1200字范文 > php将tiff转pdf_通过命令行界面将PDF TIFF和其他图像格式批量转换为PDF PDF可搜索和

php将tiff转pdf_通过命令行界面将PDF TIFF和其他图像格式批量转换为PDF PDF可搜索和

时间:2023-04-22 17:43:17


php将tiff转pdf_通过命令行界面将PDF TIFF和其他图像格式批量转换为PDF PDF可搜索和


Power PDF was from the Document Imaging division of Nuance Communications, now from Kofax (see 3-Dec- article update below). It is available in two editions —Power PDF StandardandPower PDF Advanced. Kofax offers a free 30-day trial of the Advanced edition, available for download here:

Power PDF来自Nuance Communications的文档影像部门,现在来自Kofax(请参阅下面的12月3日文章更新)。 它有两个版本-Power PDF StandardPower PDF Advanced。 Kofax提供了30天免费试用版的高级版,可从此处下载:



And the Standard edition, available for download here:




Everything in this article about Version 1.0 is based on my experience with the free trial of the Advanced edition running in W7 Pro 64-bit; everything about Version 1.1 and later is based on the licensed Power PDF Advanced, also on W7 Pro 64-bit.

本文中有关版本1.0的所有内容均基于我对在64位W7 Pro中运行的Advanced Edition的免费试用的经验。 有关1.1版和更高版本的所有内容均基于许可的Power PDF Advanced,也基于W7 Pro 64位。

Disclaimerbefore going further: I have no affiliation with Kofax or Nuance and no financial interest in them whatsoever. I am simply a happy user/customer of several of the document imaging products, including OmniPage, PaperPort, and PDF Converter (the latter is being replaced by Power PDF).

在进一步说明之前免责声明:我与Kofax或Nuance没有任何隶属关系,也没有任何财务利益。 我只是几个文档影像产品(包括OmniPage,PaperPort和PDF Converter)的满意用户/客户(后者已被Power PDF取代)。

Update on 22-Feb-: The initial submission of this article was about version 1.0 of Power PDF Advanced. Nuance recently released version 1.1, but since EE members may still have 1.0, I decided not to delete the information about 1.0, but instead added a section at the bottom of the article about 1.1.

2月22日更新:本文的初始提交是关于Power PDF Advanced的1.0版。 Nuance最近发布了1.1版,但是由于EE成员可能仍拥有1.0,所以我决定不删除有关1.0的信息,而是在文章底部添加了有关1.1的部分。

End of update.


Update on 18-Jun-: Although undocumented in the Help text, I just discovered that the input files may be other image file types, including GIF, JPG, and PNG (the Help text documents only PDF and TIF).


End of update.


Update on 23-Aug-: Since my previous article update about version 1.1, Nuance released 1.2 in February , 2.0 in June , and 2.1 in May . Some key points about these versions:


(1) The list of OCR languages is identical in all five releases (1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0, 2.1).


(2) The Help text in both 1.2 and 2.0 is identical to the Help text in 1.1, which is shown below in the 1.1 section of the article.


(3) The Help text in 2.1 has three differences from 1.1/1.2/2.0, namely:

• the-Toutput type parameter has an additional choice:TXT(thanks to member Amine BEN DHIAB for reporting this in the comments section below on 16-Jun-)

• the-Vversion parameter for PDF output has five additional choices:X1A,X3,X4,X4P,PDFE

• there's a new-Yoption for PDF output, which means convert to gray

In terms of big differences between the Advanced edition of 1.x and 2.x, here's a Nuance article discussing it:

What's new in Power PDF Advanced 2.0?

(3)2.1中的帮助文本与1.1 / 1.2 / 2.0具有三个区别,即:

-T输出类型参数有一个附加选择:TXT(感谢成员Amine BEN DHIAB在6月16日的以下评论部分中报告了此内容)




Power PDF Advanced 2.0的新功能是什么?

End of update.


Update on 9-Aug-:Since my previous article update about versions 1.2, 2.0, and 2.1, Nuance releasedVersion 3.0on 5-Jun-. As with my prior article updates, I did not delete information about the earlier versions, instead adding a section at the bottom of the article about 3.0.

