1200字范文 > 将PDF文件转换为Word文档和其他格式


时间:2024-03-10 00:09:24



Most of us know easy ways to turn a Word or other text document into a PDF, but what if we need to convert a PDF to Word? Today we will take a look at some methods to turn a PDF document into a Word or other text document.

我们大多数人都知道将Word或其他文本文档转换为PDF的简便方法,但是如果我们需要将PDF转换为Word怎么办? 今天,我们将介绍一些将PDF文档转换为Word或其他文本文档的方法。

在线解决方案 (Online Solutions)

The first couple of solutions are web-based, so you don’t even need to install any software to convert your files… keep in mind that with these web sites you are uploading your data to a third party, so consider the privacy implications if you are converting sensitive documents.




Arguably the most popular online file conversion site is Zamzar. This free service allows you to convert files up to 100MB for free. Just browse to the PDF, select the format to convert to, then enter your email address. When the document is ready Zamzar will send you an email with a link to the document to download. Zamzar will also convert a PDF to HTML, ODT, PCX, PNG, PS, RTF, and TXT.

可以说,最受欢迎的在线文件转换站点是Zamzar。 此免费服务使您可以免费转换最大100MB的文件。 只需浏览至PDF,选择要转换为的格式,然后输入您的电子邮件地址即可。 准备好文档后,Zamzar将向您发送一封电子邮件,其中包含要下载的文档的链接。 Zamzar还将PDF转换为HTML,ODT,PCX,PNG,PS,RTF和TXT。

Use Zamzar Free Online File Conversion


PDF Online


Another great online service is PDF Online. This service is powered by BCL Technologies Easy Converter software which you can download a 30 day trial of if you or your company wants to convert a large number of documents. Currently you can sign up for a BCL Premium Online account which allows you to convert 20 documents per day with a 10MB (per document) size limit.

另一个出色的在线服务是PDF Online。 此服务由BCL Technologies Easy Converter软件提供支持,如果您或您的公司要转换大量文档,可以下载30天试用版。 目前,您可以注册一个BCL Premium Online帐户,该帐户允许您每天转换20个文档,大小限制为10MB(每个文档)。

After conversion you simply Right-Click on the link to “save link as” an RTF Word document on your PC.

转换后,您只需在链接上单击鼠标右键,即可在PC上将链接“另存为” RTF Word文档。

Use PDF Online Free PDF Services


Free PDF Converter


The final online service we will check out is Free PDF Converter. This is similar to Zamzar but the free version is much more limited. I submitted the same 4 page PDF document for all tests and this service cut my document off after 2 pages. Also, they only let you convert one PDF every 30 minutes. The cheapest membership is $9/month where conversions are basically unlimited. In a pinch this site may come in handy.

我们将检出的最终在线服务是Free PDF Converter。 这类似于Zamzar,但免费版本受限制得多。 我为所有测试提交了相同的4页PDF文档,并且此服务在2页之后将我的文档截断。 此外,它们仅允许您每30分钟转换一次PDF。 最便宜的会员资格是每月$ 9,其中转换基本上是无限的。 紧要关头,该网站可能会派上用场。

Use Free PDF Converter


软件方案 (Software Solutions)

The next set of solutions are software-based, applications that can be installed on your local computer and used offline. These would be a better choice for converting sensitive documents.

下一套解决方案是基于软件的应用程序,可以将其安装在本地计算机上并脱机使用。 这些将是转换敏感文档的更好选择。

BCL Easy Converter Desktop 1.0

BCL Easy Converter Desktop 1.0

Since PDF Online impressed me the most with their online conversion service I decided to take their desktop software for a spin. BCL Easy Converter Desktop 1.0 is a very simple yet powerful utility to convert PDF documents to Word. It works basically the same as the online service but on your desktop. It converts PDF documents to RTF only, but for twenty bucks it might be more useful than wasting time online. You can download a trial of Easy Converter Desktop or the purchase price is only $19.95.

由于PDF Online通过其在线转换服务给我留下了最深刻的印象,因此我决定试用他们的桌面软件。 BCL Easy Converter Desktop 1.0是一个非常简单但功能强大的实用程序,可将PDF文档转换为Word。 它的工作原理与在线服务基本相同,但是在您的桌面上。 它只将PDF文档转换为RTF,但花20美元,可能比浪费时间更有用。 您可以下载Easy Converter Desktop试用版,或购买价格仅为$ 19.95。

Download A Free Trial of BCL Easy Converter Desktop 1.0

下载BCL Easy Converter Desktop 1.0的免费试用版



Sometimes you might want to convert the PDF document to other file formats such as Excel, HTML, or Postscript. DocSmartz Pro is a great affordable desktop application to get the file format you want. Choose the PDF you want to convert and DocSmartz Pro walks you though different settings with an easy to follow wizard.

