1200字范文 > 电大计算机阅读英语作文 关于电大生活的英语作文

电大计算机阅读英语作文 关于电大生活的英语作文

时间:2023-12-23 09:13:31


电大计算机阅读英语作文 关于电大生活的英语作文

我的课余生活丰富多采,有看书、打乒乓球、上电脑、学英语 有一件事是最有趣的,那就是学英语。我在思丹莱学英语,那里有干净的房间,漂亮的圆桌,还有一些有趣的英语课外书,所以吸引了...

我的课余生活丰富多采,有看书、打乒乓球、上电脑、学英语 有一件事是最有趣的,那就是学英语。我在思丹莱学英语,那里有干净的房间,漂亮的圆桌,还有一些有趣的英语课外书,所以吸引了...

英语夏令营_我的暑假计划作文350字 酷热的暑期到了,暑假的学习也开始了。在这个暑假的八月份前两个星期里,我报名参加了英语戏剧课的夏令营。 第一天早上,我和妈妈匆匆忙忙地往英语戏剧...

3月30日,为配合我校的工作要求,我班在班主任朱老师的带领下,以发现北郊 我爱英语为主旨,鼓动全体同学踊跃参与,在班会上举行了八年级首届英语口语朗诵比赛,同学的热情高涨,兴奋...

听雨时,也是我头脑最清晰的时刻,同时也是最能让我心事如潮的时刻。题记 又是夏雨倾盆的时节,总喜欢隔窗听雨。从前不懂得聆听,是因为不曾懂得语文之美,而今,在语文课上,我将词赋诗...


Today, the teacher walked front of the podium, said firmly: "Tomorrow on the holiday, I hope everyone had a happy holiday, good, now we pick up a good thing to go!"

I ran out fast in...

Life_生活英语作文120字 When it comes to the life, I remind a word is that life was like a box of chocolates and you never know what youre gonna get,which makes me grown. Life is not only to spend time on ourselves but also to enjoy and know everthi...

本文是一篇高一寒假生活英语作文600字,题目为Drunken Driving,文章表达了作者对醉酒驾驶的观点,下面就让我们一起来欣赏全文吧! 高一寒假生活英语作文600字:Drunken Driving It is commonly known thatdru...

School Life In 2100,our school life will be different. We wont need to go to school. We just stay at homelearn by ourselves on the Internet. Of course, we will be able to discuss with our teachersand classmates on the net. Students take language ,art ...

Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. The twentieth century has brought with it many advances. With those advances, human lives have changed dra...

生活千变万化,有时好似在一辆过山车上来一次疯狂的旅程。 记得那是一次英语考试,不像平时考试那么容易。我紧张不已,眉头之间渗满了密密麻麻的汗珠,握笔的手也不由自主地抖个不停...

本文是一篇 优秀寒假生活英语作文 ,题目为 My Experience to Eat Buffet ,文章表达了作者对寒假生活的喜爱之情,下面就让我们一起来欣赏全文吧! 优秀寒假生活英语作文:My Experience to Eat Buffet Today...

When facing plenty of difficulties, you think what the life. Whether you like or not, you should get a life to go on. Every corner of our life stuffes a banch of problems, we s-hould make our encouarge to deal with them. Life, which is a sign of pursi...

Living in the City_生活在都市英语作文120字 Nowadays, most people, especially those who live in the country, want to move to the city. But is the city life perfect? Every coin has two sides. Its true that things seem to be more convenient in some...

Life is a class everywhere_生活处处是课堂英语作文 There is a book, the book is not a word, but we can get a lot of knowledge: this book is not the author, but every one of us is the author of this book, this book is called life. Life is everywh...

describe the importance's of spiritual things...

In my opinion,music is a magical toolwhich raises me up when I am down and helps me find the bright side of life.Noe let me tell you music in my life. My daily life is as usual as others.So sometimes I feel bored .When I feel bored,I often listen to m...


本文是一篇 高三寒假生活英语作文 ,题目为 Self-behave Is Not Easy ,文章表达了作者对学会自律的喜爱之情,下面就让我们一起来欣赏全文吧! 高三寒假生活英语作文:Self-behave Is Not Easy When people a...

The Unforgettable School Meeting The school sports meeting is over.I feel the school sports meeting is very excitibg and meaningful. This is my first time in high school sports meeting,so I took an active part in it and cheered up other athlete.I took...


Mylifestyle Ihavealotofgoodhabits. Ireadbookseveryday.Ihelpwithhouseworkeveryday,too.Iusuallyeatfruitandvegetable,becausetheyaregoosformyhealth.Ioftenexercise,itisgoodformyhealth,too.Ihardlyeverstayuplate,becausemyparentssayitisbadforourhealth.Ihaveso...

The beauty of life_生活的美好英语六级作文300字 Beauty is everywhere in life. Beauty in the colorful nature, people and the nature harmonious beauty, have a family warm sweet beauty, the love in the society to help us... Beauty is everywhere in...

Hi Peter: I am Lihua I think I will be very rich in 20 years! I will change my life now. For example: I dont have to go to school. I dont go out to work. I want to be a computer engineer. I just need to use a computer to study and work with my compute...

It was the second day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt I am free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Zhongshan. So I live alone but I dont feel lonely. But I didnt do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh...

一转眼,期中考试来了。今天,是我们六年级考英语。我怀着一种期待的心情,等待着考试的到来。 铃,铃,铃响亮的铃声响起,老师把试卷发了下来。这张试卷有一定难度,考高分不容易得啊,...

Now,peoplearegettingricherandricher.Letsthink,whatwillthelifebelikeinthefuture? Inthefuture,wewonthavetochangemanyclotheseveryday.Wewillwearakindofspecialclothes.Wecanbewarmwhenwefeelcoldandbecoolwhenwefeelhot.Theywillhavemanybeautifulcolours.Wecanchanget...

Astimegoesby,therearegoingtobebigchangesinoureverydaylivesinthefuture.Forexample, Astimegoesby,therearegoingtobebigchangesinoureverydaylife.Forexample,whenwearehungry,wedontneedtocookinahurry.Justtakesomepills,andeverythingwillbeOK.Whenwearefree,wecangoan...