8月9日更新:自从我上一篇文章更新了1.2、2.0和2.1版本以来,Nuance于6月5日发布了3.0版。 与我以前的文章更新一样,我没有删除有关早期版本的信息,而是在文章底部添加了一个有关3.0的部分。

End of update.


Update on 3-Dec-:The Nuance Document Imaging Division, which is responsible for Power PDF, was acquired by Kofax. The press release announcing it is here:

12月3日更新:负责Power PDF的Nuance文档影像事业部被Kofax收购。 宣布它的新闻稿在这里:

Kofax Announces the Closing of its Acquisition of Nuance Document Imaging

Kofax宣布完成对Nuance Document Imaging的收购

Kofax recently released the first version of Power PDF under its stewardship — 3.1. As with my prior article updates, I did not delete information about the earlier versions, instead adding a section at the bottom of the article about 3.1.

Kofax最近在其指导下发布了Power PDF的第一个版本3.1。 与以前的文章更新一样,我没有删除有关早期版本的信息,而是在文章底部添加了有关3.1的部分。

End of update.


The Graphical User Interface (GUI) of Power PDF Advanced (PPA) utilizes the Ribbon interface, made popular by Microsoft in Office and continued in all Office releases since then. The Home section of PPA's Ribbon looks like this:

Power PDF Advanced(PPA)的图形用户界面(GUI)使用了功能区界面,该功能区由Microsoft在Office 中流行,并从那时起在所有Office版本中都继续使用。 PPA的功能区的“主页”部分如下所示:

The Advanced Processing section of the Ribbon has a Batch Converter function:


This is an excellent feature that provides for batch conversion of PDF and TIFF files into PDF, Searchable PDF (via built-in OCR), TIFF, and Multipage TIFF. But as I was putting the product through its paces during the 30-day trial, I wondered if there is a Command Line Interface (CLI) for batch conversion. Nothing is documented in the offline or online help about a CLI for the batch converter, and Nuance hasn't (yet) released a user guide/manual for the product. So I took a look at the installation folder "c:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\Power PDF\" to see if anything jumped out with respect to a CLI for batch conversion, and sure enough, found "BatchConverter.exe" and "" executables. At first I thought they were there to support the [Batch>Batch Controls>Batch Converter] item shown on the Ribbon (in the screenshot above), but then I decided to run "BatchConverter" in a Command Prompt in the off-chance that it provides a CLI.Jackpot!I gave it the standard "/?" parameter for help and, lo and behold, this came back (turns out that "-?" also works):

这是一项出色的功能,可将PDF和TIFF文件批量转换为PDF,可搜索PDF(通过内置OCR),TIFF和多页TIFF。 但是,在30天的试用期内,我不断调整产品的速度时,我想知道是否存在用于批量转换的命令行界面(CLI)。 脱机或联机帮助中没有关于批处理转换器的CLI的任何文档,Nuance尚未(尚未)发布该产品的用户指南/手册。 因此,我查看了安装文件夹“ c:\ Program Files(x86)\ Nuance \ Power PDF \”,以查看是否有任何有关CLI的批处理转换跳出了,肯定可以找到“ BatchConverter.exe”和“ ”可执行文件。 起初我以为他们在那里支持功能区上显示的[Batch> Batch Controls> Batch Converter]项目(在上面的屏幕截图中),但是后来我决定在命令提示符下运行“ BatchConverter”,它提供了一个CLI。大奖!我给它标准的“ /?” 求助参数,瞧瞧,这又回来了(原来“-?”也有效):

(See important note after this Help text — spoiler alert: batchconverter.exe is wrong — is correct.)




batchconverter.exe -I<inputfile> -O<outputfile> -T<output type>

[-A<PDF/A format>] [-R] [-Q] [-P<page number>]

[-S<colorspace>] [-D<resolution>] [-Cm<cmpmono>]

[-Cg<cmpgray>] [-Cc<cmpcolor>] [-L<lang1, lang2, lang3>]

[-J<char>] [-K] [-Ao] [-As] [-?] [-F<logfile>]

batchconverter.exe -I <输入文件> -O <输出文件> -T <输出类型>

[-A <PDF / A格式>] [-R] [-Q] [-P <页码>]

[-S <颜色空间>] [-D <分辨率>] [-Cm <cmpmono>]

[-Cg <cmpgray>] [-Cc <cmpcolor>] [-L <lang1,lang2,lang3>]

[-J <字符>] [-K] [-Ao] [-As] [-?] [-F <日志文件>]

-I input file full path. * can be used for filename (*.pdf, *.tif)

-O output file or folder full path.

