CD.


Eskin, Virginia. Fluffy Ruffle Girls: Women in

Ragtime. Northeastern Records NR 9003-CD.

Note: List sound recordings under the composer,

writer, or other person responsible for the content. The performer

may be added after the title. The recording company and the number

of the recording are usually enough to identify the recording. (CMS

sec. 17.265-268)

Video Recording


3. Thelma & Louise, videocassette, directed

by Ridley Scott (Culver City, CA : MGM/UA Home Video, 1992).


Thelma & Louise. Directed by Ridley

Scott. Culver City, CA: MGM/UA Home Video, 1992. Videocassette.

"Facts of publication for video recordings

generally follow that of books, with the addition of the type of

medium. Scenes (individually accessible in DVDs) are treated as

chapters and cited by title or number. Ancillary materials, such as

critical commentary, is cited by author and title." (CMS



No example provided in Chicago Manual of


Chicago Manual Q & A provides

this example for bibliographies:

Friends. Episode no. 153, first broadcast 16

November 2000 by NBC. Directed by David Schwimmer and written by

Scott Silveri.


(Chicago Manual of Style, e-books: sec.

17.142-17.147, e-journals: 17.180-17.181, online magazines: 17.187,

online newspapers: 17.198, e-mail and web pages: 17.234-17.237, and

articles from full-text databases: 17.358-17.359)

Note: Different web browsers break the text

in different places of a URL. The URL should begin on the same line

as the rest of the citation information, with a break inserted

after a slash, if needed.

Web page


1. Norman R. Yetman, "An Introduction to the WPA Slave Narratives,"

Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers'

Project, 1936-1938,



Yetman, Norman R. "An Introduction to the WPA Slave

Narratives." Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal

Writers' Project, 1936-1938.


Article from a free web e-journal


7. Robert Shrum, "Taxing Clinton's Character," Slate, June

25, 1996, /id/1573/.


Shrum, Robert. "Taxing Clinton's Character."

Slate, June 25, 1996. /id/.

Note: if the article has a DOI, use it in place of

the page numbers. See Chicago Manual of Style sec. 17.181

for more information and example.

Article from a full-text database


5. Wendy Zellner, "An Insider's Tale Of Enron's Toxic Culture,"

Business Week, March 31, , 16,



Zellner, Wendy. "An Insider's Tale of Enron's Toxic

Culture." Business Week March 31, , 16.


Article from an e-journal collection


6. Miguel Edward, "Tribe or Nation? Nation Building and Public

Goods in Kenya versus Tanzania," World Politics 56, no.3

(): 330,



Miguel, Edward. "Tribe or Nation? Nation Building

and Public Goods in Kenya versus Tanzania." World Politics

56, no. 3 (): 327-362.


Note: if the article has a DOI, use it in place of

the page numbers. See Chicago Manual of Style sec. 17.181

for more information and example.



(Chicago Manual of Style, sec. 17.290-17.356)

Congressional Hearings


1. House Committee on International Relations, The Threat from

International Organized Crime and Global Terrorism: Hearing before

the Committee on International Relations, 105th Cong., 1st

sess., October 1, 1997, 6-8.


U.S. Congress. House. Committee on International

Relations. The Threat from International Organized Crime and

Global Terrorism: Hearing before the Committee on International

Relations. 105th Cong., 1st sess., October 1, 1997.

Executive Department Documents

(Chicago Manual of Style, sec. 17.317,



2. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National

Institute of Justice, The Threat of Russian Organized Crime,

by James O. Finckenauer and Yuri A. Voronin (Washington, DC:

Government Printing Office, 2001),



U.S. Department of Justice. Office of Justice

Programs. National Institute of Justice. The Threat of Russian

Organized Crime, by James O. Finckenauer and Yuri A. Voronin.

Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 2001.



(Chicago Manual of Style, sec. 17.210-17.237)



9. Frederick Rudolph, interview by author, Williamstown, MA, May

15, 2001.


Rudolph, Frederick. Interview by author.

Williamstown, MA, May, 15 2001.

"Unpublished interviews are best cited ... in

notes, though occasionally appear in bibliographies." (CMS

