1200字范文 > 如何使用Google图片反向搜索图片


时间:2019-09-22 05:04:52



Google Image Search is a great way to find an image that is similar to one you already have or to help you track down the original source of a photo on the internet. Here’s how to use it.

Google图像搜索是一种查找与您现有图像相似的图像或帮助您在互联网上跟踪照片原始来源的好方法。 这是使用方法。

在网站上搜索图像 (Search for an Image on a Website)

If you want to search for an image that appears on a website, you can just plug the URL for the image into a Google image search. The trick is that you need the URL of the image itself, not just the address for the page on which the image appears.

如果您要搜索显示在网站上的图片,只需将图片的网址插入Google图片搜索即可。 诀窍是您需要图像本身的URL,而不仅仅是图像显示页面的地址。

On the website, right-click the image, and then click the “Copy Image Location” command. This copies the URL of the image itself to your clipboard.

在网站上,右键单击图像,然后单击“复制图像位置”命令。 这会将图像本身的URL复制到剪贴板。

Head to the Google Images page, and then click the “Search By Image” button (the camera icon).

转到Google图片页面 ,然后单击“按图像搜索”按钮(相机图标)。

On the “Paste Image URL” tab, just right-click in the field, and then choose the “Paste” command (or hit Ctrl+V on Windows or Command+V on Mac) to paste the URL you copied earlier.

在“粘贴图像URL”选项卡上,右键单击该字段,然后选择“粘贴”命令(或在Windows上按Ctrl + V或在Mac上按Command + V)以粘贴先前复制的URL。

After pasting the URL, click the “Search By Image” button.


Google should return results pretty quickly.


Also, if you use Chrome, this procedure is even easier. All you have to do is right-click any image on a website, and then choose the “Search Google For Image” command.

另外,如果您使用的是Chrome,则此过程甚至更容易。 您要做的就是右键单击网站上的任何图像,然后选择“搜索Google搜索图像”命令。

Chrome will take you right to the search results!


搜索您已经在PC上拥有的图像 (Search for an Image You Already Have on Your PC)

If you’ve got a local copy of an image (maybe you downloaded it at some point and forgot where it came from), you can upload it to Google to perform an image search.


Head to the Google Images page, and then click the “Search By Image” button (the camera icon).

转到Google图片页面 ,然后单击“按图像搜索”按钮(相机图标)。

This time, switch over to the “Upload An Image” tab.


You can upload an image by browsing for it, or by dragging it right onto this tab. Click the “Browse” button to locate an image on your PC.

您可以通过浏览或将其拖到该选项卡上来上传图像。 单击“浏览”按钮,在您的PC上找到图像。

Find and select the image you want to upload, and then click the “Open” button.


Alternatively, you can find the image on your PC, and then just drag it to the Google Images page.


After the image uploads, you’ll be redirected to the results page with Google’s “Best Guess For This Image” and a list of websites on which the image appears.


Whether you’re looking for the original source for images, or you just want to look at other images similar to one you’ve found, Google Images makes it easy.


翻译自: /352687/how-to-reverse-picture-search-with-google-images/