-T output type: TIF|PDF|PDFS

-A PDF/A format: 1A|1B|2A|2B|2U|3A|3B|3U. Default:Non-PDF/A

-R recursive processing, subfolders under the input will be processed too. The input folder structure will be created under the output folder.

-Q quiet processing, no password dialogs will be showed thus password protected pdf files will not be converted successfully.

-P process single page

-? Shows usage info and the list of languages + 3letter language identifiers.

Tiff output specific parameters

-S colorspace: auto|mono|gray|rgb. Default: auto.

-D resolution: auto|72|96|150|200|300|600|1200|2400. Default: auto.

-Cm image compression for monochrome images: none|g3|g4|lzw. Default: g4.

-Cg image compression for grayscale images: none|LZW|JpegMin|JpegLow|JpegMed|JpegHigh|JpegMax. Default: LZW.

-Cc image compression for color images: none|LZW|JpegMin|JpegLow|JpegMed|JpegHigh|JpegMax. Default: LZW.

Searchable PDF output specific parameters

-L Language(s) for OCR. Comma delimited list of 3letter language identifiers (-Leng,ger,fre,nor). If not presented, auto is used.

-J Reject char. Default: ~.

-K If presented, conversion keeps original images.

-Ao If presented, pages are oriented and straightened automatically.

-我输入文件的完整路径。*可用于文件名(* .pdf,*。tif)


-T输出类型:TIF | PDF | PDFS

-A PDF / A格式:1A | 1B | 2A | 2B | 2U | 3A | 3B | 3U。默认值:非PDF / A






-S色彩空间:auto | mono | gray | rgb。默认值:自动。

-D分辨率:自动| 72 | 96 | 150 | 200 | 300 | 600 | 1200 | 2400。默认值:自动。

-Cm图像压缩(用于单色图像):none | g3 | g4 | lzw。默认值:g4。

-Cg灰度图像压缩:无| LZW | JpegMin | JpegLow | JpegMed | JpegHigh | JpegMax。默认值:LZW。

彩色图像的-Cc图像压缩:无| LZW | JpegMin | JpegLow | JpegMed | JpegHigh | JpegMax。默认值:LZW。


-L OCR语言。逗号分隔的3个字母的语言标识符列表(-Leng,ger,fre,nor)。如果未显示,则使用自动。




That's not the end of the help output — it continues with a list of123 languages for OCRsupport. To avoid scrolling for many screens in this article, I removed the list of languages from the help output above and placed it in the attached text file called "Power-PDF-Advanced-OCR-Languages.txt".

到帮助输出还没有结束-它继续提供123种支持OCR的语言的列表。 为避免滚动本文中的许多屏幕,我从上面的帮助输出中删除了语言列表,并将其放在了名为“ Power-PDF-Advanced-OCR-Languages.txt”的附加文本文件中。

Important Note:BatchConverter.exeis the Batch ConverterGUI, whileis the Batch ConverterCLI. If you are in a Command Prompt in the folder containing both files and enter the commandBatchConverter(that is, without the .com or .exe extension) the CLI will run and work as expected. However, if you enter the commandBatchConverter.exe, it willnotrun the CLI. It won't even recognize the/?or-?parameter.The syntax in the help output shown in the "Usage:" section above is incorrect!It says the command isbatchconverter.exe, but it should say.

重要说明:BatchConverter.exe是Batch ConverterGUI,而是Batch ConverterCLI。 如果您在同时包含两个文件的文件夹中的命令提示符中,然后输入命令BatchConverter(即,不带.com或.exe扩展名),则CLI将按预期运行并运行。 但是,如果输入命令BatchConverter.exe,它将不会运行CLI。 它甚至不会识别/?还是-?参数。上面“用法:”部分中显示的帮助输出中的语法不正确!它说命令是batchconverter.exe,但应该说。

I then ran numerous tests and it worked flawlessly! Here's an example that converts an image-only PDF to a searchable PDF (-TPDFS), keeping the images in the output file (-K), and using English for the OCR (-Leng):