有时您可能希望将PDF文档转换为其他文件格式,例如Excel,HTML或Postscript。 DocSmartz Pro是一款经济实惠的桌面应用程序,可获取所需的文件格式。 选择要转换的PDF,然后DocSmartz Pro会通过易于理解的向导引导您进行不同的设置。

Download DocSmartz Pro

下载DocSmartz Pro

ABBYY PDF Transformer 2.0

ABBYY PDF变形金刚2.0

Another software solution that converts PDF documents to multiple formats is ABBYY PDF Transformer 2.0 which is capable of converting PDF’s to Word, Excel, RTF, HTML, TXT, and a searchable PDF document. In my tests ABBYY did a fine job of converting PDF’s into each format. For a full license of ABBYY Transformer it will set you back $99.

另一个将PDF文档转换为多种格式的软件解决方案是ABBYY PDF Transformer 2.0,它能够将PDF转换为Word,Excel,RTF,HTML,TXT和可搜索的PDF文档。 在我的测试中,ABBYY在将PDF转换为每种格式方面做得很好。 要获得ABBYY Transformer的完整许可证,您将需要支付99美元。

Download PDF Transformer 2.0

下载PDF Transformer 2.0

Free PDF to Word Doc Converter

免费的PDF至Word Doc转换器

Finally we get to the good part, the (sort of) FREE version. Free PDF to Word Converter 1.1 is also basic and simple to use like BCL’s Easy Converter but actually has a few extra options such as choosing a font and selecting page numbers. Conversions were quick and easy even with large documents with a lot of images.

最终,我们获得了不错的部分,(某种)免费版本。 像BCL的Easy Converter一样,免费的PDF to Word Converter 1.1也是基本且易于使用的,但是实际上有一些额外的选择,例如选择字体和选择页码。 即使使用包含大量图像的大型文档,转换也非常容易。

There is a catch however. After the first few conversions you are asked to download a registration code from the site every time you want to convert a document. To never have to enter in a registration code you will have to pay $15.

但是有一个陷阱。 进行最初的几次转换后,每次您要转换文档时,系统都会要求您从网站下载注册码。 要永远不必输入注册码,您将需要支付15美元。

Download Free PDF to Word Converter 1.1

下载免费的PDF到Word Converter 1.1

结论 (Conclusion)

After testing the online services it seems that converting a PDF to RTF (Rich Text Format) seems to work the best. When converting to a Doc the format can get pretty messy. PDF Online was the fastest, easiest to use,and produced the best quality conversions over the other online services.

在测试在线服务之后,似乎将PDF转换为RTF(富文本格式)似乎是最好的方法。 转换为Doc时,格式可能会变得非常混乱。 与其他在线服务相比, PDF Online是最快,最易于使用的,并且转换质量最高。

Out of the two multiple file format converters, DocSmartz Pro was much easier to use and was faster than ABBYY’s PDF Transformer 2.0. If you just need to convert a PDF to Word then Free PDF to Word Doc Converter will work a few times until the annoyance of getting a code for every document kicks in. If you want to be able to convert PDF to multiple formats DocSmartz Pro is the best and cheapest. If you only need to convert PDF to Word then BCL Easy Converter Desktop 1.0 is the best bet.

在这两种多文件格式转换器中,DocSmartz Pro比ABBYY的PDF Transformer 2.0更易于使用且速度更快。 如果您只需要将PDF转换为Word,则将免费PDF转换为Word Doc Converter可以运行几次,直到烦恼为每个文档获取代码为止。如果您希望能够将PDF转换为多种格式,DocSmartz Pro是最好和最便宜的。 如果仅需要将PDF转换为Word,那么BCL Easy Converter Desktop 1.0是最好的选择。

These are only a few of the services and software utilities available, what are some of your favorites? Let us know!

这些只是可用的一些服务和软件实用程序,您最喜欢的是什么? 让我们知道!

翻译自: /80098/convert-pdf-files-to-word-documents-and-other-formats-2/
