1200字范文 > sklearn基础篇(三)-- 鸢尾花(iris)数据集分析和分类

sklearn基础篇(三)-- 鸢尾花(iris)数据集分析和分类

时间:2020-04-11 02:10:13


sklearn基础篇(三)-- 鸢尾花(iris)数据集分析和分类


1 初识数据

iris数据集的中文名是安德森鸢尾花卉数据集,英文全称是Anderson’s Iris data set。iris包含150个样本,对应数据集的每行数据。每行数据包含每个样本的四个特征和样本的类别信息,所以iris数据集是一个150行5列的二维表。



1. 导入数据集

(1) 在线导入


from sklearn.datasets import load_irisiris_dataset = load_iris()

load_iris 返回的 iris 对象是一个 Bunch 对象,与字典非常相似,里面包含键和值:

print(iris_dataset.keys())# dict_keys(['data', 'target', 'frame', 'target_names', 'DESCR', 'feature_names', 'filename', 'data_module'])


DESCR 键对应的值是数据集的简要说明。这里给出说明的开头部分。

target_names 键对应的值是一个字符串数组,里面包含我们要预测的花的品种:

print("Target names: {}".format(iris_dataset["target_names"]))# Target names: ['setosa' 'versicolor' 'virginica']

feature_names 键对应的值是一个字符串列表,对每一个特征进行了说明:

print("Feature names: {}".format(iris_dataset['feature_names']))# Feature names: ['sepal length (cm)', 'sepal width (cm)', 'petal length (cm)', 'petal width (cm)']

数据包含在target 和data 字段中。data 里面是花萼长度、花萼宽度、花瓣长度、花瓣宽度的测量数据,格式为NumPy 数组:

print("Type of data: {}".format(type(iris_dataset['data'])))# Type of data: <class 'numpy.ndarray'>

data 数组的每一行对应一朵花,列代表每朵花的四个测量数据:

print("shape of data: {}".format(iris_dataset['data'].shape))# shape of data: (150, 4)

可以看出,数组中包含150 朵不同的花的测量数据。前机器学习中的个体叫作样本(sample),其属性叫作特征(feature)。data 数组的形状(shape)是样本数乘以特征数。这是 scikit-learn 中的约定,你的数据形状应始终遵循这个约定。下面给出前 5 个样本的特征数值:

print("First five rows of data:\n{}".format(iris_dataset['data'][:5]))# First five rows of data:# [[5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2]# [4.9 3. 1.4 0.2]# [4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2]# [4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2]# [5. 3.6 1.4 0.2]]

从数据中可以看出,前5 朵花的花瓣宽度都是0.2cm,第一朵花的花萼最长,是5.1cm。

target 数组包含的是测量过的每朵花的品种,也是一个NumPy 数组:

print("Type of target:{}".format(type(iris_dataset['target'])))# Type of target:<class 'numpy.ndarray'>

target 是一维数组,每朵花对应其中一个数据:

print("Shape of target:{}".format(iris_dataset['target'].shape))# Shape of target:(150,)

品种被转换成从 0 到 2 的整数:

print("target:\n{}".format(iris_dataset['target']))'''target: [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 2]'''

上述数字的代表含义由iris_dataset['target']数组给出:0 代表setosa,1 代表versicolor,2 代表virginica。

(2) 本地导入

# 导入相关包import numpy as npimport pandas as pdimport seaborn as snsimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom sklearn import datasets

# 导入数据集data = "../seaborn-data-master/iris.csv"iris_local = pd.read_csv(data, usecols=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4])iris_local = iris_local.dropna() # 丢弃含空值的行、列iris_local.head()


# 查看数据集信息iris_local.info()'''<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>Int64Index: 150 entries, 0 to 149Data columns (total 5 columns):sepal_length 150 non-null float64sepal_width150 non-null float64petal_length 150 non-null float64petal_width150 non-null float64species 150 non-null objectdtypes: float64(4), object(1)memory usage: 7.0+ KB'''

# 载入特征和标签集X = iris_local[['sepal_length', 'sepal_width', 'petal_length', 'petal_width']] # 等价于iris_dataset.datay = iris_local['species']# 等价于iris_dataset.target


