1200字范文 > 【体育硕士论文】信阳地区少儿体育舞蹈培训探究


时间:2022-04-25 02:43:35




体育舞蹈作为新兴文化于 80 年代传入中国,经过 30 多年的发展其规模不断壮大,据不完全统计习练人数达 3000 万,主要以少儿为主。体育舞蹈具有很好的健身效果,特别对少儿身体发育和心理健康有很好的促进作用,体育舞蹈不仅作为文化载体增加东西方文化的交流,还是体育与艺术的结合体,可以很好地响应国家《全民健身》的号召,促进少儿锻炼身体。信阳市少儿体育舞蹈起步较晚,发展较快,体育舞蹈技术水平不断提高,比前几年有了较大的进步,但是相比于我国发展较好地区来说,还是存在相当大的差距,其发展现状出现多种问题,而且学者对其研究较少。本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、实地考察法、数理统计法,以信阳市少儿体育舞蹈发展现状为研究对象,以信阳市 10 个体育舞蹈培训机构内的少儿体育舞蹈教师、学员为调查对象,研究信阳市少儿体育舞蹈发展现状及影响因素。


信阳市少儿体育舞蹈性别比例严重失调,男女比例 1:4;学员年龄以 7–12 岁为主;60.9%的学员自主选择学习体育舞蹈;学习动机以培养兴趣爱好和锻炼身体为主;学习舞种较为单一,以拉丁为主;学员训练时间少,80%培训机构每周上一次课,80%培训机构每次课时为 90 分钟;参加比赛机会较少,65.4%的学员没参加过比赛;信阳市少儿体育舞蹈教师男女性别比例严重失调,男女比例为1:4;80%老师为 35 岁以下,年轻化;75%的老师教龄为 5 年以内,教学经验不足;学历较高,大专和本科占总数的 70%;老师都有教师等级证书,二级及以上有 17 人,占总人数的 85%;以大学生兼职为主,流动性较大;教师教学动机以提高基本技术为主,与学生的学习动机不符合;35%的老师没有进修过。











In the 80’s, dancesport as a new culture came into China.Its scaleconstantly had grown through 30 years developing. According toincomplete statistics shows the number of trainee is up to 30 million,mainly in children. Dancesport has a good fitness effect, especially forhaving a good catalytic role in children’s physical development andmental healthy. Dancesport is not only a cultural carrier to increase theexchange of Eastern and Western cultures, but also a combination ofsports and art. It can be a good response National "national fitness"calling and to promote the children exercising. Children’s dancesport ofXinyang City started late and developing rapidiy and dancesport skillsconstantly improving. It have made more great progress than in previousyears. but compared to China’s better developing areas, there is still aconsiderable gap. Its development status appears a variety of problemsand scholars doing less researches. This paper uses the literature data,questionnaire survey, interview, investigation method and mathematicalstatistics method to study the current situation of children’s dancesport ofXinyang City. It shows ten dancesport training institutions to investigateChildren’s dancesport of Xinyang City developing situation andinfluencing factors. Conclusion as below:

The gender is seriously imbalance in Children’s dancesport ofXinyang City the proportion of male and female is 1:4. The students areabout in 7–12 age. 60.9% students are choosing to learn dancesport bythemselves. Learning motivation is to develop hobbies and exercising.

Usualy learning style is relatively single, mainly in Latin. Training time ismore less, 80% training agency a class a week, and 80% studentslearning 90 minutes a class.

The opportunity to participating competition is less, 65.4% studentsdid not participate the game.The gender is seriously imbalance in Children’s dancesport ofXinyang City the proportion of male and female is 1:4. The teachers arebelow 35 age. The school age of 70% teachers are within five years,lacking of teaching experience. Education backgroud is usualymorehigher, specialized institution accout for 70% of the total.

Teachers are all have the teachers qualification certificate. They gotgrade two qualification certificate.

above 17 people, accounting for 85% of the total number. There aremore part-time students, greater mobility of teachers; teaching motivationis aiminng to improve basic skills. It usualy does not meet thestudents’ learning motivation. 35% teachers did not take a refreshercourse.

80% teachers do not have lesson plans. Teaching content isunreasonable. Ballet body and physical fitness is too less. Class content ismore depend on the arrangement of the school, ignoring the students68.7% students. The teacher more like to teach one student, lack of danceclassroom. the teaching skills of the classroom is very old, lack ofinnovation and insufficient.


1. Increase the intensity of Sports Dancing.

2. Improving the comprehensive quality of teachers.

3. Optimizing the teaching content.

4. Increasing communication activities.

5. Enriching teaching methods.

6. Strengthening the site construction.

Key words : Xinyang City, children 's dancesport ,status

目 录

1 选题依据

2 研究的目的与意义

2.1 研究目的

2.2 研究意义

3 文献综述

3.1 国外研究现状

3.2 国内研究现状

3.3 体育舞蹈相关教材

3.4 体育舞蹈功能作用的研究概况

3.5 相关概念的界定

4 研究对象与方法

4.1 研究对象

4.2 研究方法

4.2.1 文献资料法

4.2.2 问卷调查法

4.2.3 访谈法

4.2.4 实地考察法

4.2.5 数理统计法

5 结果与分析

5.1 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈学员现状分析

5.1.1 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈学员基本情况分析

5.1.2 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈学员学习意愿和动机现状分析

5.1.3 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈学员舞种学习现状分析

5.1.4 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈课时长度、课时频数现状分析

5.1.5 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈比赛、表演及态度现状分析

5.2 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈教师现状分析

5.2.1 信阳市体育舞蹈教师基本情况现状分析

5.2.2 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈少儿教师等级现状分析

5.2.3 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈少儿教师工作性质现状分析

5.2.4 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈少儿教师教学动机现状分析

5.2.5 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈少儿教师进修现状分析

5.3 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈教学现状分析

5.3.1 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈教材及教案调查

5.3.2 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈教学内容和选择依据现状分析

5.3.3 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈教学形式和教学方法现状分析

5.3.4 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈教学方法现状分析

5.3.5 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈学员课堂内容掌握情况分析

5.4 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈培训机构场地设施现状研分析

6 信阳市少儿体育舞蹈发展对策研究

6.1 加大体育舞蹈宣传力度

6.2 提高教师综合素质

6.3 优化教学内容

6.4 增加交流活动

6.5 丰富教学方法

6.6 加强场地建设

7 结论和建议

7.1 结论

7.2 建议

8 参考文献​​​​​​​​
