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王生原1+, 杨良怀2, 袁崇义3, 杨 萍4

1(清华大学 计算机科学与技术系,北京 100084)

2(新加坡国立大学 计算学院 计算机科学系,新加坡)

3(北京大学 计算机科学技术系,北京 100871)

4(兰州大学 信息科学与工程学院,甘肃 兰州 730000)

Inheritance Anomaly in Concurrent Object Orientation*

WANG Sheng-Yuan1+, YANG Liang-Huai2, YUAN Chong-Yi3, YANG Ping4

1(Department of Computer Science and Technology, TsinghuaUniversity, Beijing100084, China)

2(Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, Singapore)

3(Department of Computer Science and Technology, BeijingUniversity, Beijing100871, China)

4(Schoolof Information Scienceand Technology, LanzhouUniversity, Lanzhou730000, China)

+ Corresponding author: Phn: +86-10-62645407, Fax: +86-10-62645000, E-mail: wsy@, http://www.

Received 2002-10-08; Accepted -01-05

Abstract: The combination of concurrency and object orientation is definitely natural except for inheritance. One of the interferences between inheritance and concurrency is inheritance anomaly. Although having been researched extensively, inheritance anomalies are still only vaguely defined and often misunderstood, and no much formal work has been done. A new viewpoint is set forth for understanding inheritance anomalies, in which each subtyping relation has its specific incremental inheritance. Related concepts and definitions are formalized through the language of Category. Some issues are well adapted to distinguish and explain different standpoints about inheritance anomalies, and can serve as guidelines in the modeling of inheritance.

Key words: concurrency; object orientation; inheritance anomaly; incremental inheritance; category theory

摘 要: 如果不考虑继承性,并发性与对象技术的结合是很自然的.继承反常(又称继承异常)现象是继承性和并发性不相容的主要原因之一.现阶段人们对继承反常现象的认识有许多模糊之处,出发点不尽相同,形式化的工作也很少.对不同的subtyping关系考虑其特有的渐增式继承方法有利于把握继承反常现象的实质,也丰富了“在并发面向对象语言中应将inheritance层次和subtyping层次区别对待”这一认识的内涵.在阐述基本观点之后,采用范畴论的术语对相关的概念和定义做了形式化工作.一些观点和结论适用于区分和解释相关工作的出发点和贡献,并对并发面向对象技术中继承性的建模问题有所启示.

关键词: 并发性;面向对象;继承反常;渐增式继承;范畴论

中图法分类号: TP301文献标识码: A



如图1所示,类Buffer实现了一个有界缓冲区类型,可以并发地接受消息put和get.同步机制采用了“method guards”方式,即为每一个method附加一个guard谓词[2].构造Buffer的另一个子类LockableBuffer也会引发同样的问题.这种“为获得有效继承而必须对父类代码进行实质性修改的现象”就是所谓的继承反常(inheritance anomaly)[3~5].





Table 1Latency of macro-instructions


命题1. 设RÍRL,R¢ÍR,R定义的Class范畴为CR,R¢定义的Class范畴为CR¢,则CR¢是CR的子范畴,并称之为CR的子Class范畴.

证明:对任何A,BÎobCR=obCR¢,homCR¢(A,B)ÍhomCR(A,B). □

推论1. 任何RÍRL定义的Class范畴CR都是CL的子Class范畴.





的近似解为,其中 由边界条件决定.确定其余几个Bézier系数是一个非线性约束优化问题.我们采用基于一维线性搜索的整体收敛的Newton迭代方法来求解.其基本的迭代格式为

步长 采用回溯线性搜索方法确定,下降方向 是Newton方向,这种非线性优化方法是一个比较成功的具有整体收敛性的方法,对于初值的选择没有苛刻的要求.


2.2.1 定义继承反常现象








致谢 在此,我们向对本文的工作给予支持和建议的同行,尤其是北京大学计算机科学技术系袁崇义教授、屈婉玲教授领导的讨论班上的同学和老师表示感谢.


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* Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.60373000 (国家自然科学基金); the National High-Tech Research and Development Plan of China under Grant Nos.863-317-01-04-99, 2001AA115126 (国家高技术研究发展计划(863)); the National Grand Fundamental Research 973 Program of China under Grant No.G1999032706 (国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)); the Key Science-Technology Project of the National ‘Ninth Five-Year-Plan’ of China under Grant No.98-780-01-07-03 (国家“九五”重点科技攻关项目); the Defense Pre-Research Project of the ‘Ninth Five-Year-Plan’ of China (国家“九五”国防预研基金); the National Research Foundation for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (国家教育部博士点基金); the Ministry & Commission-Level Research Foundation of China (部委级基金); the Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province of China under Grant No.ZS991-A25-014-G (甘肃省自然科学基金)

作者简介: 王生原(1964-),男,山西应县人,博士,副教授,主要研究领域为分布对象计算,Petri网应用,嵌入式软件环境;杨良怀(1967-),男,博士,讲师,主要研究领域为数据库系统实现技术,数据仓库,半结构化数据,Web数据集成,数据挖掘;袁崇义(1941-),男,教授,博士生导师,主要研究领域为并行计算,Petri网理论及应用;杨萍(1964-),女,副教授,主要研究领域为人工智能.