# 对标签集进行编码from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoderencoder = LabelEncoder()y = encoder.fit_transform(y)print(y)

2 训练数据与测试数据

将收集好的带标签数据(此例中是150 朵花的测量数据)分成两部分。一部分数据用于构建机器学习模型,叫作训练数据(training data)或训练集(training set)。其余的数据用来评估模型性能,叫作测试数据(test data)、测试集(test set)或留出集(hold-out set)。

scikit-learn 中的train_test_split 函数可以打乱数据集并进行拆分。这个函数将75% 的行数据及对应标签作为训练集,剩下25% 的数据及其标签作为测试集。训练集与测试集的分配比例可以是随意的,但使用25% 的数据作为测试集是很好的经验法则。


from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_splitX_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(iris_dataset['data'], iris_dataset['target'], random_state=0)# X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=0)

在对数据进行拆分之前,train_test_split函数利用伪随机数生成器将数据集打乱。如果我们只是将最后25% 的数据作为测试集,那么所有数据点的标签都是2,因为数据点是按标签排序的(参见之前iris[‘target’] 的输出)。测试集中只有三个类别之一,这无法告诉我们模型的泛化能力如何,所以我们将数据打乱,确保测试集中包含所有类别的数据。

为了确保多次运行同一函数能够得到相同的输出,我们利用random_state 参数指定了随机数生成器的种子。这样函数输出就是固定不变的,所以这行代码的输出始终相同。

train_test_split 函数的输出为X_train、X_test、y_train 和y_test,它们都是NumPy数组。X_train 包含75% 的行数据,X_test 包含剩下的25%:

print("X_train shape: {}".format(X_train.shape)) # X_train shape: (112, 4)print("y_train shape: {}".format(y_train.shape)) # y_train shape: (112,)

print("X_test shape: {}".format(X_test.shape))# X_test shape: (38, 4)print("y_test shape: {}".format(y_test.shape))# y_test shape: (38,)

3 探索数据




iris_local.plot(kind='box', subplots=True, layout=(2, 2), sharex=False, sharey=False)







ax = pd.plotting.radviz(iris_local, 'species', colormap='brg')ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((0,0), 1, color='r', fill = False))

通过Violinplot 和 Pointplot,分别从数据分布和斜率,观察各特征与品种之间的关系

# 设置颜色主题antV = ['#1890FF', '#2FC25B', '#FACC14', '#223273', '#8543E0', '#13C2C2', '#3436c7', '#F04864'] # 绘制 Violinplotf, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(8, 8), sharex=True)sns.despine(left=True)sns.violinplot(x='species', y='sepal_length', data=iris_local, palette=antV, ax=axes[(0, 0)])sns.violinplot(x='species', y='sepal_width', data=iris_local, palette=antV, ax=axes[(0, 1)])sns.violinplot(x='species', y='petal_length', data=iris_local, palette=antV, ax=axes[(1, 0)])sns.violinplot(x='species', y='petal_width', data=iris_local, palette=antV, ax=axes[(1, 1)])plt.show()

# 绘制 pointplotf, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(8, 8), sharex=True)sns.despine(left=True)sns.pointplot(x='species', y='sepal_length', data=iris_local, color=antV[0], ax=axes[0, 0])sns.pointplot(x='species', y='sepal_width', data=iris_local, color=antV[0], ax=axes[0, 1])sns.pointplot(x='species', y='petal_length', data=iris_local, color=antV[0], ax=axes[1, 0])sns.pointplot(x='species', y='petal_width', data=iris_local, color=antV[0], ax=axes[1, 1])plt.show()


g = sns.pairplot(data=iris_local, palette=antV, hue= 'species')



# 使用 Andrews Curves 将每个多变量观测值转换为曲线并表示傅立叶级数的系数,这对于检测时间序列数据中的异常值很有用。plt.subplots(figsize = (10,8))pd.plotting.andrews_curves(iris_local, 'species', colormap='cool')plt.show()

