1200字范文 > 一个无线鼠标的HID Report Desc

一个无线鼠标的HID Report Desc

时间:2023-10-18 08:43:37


一个无线鼠标的HID Report Desc


关于USB设备类型定义,可参见本站:USB设备类型定义 - USB中文网











支持boot interface subclass的设备也只有两种,分别为键盘和鼠标:









在接口描述符中子类别码字段等于1表示此设备支持启动接口(Boot Interface)。如果设备有启动接口,即便主机的HID没有加载驱动程序,设备也可以使用。这种情形可能发生在计算机是由DOS直接启动,在启动时观看系统设置画面或使用Wndows的安全模式时。


在 HID Usage Tables规范中定义了键盘与鼠标的启动描述符(Boot Descriptor)。BIOS不需要从设备中读取描述符,因为它知道启动协议,并且假设设备支持启动协议。所以要启动的设备不需要在固件内包含启动接口描述符,它只要在主机尚未要求在报表描述符中的定义协议时支持启动协议即可。在操作系统加载HlD驱动程序后会使用Set_Protocol请求,将设备由启动协议转换成报表协议。


code:0121 .byte 0x12 // bLengthcode:0122 .byte 1 // USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPEcode:0123 .word 2 // bcdUSBcode:0125 .byte 0 // bDeviceClasscode:0126 .byte 0 // bDeviceSubClasscode:0127 .byte 0 // bDeviceProtocolcode:0128 .byte 8 // bMaxPacketSizecode:0129 .word 0xF204 // VIDcode:012B .word 0x2311 // DEVICE IDcode:012D .word 2 // bcdDevicecode:012F .byte 1 // USBD_IDX_MFC_STRcode:0130 .byte 2 // USBD_IDX_PRODUCT_STRcode:0131 .byte 0 // USBD_IDX_SERIAL_STRcode:0132 .byte 1 // USBD_CFG_MAX_NUMcode:0133 .byte 9 // //配置描述符的字节数大小,固定为9字节code:0134 .byte 2 // 描述符类型编号,为0x02code:0135 .byte 0x5B // WORD wTotalLength;//配置所返回的所有数量的大小code:0136 .byte 0code:0137 .byte 3 // /*bNumInterfaces: 3 interface*/code:0138 .byte 1 // /*bConfigurationValue: Configuration value*/code:0139 .byte 0 // /*iConfiguration: Index of string descriptor describingcode:013A .byte 0xA0 // /*bmAttributes: bus powered and Support Remote Wake-up */code:013B .byte 0x32 ; 2// /*MaxPower 100 mA: this current is used for detecting Vbus*///interface 0code:013C .byte 9 // //设备描述符的字节数大小,为0x09code:013D .byte 4 // //描述符类型编号,为0x04code:013E .byte 0 // /*bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface*/ 编号code:013F .byte 0 //BYTE bAlternateSetting;//备用的接口描述符编号code:0140 .byte 1 //BYTE bNumEndpoints;//该接口使用端点数,不包括端点0code:0141 .byte 3 //BYTE bInterfaceClass; //接口类型 3, hidcode:0142 .byte 1 //BYTE bInterfaceSubClass;//接口子类型, 1 for bootcode:0143 .byte 1 // BYTE bInterfaceProtocol;//接口所遵循的协议 1 for keybarodcode:0144 .byte 0 //BYTE iInterface; //描述该接口的字符串索引值 //HID DESCRIPTORcode:0145 .byte 9code:0146 .byte 0x21 // HID_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE HID设备的描述符code:0147 .byte 0x11 // bcdHID HID规范版本号(BCD) byte 0 bcdHID:设备与其描述符所遵循的HID规范的版本号码,此数值是4个16进位的BCD格式字符。例如版本1.1的bcdHID是0110h。code:0148 .byte 1 // bcdHID HID规范版本号(BCD) byte 1code:0149 .byte 0 //bCountryCode1Numeric硬件设备所在国家的国家代码code:014A .byte 1 //bNumDescriptors1Numeric类别描述符数目(至少有一个报表描述符)code:014B .byte 0x22 //bReportType1Constant 总是0x22?code:014C .byte 0x41 // wReportLength2Numeric该类别描述符的总长度 Total length of Report descriptorcode:014D .byte 0 //【wDescriptorLength】//端口1, IN, EP1, maxpacketsizecode:014E .byte 7code:014F .byte 5 //; USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPEcode:0150 .byte 0x81//; IN 1code:0151 .byte 3code:0152 .byte 8 //;wMaxPacketSize /*USB2.0时:对于同步端点,此值用于指示主机在调度中保留的总线时间,这是每(微)帧数据有效负载所需的时间,有效负载时间就是发送一帧数据需要占用的总线时间,在实际数据传输过程中,管道实际使用的带宽可能比保留的带宽少,大家想想,如果实际使用的带宽比保留的还多,那就丢数了;对于其类型的端点,bit10~bit0指定最大数据包大小(以字节为单位);bit12~bit11对于高速传输的同步和中断端点有效:bit12~bit11可指定每个微帧的额外通信次数,这里大家一定要知道是在高速传输中,当一个事务超时时,在一个微帧时间内重传的次数,如果设置为00b(None),则表示在一个微帧内只传输一个事务,不进行额外的超时重传,如果设置为01b,则表示在一个微帧内可以传输两次事务,有一次额外的重传机会,从下面可以看出,一个微帧最多可以有两次重传事务的机会,如果微帧结束了还是失败,就需要等到下一个微帧继续发送该事务;*/code:0153 .byte 0code:0154 .byte 0xA //主机查询端点的时间间隔 