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wether.html5.qq.com 人教版英语九年级全一册Unit 1单元测试卷及参考答案解析(含听力...

时间:2021-10-05 04:40:00


wether.html5.qq.com 人教版英语九年级全一册Unit 1单元测试卷及参考答案解析(含听力...

UNIT 1达标测试卷




1. A. note B.nose C. notice

2. A. repair B. report C.repeat

3. A. widely B. quickly C.wisely

4.A. screen B.secret C. second

5. A. look up B. give up C.turn up


11. How often does Bill ring his mother up?

A. Oncea day. B. Once a week.

C. Oncea month.

12. What does Li Wei think is more importantfor English studying?

A. Pronunciation. B. Grammar. C. Writing.

13. How does the man know about the weather?

A. Bywatching TV.

B. Byreading a newspaper.

C. Bylistening to the radio.

14. What are the two speakers probablytalking about?

A. Howto learn English.

B. Howto make movies.

C. Howto talk with foreigners.

15. What does Peter mean?

A. He susing his ruler now.

B. Marycan use his ruler.

C. Helent his ruler to others.



16. How does Annie usually exercise?

A. Byplaying baseball.

B. Byplaying basketball.

C. Byplaying volleyball.

17. When will the two speakers meet tomorrowmorning?

A. At 8:50.B. At 9:00.C. At 9:10.


18. What is the girl going to do thisweekend?

A. Takean exam.

B. Reviewher lessons.

C. Helpthe boy with his lessons.

19. When will the boy have his exam?

A. NextThursday.B. Nextweek. C. Next month.

20. What isn t the boy good at?

A. Physics. B. English. C. Math.


21. How often will Ann take training classesat most?

A. Oncea week.

B. Twicea week.

C. Threetimes a week.

22. How will Kevin improve his listeningskills?

A. By takinga course.

B. Bylistening to tapes.

C. Bywatching videos.

23. Where is Mr. Smith from?

A. America.B. Canada.C. Britain.

24. What club does May want to set up?

A. Areading club. B. A story tellingclub.

C. Awriting club.

25. What is Sarah weak in?

A. Speaking.B. Reading.C. Writing.




31. Don t hurry him. You will just have to be________ and wait until he

finishes the work.

A. active B. careful C. patient D. famous

32. —Is this iPad yours?

—Yes. Myparents bought ________ for my language learning.

A. one B. it C. other D.another

33. —How are you getting on with your cousin?

—Verywell. He is really ________ and joins in all kinds of activities

in his spare time.

A. polite B.strict C. active D. careful

34. —Peter, you can never let others know what Ihave told you today.

—Don tworry. I will keep the ________.

A. secret B. money C. grade D. address

35. —Mr Zhang, I can t understand everything inclass.

—Don t worry! I ll ________ the main points at the end of the class.

A. forget B. review C. lose D.remember

36. —________ does your grandma keep healthy?

—She always goes to the square dance.

A. Where B. Why C. How D. When

37. —What are you doing now, Jim?

—I m surfing the Internet. I want to find ________ on it.

A. interesting anything B. anything interesting

C. interesting something D.something interesting

38. —Reading more English books is very useful inEnglish learning.

—I agree with you. ________ you read, ________ you will be.

A. More; faster B. The less; the faster

C. Less; faster D. The more; the faster

39. —How do you usually learn English, Ann?

—________ asking the teacher for help.

A. In B. By C. On D.From

40. The word“retell”means“to tell again”;“reuse”means“to

use again”;“________”probably means“to play again”.

A. display B. replay C.misplay D.interplay

41. —Lucy has improved a lot in English since shejoined the English


—Yes, you re right. How ________ she chose to be in that club!

A. hardly B. clearly C. differently D. wisely

42. —Mum, I really don t know how to use this word.

—Why don t you ________ in your English English dictionary.

A. look it up B.put it off

C. take it down D. give it away

43. Lucy is late for school again ________ theheavy rain.

A. instead of B. according to

C. because of pared with

44. Chemistry ________ much easier for me since MrLi began to teach


A. is becoming B.becomes

C. became D.has become

45. —I can t solve this math problem. Can you helpme with it?

—Noproblem. ________.