平行坐标可以看到数据中的类别以及从视觉上估计其他的统计量。使用平行坐标时,每个点用线段联接,每个垂直的线代表一个属性, 一组联接的线段表示一个数据点。可能是一类的数据点会更加接近。

pd.plotting.parallel_coordinates(iris_local, 'species', colormap = 'brg')

#下面分别基于花萼和花瓣做线性回归的可视化:g = sns.lmplot(data=iris_local, x='sepal_width', y='sepal_length', palette=antV, hue='species')g = sns.lmplot(data=iris_local, x='petal_width', y='petal_length', palette=antV, hue='species')

#最后,通过热图找出数据集中不同特征之间的相关性,高正值或负值表明特征具有高度相关性:fig=plt.gcf()fig.set_size_inches(12, 8)fig=sns.heatmap(iris_local.corr(), annot=True, cmap='GnBu', linewidths=1, linecolor='k', \square=True, mask=False, vmin=-1, vmax=1, cbar_kws={"orientation": "vertical"}, cbar=True)



概要:数据类型,唯一值,缺失值,内存大小分位数统计:最小值、最大值、中位数、Q1、Q3、最大值,值域,四分位描述性统计:均值、众数、标准差、绝对中位差、变异系数、峰值、偏度系数最频繁出现的值,直方图/柱状图相关性分析可视化:突出强相关的变量,Spearman, Pearson矩阵相关性色阶图

import pandas_profiling as pp report = pp.ProfileReport(iris_local)report.to_file('report.html')

4 构建模型

scikit-learn 中有许多可用的分类算法。这里我们用的是 k 近邻分类器,这是一个很容易理解的算法。


k 近邻算法中 k 的含义是,我们可以考虑训练集中与新数据点最近的任意 k 个邻居(比如说,距离最近的3 个或5 个邻居),而不是只考虑最近的那一个。然后,我们可以用这些邻居中数量最多的类别做出预测。

k 近邻分类算法是在 neighbors 模块 KNeighborsClassifier 类中实现的。KNeighborsClassifier 最重要的参数就是邻居的数目,这里我们设为1:

from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifierknn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1)

想要基于训练集来构建模型,需要调用 knn 对象的fit 方法,输入参数为 X_train 和 y_train,二者都是 NumPy 数组,前者包含训练数据,后者包含相应的训练标签:

knn.fit(X_train, y_train)

5 做出预测

想象一下,我们在野外发现了一朵鸢尾花,花萼长5cm 宽2.9cm,花瓣长1cm 宽0.2cm。这朵鸢尾花属于哪个品种?我们可以将这些数据放在一个NumPy 数组中,再次计算形状,数组形状为样本数(1)乘以特征数(4):

X_new = np.array([[5, 2.9, 1, 0.2]])print("X_new.shape: {}".format(X_new.shape))

注意,我们将这朵花的测量数据转换为二维NumPy 数组的一行,这是因为scikit-learn的输入数据必须是二维数组。我们调用knn 对象的predict 方法来进行预测:

prediction = knn.predict(X_new)print("Prediction: {}".format(prediction))# Prediction: [0]print("Predicted target name: {}".format(iris_dataset['target_names'][prediction]))# Predicted target name: ['setosa']

根据我们模型的预测,这朵新的鸢尾花属于类别0,也就是说它属于setosa 品种。

6 评估模型


y_pred = knn.predict(X_test)print("Test set predictions: \n {}".format(y_pred))'''Test set predictions: [2 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 2 2 1 02]'''

print("Test set score: {:.2f}".format(np.mean(y_pred == y_test))) # Test set score: 0.97


print('Test set score: {:.2f}'.format(metrics.accuracy_score(y_pred, y_test))) # Test set score: 0.97

我们还可以使用knn 对象的 score 方法来计算测试集的精度:

print("Test set score: {:.2f}".format(knn.score(X_test, y_test))) # Test set score: 0.97

对于这个模型来说,测试集的精度约为0.97,也就是说,对于测试集中的鸢尾花,我们的预测有 97% 是正确的。下面对比其他模型在该数据集的分类效果。

7 模型对比

1. 使用全部特征

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifierfrom sklearn import svmfrom sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifierfrom sklearn import metrics