code:0155 .byte 9code:0156 .byte 4code:0157 .byte 1 // /*bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface*/ 编号code:0158 .byte 0//备用编号code:0159 .byte 1 //BYTE bNumEndpoints;//该接口使用端点数,不包括端点0code:015A .byte 3// BYTE bInterfaceClass; //接口类型 3, hidcode:015B .byte 1 //BYTE bInterfaceSubClass;//接口子类型 bootcode:015C .byte 2 // BYTE bInterfaceProtocol;//接口所遵循的协议 2 for mousecode:015D .byte 0code:015E .byte 9code:015F .byte 0x21 // HID_DESCRIPTOR_TYPEcode:0160 .byte 0x11code:0161 .byte 1code:0162 .byte 0code:0163 .byte 1 //bNumDescriptors1Numeric类别描述符数目(至少有一个报表描述符)code:0164 .byte 0x22 ;//bReportType1Constant 总是0x22?code:0165 .byte 0x5F // wReportLength2Numeric该类别描述符的总长度 Total length of Report descriptorcode:0166 .byte 1code:0167 .byte 7code:0168 .byte 5 //USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPEcode:0169 .byte 0x82 //IN EP2code:016A .byte 3code:016B .byte 0x20 //wMaxPacketSize code:016C .byte 0code:016D .byte 4code:016E .byte 9code:016F .byte 4code:0170 .byte 2 // /*bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface*/ 编号 code:0171 .byte 0 //备用编号code:0172 .byte 2 //BYTE bNumEndpoints;//该接口使用端点数,不包括端点0 code:0173 .byte 3 // BYTE bInterfaceClass; //接口类型 3, hid //BYTE bInterfaceClass; //接口类型 3, hidcode:0174 .byte 0 //BYTE bInterfaceSubClass;//接口子类型 not boot code:0175 .byte 0// BYTE bInterfaceProtocol;//接口所遵循的协议 0 for Nonecode:0176 .byte 0code:0177 .byte 9code:0178 .byte 0x21 ; HID_DESCRIPTOR_TYPEcode:0179 .byte 0x11code:017A .byte 1code:017B .byte 0code:017C .byte 1code:017D .byte 0x22code:017E .byte 0x1A // wReportLength2Numeric该类别描述符的总长度 Total length of Report descriptorcode:017F .byte 0code:0180 .byte 7code:0181 .byte 5 // USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPEcode:0182 .byte 0x83 //IN EP3 code:0183 .byte 3code:0184 .byte 0x40//wMaxPacketSize code:0185 .byte 0code:0186 .byte 0xAcode:0187 .byte 7code:0188 .byte 5 // USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPEcode:0189 .byte 3 // OUT EP3code:018A .byte 3code:018B .byte 0x20//wMaxPacketSize code:018C .byte 0code:018D .byte 6code:018E .byte 4code:018F .byte 3 ; USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPEcode:0190 .byte 9code:0191 .byte 4code:0192 .byte 0x10code:0193 .byte 3 ; USB_STRING_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE/*09 04 10 03 43 00 68 00 69 00 63 00 6F 00 6E 00 ....C.h.i.c.o.n.79 00 20 03 57 00 69 00 72 00 65 00 6C 00 65 00 y. .W.i.r.e.l.e.73 00 73 00 20 00 44 00 65 00 76 00 69 00 63 00 s.s. .D.e.v.i.c.65 00e*/code:0194 .byte 0x43 ; Ccode:0195 .byte 0code:0196 .byte 0x68code:0197 .byte 0code:0198 .byte 0x69code:0199 .byte 0code:019A .byte 0x63code:019B .byte 0code:019C .byte 0x6F ; ocode:019D .byte 0code:019E .byte 0x6Ecode:019F .byte 0code:01A0 .byte 0x79code:01A1 .byte 0code:01A2 .byte 0x20code:01A3 .byte 3 code:01A4 .byte 0x57code:01A5 .byte 0code:01A6 .byte 0x69code:01A7 .byte 0code:01A8 .byte 0x72code:01A9 .byte 0code:01AA .byte 0x65code:01AB .byte 0code:01AC .byte 0x6Ccode:01AD .byte 0code:01AE .byte 0x65code:01AF .byte 0code:01B0 .byte 0x73code:01B1 .byte 0code:01B2 .byte 0x73code:01B3 .byte 0code:01B4 .byte 0x20code:01B5 .byte 0code:01B6 .byte 0x44code:01B7 .byte 0code:01B8 .byte 0x65code:01B9 .byte 0code:01BA .byte 0x76code:01BB .byte 0code:01BC .byte 0x69code:01BD .byte 0code:01BE .byte 0x63code:01BF .byte 0code:01C0 .byte 0x65 ; ecode:01C1 .byte 0