A. Use it or lose it B. Go ahead

C. It s a piece of cake D. Seeing is believing

七、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


Davidreceived a parrot(鹦鹉) forhis birthday. The parrot had a poor vocabulary, and many words it said were notpolite.

Davidtried hard to __46__ the bird s words, so he often said polite words, playedsoft music, and tried __47__he could think of to set a good example. Butnothing__48__. He shouted at the bird and the bird just got__49__and becameeven less polite. Finally, when David felt there was no__50__ , he put the parrot in the fridge. For a fewmoments he heard the bird kick(踢) andcry__51__. Then, suddenly, it was quiet. Not a sound for half a minute. Davidwas scared that the bird was hurt and quickly__52__the fridge door. The parrotquietly walked out onto David s arm and said, “I__53__that I have made youangry with me about my impolite language and actions. I am really sorry. I willtry my best at once to be __54__. ”

Davidwas surprised at the bird s change, and he was going to ask what had caused abig change when the parrot said, “May I ask__55__the chicken did? It is also inthe fridge. ”

46. A. change B. buy C.make D. have

47. A. something B. everything

C. nothing D. anything

48. A. worked B. came C.failed D. left

49. A. surprised B. relaxed C. angry D.pleased

50. A. food B. prediction C. clothes D. hope

51. A. quietly B. simply C. exactly D.loudly

52. A. cleaned B. watched C. opened D. closed

53. A. realize B. celebrate C. dream D.forget

54. A. quiet B. polite C. noisy D.impolite

55. A. when B. how C. what D.where


How can you get the most information froma book? Here are some__56__which can help you read effectively(有效地).

◆Readthe whole thing

When you re learning something by reading,it s more important to have a(n)__57__idea than to understand every detail(细节). In fact, nomatter how__58__you read, you won t remember or understand all of the details.So why not just remember and record the main points?

◆Decidehow much time you will__59__

If you know that you have only six hoursfor a book, it ll be__60__of you to adjust(调整) yourself. The more clearly you know yourlimits(限制), themore effective your reading will be. So never start to read__61__planning whento stop.

◆Have apurpose

Before you begin, find out__62__you arereading this book. If you don t have reasons of your own, you__63__learn much.After you start to read, try to__64__four questions:Who is the writer?What are the book s opinions? What are the reasons? What are the conclusions?

◆Read itthree times

You ll get the most out of thebook__65__you read it three times—fast reading for general ideas, reading forunderstanding, and then reading for note taking and remembering.

56. A. results B. suggestions

C. choices D. reasons

57. A. general B. proper

C. active D.direct

58. A. lively B. carefully

C. quickly D. badly

59. A. lose B. save

C. spend D.take

60. A. honest B. lazy

C. slow D.wise

61. A. after B. around

C. without D.beside

62. A. how B. what

C. when D.why

63. A. needn t B. shouldn t

C. mustn t D.can t

64. A. think of B. talk about

C. help with D.put out

65. A. so B. but

C. if D. or


A:English is adifficult language to learn, isn t it?

B:Yes. (66)________

A:True, but Englishis harder than most. It s a crazy language.


A:Because one lettercan have several pronunciations.


A:Sure. Listen tothe o in hot, cold, love and to.

B:Hmm. (69)________

A:You see, there areat least four ways to pronounce“o”. Andthere s

another problem with English.


A:One word can haveseveral meanings. For example, the word catch.

You say to catch a ball, to catch a cold,to catch a bus and to catch a

mouse. They re very different.

B:You re right.English is a crazy language.



A girl shopped with her mum in Walmart. Itwas pouring outside. We all stood under the awning(雨篷). Her voice was so sweet,“Mum, let s run through the rain.”

Mum said,“No, honey, we ll wait until it slows down abit.”The girl waited for about another minuteand said again,“Mum,let s run through the rain.”“We ll get wet if we do that, honey,”Mum said.“No, we won t, Mum. That s not what you saidthis morning,”the girl said.“This morning?”“Don t you remember? When you were talking to Daddy about hisillness, you said: If God can get us through this, he can get us throughanything!”Nothingcould be heard but the rain. Mum thought for a few minutes about what she wouldsay.“Honey, you are right. Let s run through therain. If we get wet, well, maybe we just need to wash ourselves,” Mumsaid. All the others began to stand watching and smiling as they ran past thecars and through the puddles(水坑).

