1200字范文 > 制作支付页面弹框html JS实现仿微信支付弹窗功能_蜡烛_前端开发者

制作支付页面弹框html JS实现仿微信支付弹窗功能_蜡烛_前端开发者

时间:2023-10-16 14:15:58


制作支付页面弹框html JS实现仿微信支付弹窗功能_蜡烛_前端开发者



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/* 弹窗 */

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display: none;

/* 默认隐藏 */

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/* 弹窗内容 */

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-webkit-animation-name: slideIn;

-webkit-animation-duration: 0.4s;

animation-name: slideIn;

animation-duration: 0.4s



* 支付弹窗样式

* **/

.paymentArea-Entry {

width: 90%;

margin: 0 auto;

padding-bottom: 0.3rem;

background-color: #fff;


.paymentArea-Entry-Head {

display: flex;

display: -webkit-flex;

height: 0.8rem;

line-height: 0.8rem;

padding: 0.2rem;

border-bottom: 1px solid #5CB85C;


/* 关闭按钮 */

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width: 0.5rem;

height: 0.5rem;

padding: 0.15rem 0.15rem 0.15rem 0;


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margin-right: 0.15rem;


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font-size: 0.4rem;


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position: relative;

padding: 0.2rem 0;

text-align: center;


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content: "";

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height: 1px;

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.paymentArea-Entry-Content .pay-name {

font-size: 0.3rem;


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font-size: 0.4rem;

font-weight: bold;


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left: 50%;

width: 0.5rem;

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margin: -0.25rem 0 0 -0.25rem;


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border: 0;


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outline: none;

background-color: #ddd;


/* 添加动画 */

@-webkit-keyframes slideIn {

from {

bottom: -300px;

opacity: 0


to {

bottom: 0;

opacity: 1



@keyframes slideIn {

from {

bottom: -300px;

opacity: 0


to {

bottom: 0;

opacity: 1



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from {

opacity: 0


to {

opacity: 1



@keyframes fadeIn {

from {

opacity: 0


to {

opacity: 1




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