然后,我进行了无数次测试,结果完美无缺! 这是一个将仅图像的PDF转换为可搜索的PDF(-TPDFS),将图像保留在输出文件(-K)中,并对OCR使用英语(-Leng)的示例:

batchconverter -Id:\testin\testimage.pdf -Od:\testout\testsearch.pdf -TPDFS -K -Leng

batchconverter -Id:\ testin \ testimage.pdf -Od:\ testout \ testsearch.pdf -TPDFS -K -Leng

All the parameters provide extremely useful features, but in my opinion, these stand out:


Creation of a PDF Searchable file (the -TPDFS option), with an additional option (-K) that keeps the images. 创建PDF可搜索文件(-TPDFS选项),并带有一个保留图像的附加选项(-K)。 Processing subfolders to an unlimited depth and automatically replicating the input folder structure under the output folder, called recursive processing (the -R option). 将子文件夹处理到无限深度,并自动在输出文件夹下复制输入文件夹结构,这称为递归处理(-R选项)。 A wide variety of compression methods for TIFF files, with separate methods for monochrome (-Cm), grayscale (-Cg), and color (-Cc) images. 用于TIFF文件的多种压缩方法,以及用于单色(-Cm),灰度(-Cg)和彩色(-Cc)图像的单独方法。 An amazing choice of languages for OCR (the -L option). 用于OCR的语言的绝佳选择(-L选项)。

As mentioned above, I was not able to find any documentation on the CLI, except for the output from the-?parameter. Everything I know about the Batch Converter CLI is from the command itself — and experimentation with it. So if anyone reading this article learns anything interesting about it, please post it here for all to see.

如上所述,除了-?的输出外,我无法在CLI上找到任何文档参数。 我对Batch Converter CLI所了解的一切都来自命令本身-并对其进行了试验。 因此,如果任何人阅读本文了解到任何有趣的东西,请在此处发布以供所有人参考。

In conclusion, PPA's CLI provides capabilities that cannot be achieved in the GUI. It may be called from batch files, scripts, and custom programs. I'm looking forward to using it and I hope this article documenting it helps some other EE members. If you do find this article to be helpful, please endorse it by clicking thethumbs-upicon at the end of the article. This lets me know what is valuable for EE members and provides direction for future articles. Thanks very much! Regards, Joe

总之,PPA的CLI提供了GUI中无法实现的功能。 可以从批处理文件,脚本和自定义程序中调用它。 我期待使用它,并希望本文记录该文档对其他EE成员有所帮助。 如果您发现本文对您有所帮助,请单击本文末尾的竖起大拇指图标以表示赞同。 这使我知道什么对EE成员有价值,并为以后的文章提供了指导。 非常感谢! 问候乔

Update for Version 1.1


This is the Help text for Version 1.1(see important note after this output):




-I<inputfile> -O<outputfile> -T<output type>

[-R] [-Q] [-P<page number>] [-S<colorspace>]

[-D<resolution>] [-Cm<cmpmono>] [-Cg<cmpgray>]

[-Cc<cmpcolor>] [-V<version>] [-W] [-G] [-E<sequence name>]

[-L<lang1, lang2, lang3>] [-J<char>] [-K] [-Ao] [-As] [-?] [-F<logfile>]

-I <输入文件> -O <输出文件> -T <输出类型>

[-R] [-Q] [-P <页码>] [-S <色彩空间>]

[-D <分辨率>] [-Cm <cmpmono>] [-Cg <cmpgray>]

[-Cc <cmpcolor>] [-V <版本>] [-W] [-G] [-E <序列名称>]

[-L <lang1,lang2,lang3>] [-J <char>] [-K] [-Ao] [-As] [-?] [-F <logfile>]

-I input file full path. * can be used for filename (*.pdf, *.tif)

-O output file or folder full path.

-T output type: TIF|PDF|PDFS

-R recursive processing, subfolders under the input will be processed too. The input folder structure will be created under the output folder.

-Q quiet processing, no password dialogs will be showed thus password prote cted pdf files will not be converted successfully.

-P process single page

-? Shows usage info and the list of languages + 3letter language identifiers.

Tiff output specific parameters

-S colorspace: auto|mono|gray|rgb. Default: auto.

