1200字范文 > Error parsing HTTP request header...java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in m

Error parsing HTTP request header...java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in m

时间:2022-01-07 23:02:32


Error parsing HTTP request header...java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in m



-04-09 09:28:36,247 INFO [][scheduling-1] c.w.w.task.ApiRequestTask - refresh ADX config-04-09 09:31:14,873 INFO [][http-nio-6310-exec-10] o.a.coyote.http11.Http11Processor - Error parsing HTTP request headerNote: further occurrences of HTTP request parsing errors will be logged at DEBUG level.java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in method name [0x030x000x000x130x0e0xe00x000x000x000x000x000x010x000x080x000x020x000x00...]. HTTP method names must be tokensat org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11InputBuffer.parseRequestLine(Http11InputBuffer.java:417)at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.service(Http11Processor.java:261)at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessorLight.process(AbstractProcessorLight.java:65)at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$ConnectionHandler.process(AbstractProtocol.java:868)at org.apache..NioEndpoint$SocketProcessor.doRun(NioEndpoint.java:1590)at org.apache..SocketProcessorBase.run(SocketProcessorBase.java:49)at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$WrappingRunnable.run(TaskThread.java:61)at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:750)-04-09 09:48:36,252 INFO [][scheduling-1] c.w.w.task.ApiRequestTask - refresh ADX config




