1200字范文 > 计算机能否代替老师英语作文 雅思大作文范文关于电脑替代老师

计算机能否代替老师英语作文 雅思大作文范文关于电脑替代老师

时间:2021-02-19 03:07:59


计算机能否代替老师英语作文 雅思大作文范文关于电脑替代老师



Computers are widely used in education and somepeople think teachers are not playing an importantrole in classroom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In this IT age, computers are widely used in theclassroom in order to enrich the methods ofteaching. This phenomenon gives some the illusionthat the thing teaching students is no longer theteacher but a computer. Personally, I disagree withthis opinion.

As another machines, computer doesn’t enable tocontrol itself. Though computers are capable of learning from their mistakes and improving ontheir performance, they need details instructions from human being in order to be able tooperate. They can never, as it were lead independent lives, no mention teaching students. Incase a computer lacks the control of a teacher, there is no difference between a computer andwaste.

Not only this, but computers, unlike a teacher, can’t solve a variety of new problems.Everything is developing in today’s society, including education. For example, a studentsuddenly asks a creative question that the computer isn’t programmed for, it can do nothing,while teacher can explain clearly though abundant teaching experience.

Last but not least, the computer can’t communicate with students from emotion. Such as aneyesight or gesture of teacher can transfer his or her idea and feeling to students. In thisway, students can feel more human touch in the class. In comparison, the computer is too dryand dusty to understand.

All in all, no matter how nice a computer is, it can’t take the place of teacher. Of course, I don’tmean that computer is useless. In contrary, I believe it will become the most powerfulassistants to teacher in further.


Computers are widely used in education and somepeople think teachers are not playing an importantrole in classroom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In this period of communication,computer has beenused in all kinds of fields widely, and plays aparticular role in our lives. Especially computer hasbecome more and more important in educationalfield, therefore dozens of people considered teacherscould be replaced computers that will go with thecurrent of the times. The above point is certainlywrong; this essay will outline three reasons.

The main reason is that people’s brain better than computer. Firstly, people design all kinds ofcomputer’s programs. Secondly, computer doesn’t have logistic ideation. Computer only candefend on that designer inputted computer’s programs to judge a question’s right or wrong.In other words, computer can’t defend on thinking that computer independently analyzes aquestion’s right or wrong. In case, designer inputted programs that are wrong. Computeroutput the result that also will be wrong. If this kind of problem happened in classroom,students would be infused plenty of wrong information.

Another reason is that computer’s programs designed software of education that could beamended difficultly.If software of education of bugs were found, commonly these of problemscouldn’t be solved in the classroom. The software was amended that means total of programwere corrected, not only parts of program were inserted or amended usually.

Last but not the least reason is computer is mechanical,it couldn’t be suited all kinds ofstudents and different demands. As students’ intellect is different, same of software couldn’tbase on every status of student to set a perfect project.

In conclusion, computers couldn’t instead of the position of teachers in the classroom,however computer is an absolutely good helper for teacher.


Computers are widely used in education and somepeople think teachers are not playing an importantrole in classroom. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?


The 21st century is the period of information, inwhich computers will play an important role in everyarea of our lives. Recently, computer assistededucation has become more and more popular inprimary schools, high schools and colleges. Thecomputer’s multimedia abilities make the classeslively and interesting. As a result, some people havesaid that teachers are no longer playing a significant role in classroom.I can hardly agree withthem.

First, it is the teacher who creates the software used in class. For example, the software may bean outline of the teacher’s lecture.If you listen to some lectures, you will find that the lecturescontain far more information than the multimedia software includes. While showing the class,most teachers will expand the knowledge extent, especially adding some latest discoveries andbreakthroughs. So, the computer is just an assistant, which makes the class more vivid andclear. Teachers and students are the main part of a class.

Second, computers cannot organize activities in class in place of teachers. For example, weoften do some group work during classes, and it is the teachers who set the groups andcontrol the time. After checking our homework, teachers will understand what the realweakness of students is, and adjust their classes to improve their teaching, while computerscannot.

Moreover,the interaction between students and teachers is very useful.During the asking andanswering of questions, students pose problems and find answers more clearly. But computers,now, have not that intelligence.

All in all, although computer technology is developing very quickly and computers can solvemore and more problems without people, teachers still play an important role in class. And Iinsist that, no matter how the technology develops, teachers will be in the front of theclassroom forever.