-D resolution: auto|72|96|150|200|300|600|1200|2400. Default: auto.

-Cm image compression for monochrome images: none|g3|g4|lzw. Default: g4.

-Cg image compression for grayscale images: none|LZW|JpegMin|JpegLow|JpegMed|JpegHigh|JpegMax. Default: LZW.

-Cc image compression for color images: none|LZW|JpegMin|JpegLow|JpegMed|JpegHigh|JpegMax. Default: LZW.

PDF output specific parameters

-V Version: 1A|1B|2A|2B|2U|3A|3B|3U|1.3|1.4|1.5|1.6|1.7|auto

-W Optimize for web viewing

-G Remove tags

-E Execute sequence

Searchable PDF output specific parameters

-L Language(s) for OCR. Comma delimited list of 3letter language identifiers (-Leng,ger,fre,nor). If not presented, auto is used.

-J Reject char. Default: ~.

-K If presented, conversion keeps original images.

-Ao If presented, pages are oriented and straightened automatically.

-我输入文件的完整路径。*可用于文件名(* .pdf,*。tif)


-T输出类型:TIF | PDF | PDFS






-S色彩空间:auto | mono | gray | rgb。默认值:自动。

-D分辨率:自动| 72 | 96 | 150 | 200 | 300 | 600 | 1200 | 2400。默认值:自动。

-Cm图像压缩(用于单色图像):none | g3 | g4 | lzw。默认值:g4。

-Cg灰度图像压缩:无| LZW | JpegMin | JpegLow | JpegMed | JpegHigh | JpegMax。默认值:LZW。

彩色图像的-Cc图像压缩:无| LZW | JpegMin | JpegLow | JpegMed | JpegHigh | JpegMax。默认值:LZW。


-V版本:1A | 1B | 2A | 2B | 2U | 3A | 3B | 3U | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | auto





-L OCR语言。逗号分隔的3个字母的语言标识符列表(-Leng,ger,fre,nor)。如果未显示,则使用自动。




Important Note:Although not stated in the Help output above (which shows only PDF and TIF), I discovered through experimentation that the input file type may also be GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF. In other words, the-I(Input) parameter should say this:

重要说明:尽管上面的“帮助”输出(仅显示PDF和TIF)中未作说明,但我通过试验发现,输入文件类型也可能是GIF,JPG,JPEG,PNG和TIFF。 换句话说,-I(输入)参数应这样表示:

-I input file full path. * can be used for filename (*.gif, *.jpg, *.jpeg *.pdf, *.png, *.tif, *.tiff)

-我输入文件的完整路径。*可用于文件名(* .gif,*。jpg,*。jpeg * .pdf,*。png,*。tif,*。tiff)

I tried BMP, but that did not work. If readers discover other file types that work, please post a comment to let us know.

我尝试了BMP,但这没用。 如果读者发现其他有效的文件类型,请发表评论以告知我们。

As with 1.0, the 1.1 Help output includes the long list of languages, which I omitted above. I compared the 1.0 and 1.1 language lists — they are identical.

与1.0一样,1.1帮助输出包括一长串语言,我在上面省略了。 我比较了1.0和1.1语言列表-它们是相同的。

Note that the syntax error documented in the 1.0 portion of the article has been fixed in 1.1, that is, theUsageoutput now shows thecorrect(rather than theincorrectbatchconverter.exeof 1.0).


One very important bug that is relevant to this article has been fixed in 1.1, namely, the-Pparameter (to process a single page) in conjunction with an output type ofPDForPDFS. This did not work in 1.0 — it created an output PDF file withallthe pages of the input file rather than just the one page specified (it worked if the output type wasTIF). The-Pparameter now works for all output types in 1.1.

与本文相关的一个非常重要的错误已在1.1中修复,即-P参数(用于处理单个页面)与PDFPDFS的输出类型结合使用。 这在1.0中不起作用-它创建了包含输入文件的所有页面而不是仅指定一页的输出PDF文件(如果输出类型为TIF,则可以工作)。-P参数现在适用于1.1中的所有输出类型。

TheRelease Notesfor 1.1, including a list of new features, a list of known issues, and a list of bug fixes, are in a PDF file calledNuance Power PDF 1.1 Release Notesin the Files section of this wiki.