# Support Vector Machinemodel = svm.SVC()model.fit(X_train, y_train)prediction = model.predict(X_test)print('The accuracy of the SVM is: {:.3f}'.format(metrics.accuracy_score(prediction, y_test)))

The accuracy of the SVM is: 0.974

# Logistic Regressionmodel = LogisticRegression()model.fit(X_train, y_train)prediction = model.predict(X_test)print('The accuracy of the Logistic Regression is: {:.3f}'.format(metrics.accuracy_score(prediction, y_test)))

The accuracy of the Logistic Regression is: 0.974

# Decision Treemodel=DecisionTreeClassifier()model.fit(X_train, y_train)prediction = model.predict(X_test)print('The accuracy of the Decision Tree is: {:.3f}'.format(metrics.accuracy_score(prediction, y_test)))

The accuracy of the Logistic Regression is: 0.974

# K-Nearest Neighboursmodel=KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3)model.fit(X_train, y_train)prediction = model.predict(X_test)print('The accuracy of the KNN is: {:.3f}'.format(metrics.accuracy_score(prediction, y_test)))

The accuracy of the Logistic Regression is: 0.974

2. 使用部分特征


petal = iris_local[['petal_length', 'petal_width', 'species']]train_p, test_p = train_test_split(petal, test_size=0.3, random_state=0) X_train_p = train_p[['petal_length', 'petal_width']]y_train_p = train_p.speciesX_test_p = test_p[['petal_length', 'petal_width']]y_test_p = test_p.speciessepal = iris_local[['sepal_length', 'sepal_width', 'species']]train_s, test_s = train_test_split(sepal, test_size=0.3, random_state=0)X_train_s = train_s[['sepal_length','sepal_width']]y_train_s = train_s.speciesX_test_s = test_s[['sepal_length','sepal_width']]y_test_s = test_s.species

model=svm.SVC()model.fit(X_train_p, y_train_p) prediction=model.predict(X_test_p) print('The accuracy of the SVM using Petals is: {:.3f}'.format(metrics.accuracy_score(prediction, y_test_p))) model.fit(X_train_s, y_train_s) prediction=model.predict(X_test_s) print('The accuracy of the SVM using Sepal is: {:.3f}'.format(metrics.accuracy_score(prediction, y_test_s)))

The accuracy of the SVM using Petals is: 0.978

The accuracy of the SVM using Sepal is: 0.800

model = LogisticRegression()model.fit(X_train_p, y_train_p) prediction = model.predict(X_test_p) print('The accuracy of the Logistic Regression using Petals is: {:.3f}'.format(metrics.accuracy_score(prediction, y_test_p))) model.fit(X_train_s, y_train_s) prediction = model.predict(X_test_s) print('The accuracy of the Logistic Regression using Sepals is: {:.3f}'.format(metrics.accuracy_score(prediction, y_test_s)))

The accuracy of the Logistic Regression using Petals is: 0.978

The accuracy of the Logistic Regression using Sepals is: 0.822

model=DecisionTreeClassifier()model.fit(X_train_p, y_train_p) prediction = model.predict(X_test_p) print('The accuracy of the Decision Tree using Petals is: {:.3f}'.format(metrics.accuracy_score(prediction, y_test_p)))model.fit(X_train_s, y_train_s) prediction = model.predict(X_test_s) print('The accuracy of the Decision Tree using Sepals is: {:.3f}'.format(metrics.accuracy_score(prediction, y_test_s)))

The accuracy of the Decision Tree using Petals is: 0.956

The accuracy of the Decision Tree using Sepals is: 0.644

model=KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3) model.fit(X_train_p, y_train_p) prediction = model.predict(X_test_p) print('The accuracy of the KNN using Petals is: {:.3f}'.format(metrics.accuracy_score(prediction, y_test_p))) model.fit(X_train_s, y_train_s) prediction = model.predict(X_test_s) print('The accuracy of the KNN using Sepals is: {:.3f}'.format(metrics.accuracy_score(prediction, y_test_s)))

The accuracy of the KNN using Petals is: 0.978

The accuracy of the KNN using Sepals is: 0.733



