1200字范文 > mysql语句group by用法详解

mysql语句group by用法详解

时间:2023-11-24 21:17:43


mysql语句group by用法详解


group bygroup by + group_concat()group by + 集合函数group by + havinggroup by + with rollup

group by

(1) group by的含义:将查询结果按照1个或多个字段进行分组,字段值相同的为一组

(2) group by可用于单个字段分组,也可用于多个字段分组

select * from employee;+------+------+--------+------+------+-------------+| num | d_id | name | age | sex | homeaddr |+------+------+--------+------+------+-------------+| 1 | 1001 | 张三 | 26 | 男 | beijinghdq || 2 | 1002 | 李四 | 24 | 女 | beijingcpq || 3 | 1003 | 王五 | 25 | 男 | changshaylq || 4 | 1004 | Aric | 15 | 男 | England|+------+------+--------+------+------+-------------+

select * from employeegroupbyd_id,sex;

select * from employeegroup bysex;+------+------+--------+------+------+------------+| num | d_id | name | age | sex | homeaddr |+------+------+--------+------+------+------------+| 2 | 1002 | 李四 | 24 | 女 | beijingcpq || 1 | 1001 | 张三 | 26 | 男 | beijinghdq |+------+------+--------+------+------+------------+根据sex字段来分组,sex字段的全部值只有两个('男'和'女'),所以分为了两组当group by单独使用时,只显示出每组的第一条记录所以group by单独使用时的实际意义不大

group by + group_concat()

(1) group_concat(字段名)可以作为一个输出字段来使用,

(2) 表示分组之后,根据分组结果,使用group_concat()来放置每一组的某字段的值的集合

select sex from employee group by sex;+------+| sex |+------+| 女 || 男 |+------+

select sex,group_concat(name)from employeegroup bysex;


| sex | group_concat(name) |


| 女 | 李四 |

| 男 | 张三,王五,Aric |


select sex,group_concat(d_id)from employeegroup bysex;


| sex | group_concat(d_id) |


| 女 | 1002 |

| 男 | 1001,1003,1004 |


group by + 集合函数

(1) 通过group_concat()的启发,我们既然可以统计出每个分组的某字段的值的集合,那么我们也可以通过集合函数来对这个"值的集合"做一些操作

select sex,group_concat(age) from employee group by sex;+------+-------------------+| sex | group_concat(age) |+------+-------------------+| 女 | 24|| 男 | 26,25,15|+------+-------------------+

分别统计性别为男/女的人年龄平均值select sex,avg(age)from employeegroup bysex;+------+----------+| sex | avg(age) |+------+----------+| 女 | 24.0000 || 男 | 22.0000 |+------+----------+

分别统计性别为男/女的人的个数select sex,count(sex)from employeegroup bysex;+------+------------+| sex | count(sex) |+------+------------+| 女 |1 || 男 |3 |+------+------------+

group by + having

(1) having 条件表达式:用来分组查询后指定一些条件来输出查询结果

(2) having作用和where一样,但having只能用于group by

select sex,count(sex) from employeegroup bysexhavingcount(sex)>2;+------+------------+| sex | count(sex) |+------+------------+| 男 |3 |+------+------------+

group by + with rollup

(1) with rollup的作用是:在最后新增一行,来记录当前列里所有记录的总和

select sex,count(age) from employeegroup bysexwithrollup;+------+------------+| sex | count(age) |+------+------------+| 女 |1 || 男 |3 || NULL |4 |+------+------------+

select sex,group_concat(age) from employeegroup bysexwithrollup;


| sex | group_concat(age) |


| 女 | 24 |

| 男 | 26,25,15 |

| NULL | 24,26,25,15 |

