1200字范文 > 冒泡排序python_冒出来是什么意思


时间:2023-05-11 01:06:15



1. 俄语和英语对我来说都是外语,所以在表达上面有一些混淆是自然的,比如说我心里也知道用英语怎么说,可是先冒出来的总是俄语单词,但我自己还是很清楚的。

Both English and Russian are not my mother language, so sometimes I will make a little mistake or confusion about them. For example, sometimes I do know how to express it in English, but what I said is in Russian, while I still do not realize it.

2. 一股蓝烟冒出来,又冒出个巨大的魔仆。

A puff of blue smoke came out and then another big jinnee.

3. 段冒出来,最后都流进大海。

In the process of flowing, salt in the soil

4. 我确实注意到,爬上楼梯,令她的呼吸变得急促,另外就是突然冒出来的小声音也会让她吓一跳,她有时会咳得非常厉害。

I did remark, to be sure, that mounting the stairs made her breathe very quick; that the least sudden noise set her all in a quiver, and that she coughed troublesomely sometimes

5. 说真的当时我只用了那里所提供的未完成资料,在将其转化为三度立体空间的过程中,有些事就是会自然出现,也许听起来很奇怪,从我过去雕塑各种事物的经验,形状很容易从我心中冒出来,因为我很容易判断物体实际在三度空间中的形状,所以只需要依据John Mollo的那张不很大的手绘线条图中提供的不甚具体的要素,我就能用来发展出Darth Vader的形状。

Really it was taking what I had there which wasn't much really and developing it, and in the developing of it into three dimensions, there were just things that happened, as strange as that may sound. From my past experience of sculpting on various things, form comes easily from my mind, as I see things very easily in three dimensions. So that using the basis which wasn't much really, just an outline drawing from John Mollo that wasn't very big, I took that and developed it into the form of Darth Vader.

6. 等你的对手再冒出来的时候,叫你的队友照著你的指示做。

Next time your opponent pops back out, have your teammate ready to do what you tell him/her.

7. 冒出来

7. 它像小泉源的水从地下淙淙的冒出来一样。

It grows as steadily as the rill oozes out of the ground.

8. 突然间,事务长,机长和两位乘客不知道从哪里冒出来抓住生意人和那只鸟,把机舱门打开,将他们扔出了飞机。

Out of nowhere the purser, the captain and two passengers grab the businessman and the bird, open the hatch and throw them out of the plane.

9. 一层的地板是活动的,演员在演神话剧时,可以突然从地下冒出来,或者飞升上天。

There are trapdoors in the ground floor for performers to rise from the ground or fly to the heaven.

10. 它不会冒出来,而是埋在地里。

It will not come out, but cover up in the ground.

11. 这时有一堆像刨花的黑东西从土里冒出来。当依卜把它拿起来的时候,发现这原来是一块金属品。

The spring sun shone bright, and Ib guided the plough across his field, when one day it glided over what appeared to be a flint stone.

12. 这里的阳光非常好,我的雕塑嘶嘶作响并且有烟冒出来。

Sun light was so immense up there, my sculp sizzled with smoke coming out.

13. 我伤得很严重,我的心脏像被人击穿了一个洞,切除了我最重要的器官,留下粗糙无法愈合的深深裂口,任由鲜血不断从裂缝中一股一股地冒出来。

It was a crippling thing, this sensation that a huge hole had been punched through my chest, excising my most vital organs and leaving ragged, unhealed gashes around the edges that continued to throb and bleed despite the passage of time.


14. 他绝不应称之为老朽:他深受新冒出来的比较年轻、比较活跃、正蒸蒸日上的领袖人物的信任。

He could never be called an old Moustache Pete and he had the confidence of the newer, younger, brasher leaders on their way up.

15. 我可以看见烟从他们家厨房窗户冒出来。

I can see smoke coming from their kitchen window.

16. 然后你会发现,无意中一张嘴英语就冒出来了!

Then you will find, English rises out to open one's mouth unintentionally!

17. 当你想到缅因州时,第一个冒出来的想法是什么?

What do you think of when you think of Maine?

18. 那是一扇半掩的门,罗切斯特先生的房门,团团烟雾从里面冒出来。

Rochester's, and the smoke rushed in a cloud from thence. I thought no more of Mrs.

19. 冒出来什么意思

19. 我不知道突然冒出来的想法

I don't know. it just come to me.

20. 本周是你认清自己的想法并说出心声的天赐良机;同时,由于星象的影响你在情绪上总能保持最好状态--因此,保持清明,好好利用你脑中冒出来的那些聪明想法,让自己的生活产生一些积极而稳定的改变。

This week is a very-very good time to communicate your goals and put them into words. Also, this week, you will be at your best due to new planet influences; so, utilize those sharp ideas and clear thoughts to make positive changes in your personal life.
