1200字范文 > 【武器系统】【.06】海军巡航导弹的制导与控制


时间:2021-04-06 07:11:59



本文为瑞典皇家理工学院(作者:DAMIEN LE VOYER)的硕士论文,共82页。

今天,许多国家的武装部队都需要从一个安全的地方准确打击潜在的敌人,而无论他们的作战位置在哪里。由于海军部队几乎可以部署在公海的任何地方,所以在70年代出现了海军巡航导弹的想法。这些导弹被设计成从各种海军载具(如护卫舰或潜艇)发射并深入敌方领土。因此,法国采购机构DGA于启动了一个名为Mides deCroisière Naval(MdCN海军巡航导弹)的计划。MBDA是DGA指定的设计和制造导弹的工业公司。巡航导弹的控制问题是最重要的,因为它们影响到武器的可靠性、性能和可用性。在航空和武器工业中,增益调度控制器在大多数情况下被使用。然而,在最新文献中已经发展出了许多非线性技术,这些技术可以改善导弹的性能。


Today the armed forces of many countriesneed to strike accurately potential enemies, wherever they might be, from asafe place. Since naval units can be deployed almost everywhere in the opensea, the idea of a naval cruise missile emerged in the 70’s. These missiles aredesigned to be launched from various naval vehicles such as frigates orsubmarines and strike deeply in the enemy territory. A program called Missilede Croisière Naval (MdCN Naval Cruise Missile) was therefore launched in by the DGA, the French procurement agency. MBDA is the industrial companyappointed by the DGA to design and build the missile. Control aspects on acruise missile are of primary interest since they impact the reliability, performanceand availability of the weapon. In the aeronautics and weapon industry, gainscheduled controllers are used in most cases. However, many non-lineartechniques have been developed in the literature and might improve thebehaviour of the missile. The main objective of the present thesis is to applynon-linear techniques on the control and guidance loops of the MdCN too seewhether of not they can improve such a system. Based on this report it shouldbe easy for the engineers of the DGA to compare the controllers of the thesisand the classical gain scheduled controllers used in the industry. To achievethis task some basic knowledge of flight dynamics are recalled and a model ofthe MdCN is computed and divided into the control loop and the guidance loop.Then a non-linear controller for the launch phase using a Lyapunov basedtechnique called back-stepping is designed and tested through a statisticanalysis. During the cruise phase different anti-windup strategies are appliedon the propulsion control loop of the missile and compared. Finally a softwareinterface with a navigation-dedicated tool is coded and implemented in Simulinkto analyse the complete Guidance-Navigation-Control loop and to see hownavigation errors impact the control algorithms. The main contributions of thisthesis are the controllers designed for the launch phase and the propulsionloop that will be compared with the controller that MBDA is going to delivernext year to see whether or not the non-linear techniques used in the thesis shouldbe used on the missile. Furthermore, all the tools and procedure set up tointerface the control and guidance laws with the navigation models and filterswill give the possibility to the DGA to have a deeper understanding of thealgorithms used by MBDA and to make sure that navigation and estimation issuesare properly taken in account when designing the control and guidance laws.


