1200字范文 > 台式机耳机插上没声音_如何在台式机上使用移动耳机麦克风


时间:2023-08-25 09:27:10




You’ve invested a lot of money into a pair of quality headphones with a built-in mic for your phone. Wouldn’t it be great if you could use it for gaming or VOIP calls on your desktop PC? Good news: You can.

您已经花了很多钱买了一副带有内置麦克风的高品质耳机。 如果您可以将其用于台式PC上的游戏或VOIP通话,那不是很好吗? 好消息:可以。

The big obstacle to using your nice headphones or earbuds with a desktop PC is that most full-sized desktops separate headphone and microphone jacks, while phones and laptops combine them into a single 3.5mm port. So, you can either plug them into a desktop’s headphone audio-out port and listen or plug them into the microphone-in port and use them to speak—but, not both.

在台式机上使用漂亮的耳机或耳塞的最大障碍是,大多数全尺寸台式机将耳机和麦克风插Kong分开,而电话和笔记本电脑将它们合并为一个3.5毫米端口。 因此,您可以将它们插入台式机的耳机音频输出端口并收听,也可以将它们插入麦克风输入端口并使用它们来讲话,但不能同时使用。

You can use Bluetooth if your headphones have them, but that connection is meant for mobile devices and isn’t really up to snuff regarding latency or quality. Luckily, high-end Bluetooth headphones generally have a line-in option that makes them wired for older gadgets and times when the battery dies. We suggest using it for any PC applications.

如果您的耳机装有蓝牙,则可以使用蓝牙,但是该连接仅适用于移动设备,在延迟或质量方面并没有真正的缺点。 幸运的是,高端蓝牙耳机通常具有输入选项,可以连接较旧的配件和电池耗尽的时间。 我们建议将其用于任何PC应用程序。

Fortunately, the solution to this problem is simple. If your PC doesn’t offer a combination in/out headphone jack, you can get a cheap adapter that splits the signal into two: the audio going to the drivers in your headphones and the audio coming from the microphone. Here’s one on Amazon for $6 for this exact situation.

幸运的是,解决此问题的方法很简单。 如果您的PC不提供输入/输出组合耳机插Kong,则可以使用便宜的适配器将信号分为两部分:进入耳机驱动器的音频和来自麦克风的音频。 在这种情况下,这是在亚马逊上以6美元出售的一款 。

Once you have your cable adapter, just plug your headphones into the female port and the male ports into the appropriate jacks on your computer. These are generally color-coded—pink for the microphone, green for the headphones or speakers—if they don’t have icons near the port. Next, choose the correct audio sources in Windows, and you’re good to go.

有了电缆适配器后,只需将耳机插入母Kong,将公Kong插入计算机上的相应插Kong即可。 如果它们在端口附近没有图标,则通常使用颜色编码(粉红色代表麦克风,绿色代表耳机或扬声器)。 接下来,在Windows中选择正确的音频源,一切顺利。

These adapters aren’t 100% guaranteed to work—there’s enough variation among mobile headphones that you might run into a pairing that’s incompatible. But they’re inexpensive enough that it’s not a big deal if you get unlucky. If you want something a little more reliable with some easy controls for volume and mute, you can get an inexpensive USB sound card. Some models, like this one, add the combined port your desktop is lacking.

这些适配器并不能100%保证能正常工作-移动耳机之间存在足够的差异,您可能会遇到不兼容的配对。 但是它们足够便宜,如果不幸的话,这没什么大不了的。 如果您想通过一些简单的音量和静音控制来获得更可靠的声音,则可以购买便宜的USB声卡。 诸如此类的某些模型会添加您的台式机缺少的组合端口。

It’s too bad that there’s not a software solution to this problem, but a few dollars for some extra hardware is a small price for being able to use your headphones (and their built-in mic) everywhere.


Image credit: Amazon

图片来源: 亚马逊

翻译自: /369296/how-to-use-a-mobile-headset-microphone-with-a-desktop-pc/