boolean parseRequestLine(boolean keptAlive, int connectionTimeout, int keepAliveTimeout)throws IOException {// check stateif (!parsingRequestLine) {return true;}//// Skipping blank lines//if (parsingRequestLinePhase < 2) {do {// Read new bytes if neededif (byteBuffer.position() >= byteBuffer.limit()) {if (keptAlive) {// Haven't read any request data yet so use the keep-alive// timeout.wrapper.setReadTimeout(keepAliveTimeout);}if (!fill(false)) {// A read is pending, so no longer in initial stateparsingRequestLinePhase = 1;return false;}// At least one byte of the request has been received.// Switch to the socket timeout.wrapper.setReadTimeout(connectionTimeout);}if (!keptAlive && byteBuffer.position() == 0 && byteBuffer.limit() >= CLIENT_PREFACE_START.length - 1) {boolean prefaceMatch = true;for (int i = 0; i < CLIENT_PREFACE_START.length && prefaceMatch; i++) {if (CLIENT_PREFACE_START[i] != byteBuffer.get(i)) {prefaceMatch = false;}}if (prefaceMatch) {// HTTP/2 preface matchedparsingRequestLinePhase = -1;return false;}}// Set the start time once we start reading data (even if it is// just skipping blank lines)if (request.getStartTime() < 0) {request.setStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis());}chr = byteBuffer.get();} while ((chr == Constants.CR) || (chr == Constants.LF));byteBuffer.position(byteBuffer.position() - 1);parsingRequestLineStart = byteBuffer.position();parsingRequestLinePhase = 2;}if (parsingRequestLinePhase == 2) {//// Reading the method name// Method name is a token//boolean space = false;while (!space) {// Read new bytes if neededif (byteBuffer.position() >= byteBuffer.limit()) {if (!fill(false)) // request line parsingreturn false;}// Spec says method name is a token followed by a single SP but// also be tolerant of multiple SP and/or HT.int pos = byteBuffer.position();chr = byteBuffer.get();if (chr == Constants.SP || chr == Constants.HT) {space = true;request.method().setBytes(byteBuffer.array(), parsingRequestLineStart,pos - parsingRequestLineStart);} else if (!HttpParser.isToken(chr)) {// Avoid unknown protocol triggering an additional errorrequest.protocol().setString(Constants.HTTP_11);String invalidMethodValue = parseInvalid(parsingRequestLineStart, byteBuffer);throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("iib.invalidmethod", invalidMethodValue));}}parsingRequestLinePhase = 3;}if (parsingRequestLinePhase == 3) {// Spec says single SP but also be tolerant of multiple SP and/or HTboolean space = true;while (space) {// Read new bytes if neededif (byteBuffer.position() >= byteBuffer.limit()) {if (!fill(false)) // request line parsingreturn false;}chr = byteBuffer.get();if (!(chr == Constants.SP || chr == Constants.HT)) {space = false;byteBuffer.position(byteBuffer.position() - 1);}}parsingRequestLineStart = byteBuffer.position();parsingRequestLinePhase = 4;}if (parsingRequestLinePhase == 4) {// Mark the current buffer positionint end = 0;//// Reading the URI//boolean space = false;while (!space) {// Read new bytes if neededif (byteBuffer.position() >= byteBuffer.limit()) {if (!fill(false)) // request line parsingreturn false;}int pos = byteBuffer.position();prevChr = chr;chr = byteBuffer.get();if (prevChr == Constants.CR && chr != Constants.LF) {// CR not followed by LF so not an HTTP/0.9 request and// therefore invalid. Trigger error handling.// Avoid unknown protocol triggering an additional errorrequest.protocol().setString(Constants.HTTP_11);String invalidRequestTarget = parseInvalid(parsingRequestLineStart, byteBuffer);throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("iib.invalidRequestTarget", invalidRequestTarget));}if (chr == Constants.SP || chr == Constants.HT) {space = true;end = pos;} else if (chr == Constants.CR) {// HTTP/0.9 style request. CR is optional. LF is not.} else if (chr == Constants.LF) {// HTTP/0.9 style request// Stop this processing loopspace = true;// Set blank protocol (indicates HTTP/0.9)request.protocol().setString("");// Skip the protocol processingparsingRequestLinePhase = 7;if (prevChr == Constants.CR) {end = pos - 1;} else {end = pos;}} else if (chr == Constants.QUESTION && parsingRequestLineQPos == -1) {parsingRequestLineQPos = pos;} else if (parsingRequestLineQPos != -1 && !httpParser.isQueryRelaxed(chr)) {// Avoid unknown protocol triggering an additional errorrequest.protocol().setString(Constants.HTTP_11);// %nn decoding will be checked at the point of decodingString invalidRequestTarget = parseInvalid(parsingRequestLineStart, byteBuffer);throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("iib.invalidRequestTarget", invalidRequestTarget));} else if (httpParser.isNotRequestTargetRelaxed(chr)) {// Avoid unknown protocol triggering an additional errorrequest.protocol().setString(Constants.HTTP_11);// This is a general check that aims to catch problems early// Detailed checking of each part of the request target will// happen in Http11Processor#prepareRequest()String invalidRequestTarget = parseInvalid(parsingRequestLineStart, byteBuffer);throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("iib.invalidRequestTarget", invalidRequestTarget));}}if (parsingRequestLineQPos >= 0) {request.queryString().setBytes(byteBuffer.array(), parsingRequestLineQPos + 1,end - parsingRequestLineQPos - 1);request.requestURI().setBytes(byteBuffer.array(), parsingRequestLineStart,parsingRequestLineQPos - parsingRequestLineStart);} else {request.requestURI().setBytes(byteBuffer.array(), parsingRequestLineStart,end - parsingRequestLineStart);}// HTTP/0.9 processing jumps to stage 7.// Don't want to overwrite that here.if (parsingRequestLinePhase == 4) {parsingRequestLinePhase = 5;}}if (parsingRequestLinePhase == 5) {// Spec says single SP but also be tolerant of multiple and/or HTboolean space = true;while (space) {// Read new bytes if neededif (byteBuffer.position() >= byteBuffer.limit()) {if (!fill(false)) // request line parsingreturn false;}byte chr = byteBuffer.get();if (!(chr == Constants.SP || chr == Constants.HT)) {space = false;byteBuffer.position(byteBuffer.position() - 1);}}parsingRequestLineStart = byteBuffer.position();parsingRequestLinePhase = 6;// Mark the current buffer positionend = 0;}if (parsingRequestLinePhase == 6) {//// Reading the protocol// Protocol is always "HTTP/" DIGIT "." DIGIT//while (!parsingRequestLineEol) {// Read new bytes if neededif (byteBuffer.position() >= byteBuffer.limit()) {if (!fill(false)) // request line parsingreturn false;}int pos = byteBuffer.position();prevChr = chr;chr = byteBuffer.get();if (chr == Constants.CR) {// Possible end of request line. Need LF next.} else if (prevChr == Constants.CR && chr == Constants.LF) {end = pos - 1;parsingRequestLineEol = true;} else if (!HttpParser.isHttpProtocol(chr)) {String invalidProtocol = parseInvalid(parsingRequestLineStart, byteBuffer);throw new IllegalArgumentException(sm.getString("iib.invalidHttpProtocol", invalidProtocol));}}if ((end - parsingRequestLineStart) > 0) {request.protocol().setBytes(byteBuffer.array(), parsingRequestLineStart,end - parsingRequestLineStart);parsingRequestLinePhase = 7;}// If no protocol is found, the ISE below will be triggered.}if (parsingRequestLinePhase == 7) {// Parsing is complete. Return and clean-up.parsingRequestLine = false;parsingRequestLinePhase = 0;parsingRequestLineEol = false;parsingRequestLineStart = 0;return true;}throw new IllegalStateException(sm.getString("iib.invalidPhase", Integer.valueOf(parsingRequestLinePhase)));}



SpringBoot配置文件 application.properties如何配置呢,查看org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web中的ServerProperties类。