You may lose your money and even yourhealth, but no one can ever take away your memories. So don t forget to makememories.

71.Atfirst the girl s mum wanted to go when ________.

A. itstopped raining B. it rained less heavily

C. other people left D. cars droveslowly

72. From the story, we can gues s the girl sdaddy may ________.

A. getwet B. run away

C. beill D. be worried

73. The others smiled because ________.

A. theythought it was stupid

B. theyfound it funny

C. they didn t lose health

D. theywere moved

74. The writer wants to tell us ________.

A. notto shop on rainy days

B. torun through the rain when it rains

C. notto laugh at others

D. totry to make memories if possible


Friendship Restaurant

We havedifferent kinds of Japanese food here. The food menu is in Japanese and Chinese.All the waiters or waitresses can speak at least one foreign language.


Time:11:30am—10:00 pm.


Maybeyou want to help others but don t know what to do. Then Volunteer Project willhelp you. Here you will get the best idea of volunteering.

Dial(拨打) 822—5566 to join it.

Email address:Lisa@hotmail. com

The Dream Corner

Doyou want to improve your English? Do you want to practice your English withnative speakers? Then why not join the Dream Corner? Come here on Fridayafternoon every week.

Red Bird Club

Do you like dancing? Do you want to show offyour cool dance at parties? Join us and make your dream come true.

Closed on Tuesday.

Dial 822—3331 for more information.

The Underwater World

Here you will find different kinds of fishesand even some kinds of sharks. You will feel you are in the sea but of coursethis is not true. If you like fishes, I suggest that you pay a visit to it.

Time:9:30 am—5:30 pm

75. In the Friendship Restaurant, you caneat________ food.

A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English D. French

76. Red Bird Club is closed on ________.

A. Monday B. Tuesday

C. Thursday D. Saturday

77. According to the ad, you can see ________in the Underwater World.

A. volunteers

B. excellent dancers

C. sea animals

D. waiters and waitresses

78. If you want to practice English withnative speakers, you can join


A. the Dream Corner B. the Volunteer Project

C. the Red Bird Club D. the Underwater World


Do you often feel bored at the weekend? Doyou want to try some new ways to spend a money free weekend with your children?Here s what you can do.

Visityour community(社区)library

A library is not only a house of books, butalso has many CD and DVD collections that you can check out. Many librariesalso have story time for young children, film nights, book clubs and many otherevents—completely for free.


Introduce yourself to your neighbors if youdon t know them well. Invite interesting ones over for a cup of coffee and achat, just to get to know each other better.

Clearout your media collection—books, DVDs, CDs, and so on

Just go through what you ve got, decidewhich ones you d like to keep, and give up the rest. You can either sell themat a used media shop or exchange them online.

Organizea family walking tour

Find out the interesting places in yourtown, and then go on a walking tour of them. Pack a lunch in your backpack andhave a picnic in the park. You can easily turn this into a full day with yourfamily.

Start abook club—or find one to join

If you like reading and know other peoplethat also enjoy it, consider starting a book club with them. You can read thesame book for a week, and then meet to talk about it.

79.Whichof the following should be put in____▲____?

A. Goto school early. B. Meet yourneighbors.

C. Domore exercise. D. Keep your roomclean.

80. The writer mentions all of the followingin his advice Except


A. libraries B. neighbors

C. jobs D. tours

81. The author has written the passage for ________.

A. students B. children

C. doctors D. parents

82. The author gives us five ways to________.

A. keephealthy

B. makemore friends

C. havea relaxing life

D. spenda money free weekend


One day, a crow(乌鸦) happened to fly past a lake. Looking atthe lake, he saw the most beautiful animal he had ever seen. It was a swan(天鹅) and its feathers(羽毛) were as white as snow. The swan wasplaying with other birds happily, talking and dancing. And it seemed that theother birds all liked to stay withit. When he looked at his ownfeathers, they were as black as coal. The crow was very angry with the swan.“How can the swanhave such wonderful feathers?”said the crow. What should he do with hisfeathers? He thought it over and over.