1.1的发行说明(包括新功能列表,已知问题的列表和错误修复的列表) 位于此Wiki的“ 文件”部分中的名为Nuance Power PDF 1.1发行说明的PDF文件中。

Update for Version 3.0


This is the Help text for Version 3.0:



-I<inputfile> -O<outputfile> -T<output type>

[-R] [-Q] [-P<page number>] [-S<colorspace>]

[-D<resolution>] [-Cm<cmpmono>] [-Cg<cmpgray>]

[-Cc<cmpcolor>] [-V<version>] [-W] [-G] [-E<sequence name>]

[-L<lang1, lang2, lang3>] [-J<char>] [-K] [-Ao] [-?] [-F<logfile>]

-I input file full path. * can be used for filename (*.pdf, *.tif)

-O output file or folder full path.

-T output type: TIF|PDF|PDFS|TXT|MTIF

-R recursive processing, subfolders under the input will be processed too. The input folder structure will be created under the output folder.

-Q quiet processing, no password dialogs will be showed thus password protected pdf files will not be converted successfully.

-P process single page

-? Shows usage info and the list of languages + 3letter language identifiers.

Tiff output specific parameters

-S colorspace: auto|mono|gray|rgb. Default: auto.

-D resolution: auto|72|96|150|200|300|600|1200|2400. Default: auto.

-Cm image compression for monochrome images: none|g3|g4|lzw. Default: g4.

-Cg image compression for grayscale images: none|LZW|JpegMin|JpegLow|JpegMed|JpegHigh|JpegMax. Default: LZW.

-Cc image compression for color images: none|LZW|JpegMin|JpegLow|JpegMed|JpegHigh|JpegMax. Default: LZW.

PDF output specific parameters

-V Version: 1A|1B|2A|2B|2U|3A|3B|3U|1.3|1.4|1.5|1.6|1.7|2.0|X1A|X3|X4|X4P|PDFE|auto

-W Optimize for web viewing

-G Remove tags

-E Execute sequence

-Y Convert to gray

Searchable PDF output specific parameters

-L Language(s) for OCR. Comma delimited list of 3letter language identifiers (-Leng,ger,fre,nor). If not presented, auto is used.

-J Reject char. Default: ~.

-K If presented, conversion keeps original images.

-Ao If presented, pages are oriented and straightened automatically.


-I <输入文件> -O <输出文件> -T <输出类型>

[-R] [-Q] [-P <页码>] [-S <色彩空间>]

[-D <分辨率>] [-Cm <cmpmono>] [-Cg <cmpgray>]

[-Cc <cmpcolor>] [-V <版本>] [-W] [-G] [-E <序列名称>]

[-L <lang1,lang2,lang3>] [-J <char>] [-K] [-Ao] [-?] [-F <logfile>]

-我输入文件的完整路径。*可用于文件名(* .pdf,*。tif)


-T输出类型:TIF | PDF | PDFS | TXT | MTIF






-S色彩空间:auto | mono | gray | rgb。默认值:自动。

-D分辨率:自动| 72 | 96 | 150 | 200 | 300 | 600 | 1200 | 2400。默认值:自动。

-Cm图像压缩(用于单色图像):none | g3 | g4 | lzw。默认值:g4。

-Cg灰度图像压缩:无| LZW | JpegMin | JpegLow | JpegMed | JpegHigh | JpegMax。默认值:LZW。

彩色图像的-Cc图像压缩:无| LZW | JpegMin | JpegLow | JpegMed | JpegHigh | JpegMax。默认值:LZW。


-V版本:1A | 1B | 2A | 2B | 2U | 3A | 3B | 3U | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 2.0 | X1A | X3 | X4 | X4P | PDFE | auto






-L OCR语言。逗号分隔的3个字母的语言标识符列表(-Leng,ger,fre,nor)。如果未显示,则使用自动。




The list of OCR languages has not changed — it is identical to all previous 1.x and 2.x versions.


