1200字范文 > synology nfs_如何在Synology NAS桌面上创建 重新排列 组织和删除快捷方式

synology nfs_如何在Synology NAS桌面上创建 重新排列 组织和删除快捷方式

时间:2020-04-05 11:01:28


synology nfs_如何在Synology NAS桌面上创建 重新排列 组织和删除快捷方式

synology nfs

If you find yourself routinely using the same tools and applications on your Synology NAS, it makes sense to arrange the layout of your virtual workspace to save yourself a bunch of unnecessary trips into the menu system.

如果您发现自己经常在Synology NAS上使用相同的工具和应用程序,则合理安排虚拟工作区的布局可以节省大量不必要的菜单系统行程。

By default, the operating system on Synology NAS units, DiskStation Mananger, parks four handy shortcuts on the “desktop”: Package Center (where you install and manage apps), Control Panel (were you update the OS and customize settings), File Station (where you can browse and manage the files on your NAS), and DSM Help (the help system for your NAS). To access any additional installed applications, default or user-added, you need to tap on the menu icon in the upper left corner of the desktop, seen below.

默认情况下,Synology NAS单元上的操作系统DiskStation Mananger在桌面上停放了四个方便的快捷方式:软件包中心(用于安装和管理应用程序),控制面板(用于更新操作系统和自定义设置),文件站(您可以在其中浏览和管理NAS上的文件)和DSM帮助(NAS的帮助系统)。 要访问任何其他已安装的默认或用户添加的应用程序,您需要点击桌面左上角的菜单图标,如下所示。

To add a shortcut, simply select the shortcut for whatever application it is that you wish to park on the desktop. In the example below we’ve selected “Photo Station”. While still holding the mouse down to select the icon, drag and drop it over to the desktop area.

要添加快捷方式,只需为要驻留在桌面上的任何应用程序选择快捷方式。 在下面的示例中,我们选择了“ Photo Station”。 在仍然按住鼠标选择图标的同时,将其拖放到桌面区域。

The shortcut is now on the desktop at the bottom of the shortcuts column.


You can leave it where it is or you can do one of three things. You can click and hold on it to drag it, reordering the icons to suit your preference, or you can even hold it over another icon to create a group—similar to how mobile operating systems like iOS handle application grouping. Once created, you can rename the “New group” by clicking on the name and replacing it.

您可以将其保留在原处,也可以做以下三件事之一。 您可以单击并按住以将其拖动,以根据自己的喜好对图标重新排序,甚至可以将其按住在另一个图标上以创建一个组,类似于iOS等移动操作系统如何处理应用程序分组。 创建完成后,您可以通过单击名称并将其替换来重命名“新组”。

Finally, if you decide you don’t need the shortcut on the desktop, you can again click and hold, but then drag the shortcut up onto the menu icon/toolbar area. The shortcut icon will update to include a little red minus sign and, upon release, it will be removed from the desktop (but will still be accessible via the main application menu).

最后,如果您决定不需要桌面上的快捷方式,则可以再次单击并按住,然后将快捷方式向上拖动到菜单图标/工具栏区域。 快捷方式图标将更新为包括一个红色的减号,并且在释放时会从桌面上删除(但仍可以通过主应用程序菜单访问)。

That’s all there is to it: with a little tweaking you can put your most used Synology NAS tools right at your fingertips.

这就是全部:只需稍作调整,即可将最常用的Synology NAS工具放在指尖。

翻译自: /319359/how-to-create-rearrange-organize-and-remove-shortcuts-on-your-synology-nas-desktop/

synology nfs