Then, the crow decided that he also wantedto have white feathers like the swan s. From that day on, the crow began tolive like the swan. He moved his home from the woods to the lake. He alsostarted to eat water plants like the swan. He tried his best to talk and dancewith other birds. The most important was that each day, the crow would wash hisfeathers, hoping that they would turn white. Even he went to the nearby riversand ponds to wash his feathers because he thought the water in the lakes wasnot enough for him to wash them. But no matter how hard he washed his feathers,they remained black.

As he ate only water plants, he soon grewthinner and thinner. Not many days later, the crow died.

83.Theunderlined word “it” in Paragraph One refers to ________.

A. thecrow B. the swan

C. thefeather D. the water

84. Why was the crow angry with the swan?

A. Hisown feathers were as white as snow.

B. Theswan did not have black feathers like him.

C. Theswan had beautiful white feathers.

D. Theswan lived in the lake with other birds.

85. Where was the crow s natural home?

A. Inthe lakes. B. In theponds.

C. Inthe rivers. D.In the woods.

86. The crow wanted to live like the swanbecause he wanted to


A. eatwater plants

B. makefriends with the swan

C. havewhite feathers

D. seethe swan s white feathers

87. Why did the crow wash his feathers everyday?

A. Hethought his feathers would turn white.

B. Hewanted to drive the other birds away.

C. Hethought his feathers were dirty.

D. Hewanted to keep his feathers white.



An old man lived with his little grandson. Everyday the old man got up early to read books. Oneday the grandson asked,“Grandpa, I want to read books as you do. ButI always forget what I read. What are the advantages of reading?”

The grandfather didn t answer him, but said,“Take this little basket to the river andbring me back a basket of water.”The boy did as his grandpa said, but all the water leaked (漏) out before he got back home. Thegrandfather laughed and said,“You llhave to walk faster next time.”

The next time the boy ran faster, but thebasket was still empty before he returned home. The boy said,“See, Grandpa, it sno use!”

“Is it no use?”the old man said.“Look at the basket.”

The boy looked at the basket and found thatthe basket was different. It was cleaner, inside and out.“That s what happens when you read books. Youmight not understand or remember everything, but when you read them, you willbe changed, inside and out.”

88.Whatdid the old man do every day? (不超过5个词)


89. What did the grandson use to get somewater? (不超过5个词)


90. Whathappens when you read books according to the grandpa s words? (不超过15个词)



91.Thes (速度) at which he drives isn t allowed here.

92. It s better to reada (大声地) than to read in silence.

93. Our government is trying toc (创造) more jobs for

the young.

94. Mr Li tried tod (发现) the truth of the whole matter, but

he didn t succeed.

95. Dr Ma has helped a lot ofp (病人) see again in the

course of his life.







五、26.month27.math28.library29.60 /sixty






32. B点拨:本题考查代词的用法。句意:——这个iPad是你





33. C点拨:本题考查形容词的词义辨析。答句中提到:他在空闲时间参加各种活动,可以判断:他真的很“活跃”。故选C。

34. A点拨:本题考查名词的词义辨析。句意:——彼得,你



35. B点拨:本题考查动词的词义辨析。句意:——张老师,



36. C点拨:本题考查疑问副词。根据答句“她总是去跳广场舞。”


37. D点拨:本题考查不定代词的用法。something, anything表




38. D点拨:本题考查比较级的用法。表示“越……,越……”



39. B点拨:本题考查介词的辨析。此题意为:——安,你通



40. B点拨:本题考查构词法。句意为:单词retell意思是“复


41. D点拨:本题考查副词词义辨析。意为:——自从参加了



42. A点拨:本题考查动词短语词义辨析。根据句意,表示“查

字典”要用look up。故选A。

43. C点拨:根据句意,表示原因要用because of。故选C。

44. D点拨:本题考查动词时态。句中有since引导的时间状语


45. C点拨:本题考查交际用语。句意为:——我算不出这道








E)88.Heread books.89.A basket.

90. When we read books, we will be changed, insideand out.


十一、One possible version:

Dear Joe,

There are forty students in our class. 10% of uslearn chemistry by asking our teacher for help. 20% of the students thinkmemorizing chemical formulas is a good way to learn chemistry. They often spendten to twenty minutes memorizing them every day. About 30% of us improve ourchemistry by doing experiments often and it really helps. The others agree thatworking in groups is the best way to learn chemistry and I am one of them.


Li Hua