Update for Version 3.1


This is the Help text for Version 3.1:



-I<inputfile> -O<outputfile> -T<output type>

[-R] [-Q] [-P<page number>] [-S<colorspace>]

[-D<resolution>] [-Cm<cmpmono>] [-Cg<cmpgray>]

[-Cc<cmpcolor>] [-V<version>] [-W] [-G] [-E<sequence name>]

[-L<lang1, lang2, lang3>] [-J<char>] [-K] [-Ao] [-?] [-F<logfile>]

-I input file full path. * can be used for filename (*.pdf, *.tif)

-O output file or folder full path.

-T output type: TIF|PDF|PDFS|TXT|MTIF

-R recursive processing, subfolders under the input will be processed too. The input folder structure will be created under the output folder.

-Q quiet processing, no password dialogs will be showed thus password protected pdf files will not be converted successfully.

-P process single page

-? Shows usage info and the list of languages + 3letter language identifiers.

Tiff output specific parameters

-S colorspace: auto|mono|gray|rgb. Default: auto.

-D resolution: auto|72|96|150|200|300|600|1200|2400. Default: auto.

-Cm image compression for monochrome images: none|g3|g4|lzw. Default: g4.

-Cg image compression for grayscale images: none|LZW|JpegMin|JpegLow|JpegMed|JpegHigh|JpegMax. Default: LZW.

-Cc image compression for color images: none|LZW|JpegMin|JpegLow|JpegMed|JpegHigh|JpegMax. Default: LZW.

PDF output specific parameters

-V Version: 1A|1B|2A|2B|2U|3A|3B|3U|1.3|1.4|1.5|1.6|1.7|2.0|X1A|X3|X4|X4P|PDFE|auto

-W Optimize for web viewing

-G Remove tags

-E Execute sequence

-Y Convert to gray

Searchable PDF output specific parameters

-L Language(s) for OCR. Comma delimited list of 3letter language identifiers (-Leng,ger,fre,nor). If not presented, auto is used.

-J Reject char. Default: ~.

-K If presented, conversion keeps original images.

-Ao If presented, pages are oriented and straightened automatically.


-I <输入文件> -O <输出文件> -T <输出类型>

[-R] [-Q] [-P <页码>] [-S <色彩空间>]

[-D <分辨率>] [-Cm <cmpmono>] [-Cg <cmpgray>]

[-Cc <cmpcolor>] [-V <版本>] [-W] [-G] [-E <序列名称>]

[-L <lang1,lang2,lang3>] [-J <char>] [-K] [-Ao] [-?] [-F <logfile>]

-我输入文件的完整路径。*可用于文件名(* .pdf,*。tif)


-T输出类型:TIF | PDF | PDFS | TXT | MTIF






-S色彩空间:auto | mono | gray | rgb。默认值:自动。

-D分辨率:自动| 72 | 96 | 150 | 200 | 300 | 600 | 1200 | 2400。默认值:自动。

-Cm图像压缩(用于单色图像):none | g3 | g4 | lzw。默认值:g4。

-Cg灰度图像压缩:无| LZW | JpegMin | JpegLow | JpegMed | JpegHigh | JpegMax。默认值:LZW。

彩色图像的-Cc图像压缩:无| LZW | JpegMin | JpegLow | JpegMed | JpegHigh | JpegMax。默认值:LZW。


-V版本:1A | 1B | 2A | 2B | 2U | 3A | 3B | 3U | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 2.0 | X1A | X3 | X4 | X4P | PDFE | auto






-L OCR语言。逗号分隔的3个字母的语言标识符列表(-Leng,ger,fre,nor)。如果未显示,则使用自动。




The list of OCR languages has not changed — it is identical to all previous 1.x, 2.x, and 3.x versions.


If you find this article to be helpful, please click thethumbs-upicon below. This lets me know what is valuable for EE members and provides direction for future articles. Thanks very much! Regards, Joe

如果您发现本文有帮助,请单击下面的大拇指图标。 这使我知道什么对EE成员有价值,并为以后的文章提供了指导。 非常感谢! 问候乔



翻译自: https://www.experts-/articles/13696/Batch-Conversion-of-PDF-TIFF-and-Other-Image-Formats-via-Command-Line-Interface-to-PDF-PDF-Searchable-and-TIFF-with-Power-PDF-Advanced.html


php将tiff转pdf_通过命令行界面将PDF TIFF和其他图像格式批量转换为PDF PDF可搜索和具有Power PDF Advanced的TIFF...
