1200字范文 > c语言各个英文的作用 C语言最重要的知识点复习资料(国外英文资料).doc

c语言各个英文的作用 C语言最重要的知识点复习资料(国外英文资料).doc

时间:2020-05-06 08:21:05


c语言各个英文的作用 C语言最重要的知识点复习资料(国外英文资料).doc



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[turn] the most important points of knowledge in the C language

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On the whole, it must be clear:

The program structure is three: sequence structure, loop structure (three cyclic structures), select structure (if and switch)

2) the reading program will be read from the main () entry and then read from the top (when you run into a loop, you encounter a choice).

The data stored in the computer is in binary form. The location of the data is his address.

4) bit is a digit for 0 or 1. Byte is byte, byte = 8 bits.

5) be sure to remember how binary is made into decimal.

The idea often comes in:

Preprocessing is not a part of the C language, no longer running time. The program that compiles C is called the source program, which is stored in the text file with ASCII values.

The main function in each C language program has one and only one.

You can't define functions in a function.

The algorithm must have output, he can have no input.

The break can be used for loop structure and switch statements.

The comma operator is the lowest level.

The first chapter

1) legitimate user identifiers:

Legal requirements are made up of letters, Numbers, and underscores. Other elements are wrong.

And the first one must be the letter or the underscore. The first is the wrong number.

Keywords cannot be used as user identifiers. The main define scanf printf is not a keyword. Confusing your local If is a user identifier. Because If the first letter in the If is capitalized, it's not a keyword.

2) the legal form of real data:

2.333e-1 is legal and the data is 2.333 times 10-1.

E to e, e will be an integer. .

3) the legal form of chara