//interface 00x05 0x01 Usage Page (Generic Desktop)0x09 0x06 Usage (Keyboard)0xa1 0x01 Collection (Application)0x05 0x07 Usage Page (Keyboard)0x19 0xe0 Usage Minimum (-32)0x29 0xe7 Usage Maximum (-25)0x15 0x00 Logical Minimum (0)0x25 0x01 Logical Maximum (1)0x95 0x08 Report Count (8)0x75 0x01 Report Size (1)0x81 0x02 Input (Data,Var,Abs)0x95 0x08 Report Count (8)0x75 0x01 Report Size (1)0x81 0x01 Input (Cnst,Ary,Abs)0x05 0x08 Usage Page (LEDs)0x19 0x01 Usage Minimum (1)0x29 0x03 Usage Maximum (3)0x95 0x03 Report Count (3)0x75 0x01 Report Size (1)0x91 0x02 Output (Data,Var,Abs)0x95 0x01 Report Count (1)0x75 0x05 Report Size (5)0x91 0x01 Output (Cnst,Ary,Abs)0x05 0x07 Usage Page (Keyboard)0x19 0x00 Usage Minimum (0)0x2a 0xff 0x00 Usage Maximum (255)0x15 0x00 Logical Minimum (0)0x26 0xff 0x00 Logical Maximum (255)0x95 0x06 Report Count (6)0x75 0x08 Report Size (8)0x81 0x00 Input (Data,Ary,Abs)0xc0 End Collection//interface 10x05 0x01 Usage Page (Generic Desktop)0x09 0x80 Usage (System Control)0xa1 0x01 Collection (Application)0x85 0x01 Report ID (1)0x19 0x81 Usage Minimum (-127)0x29 0x83 Usage Maximum (-125)0x15 0x00 Logical Minimum (0)0x25 0x01 Logical Maximum (1)0x75 0x01 Report Size (1)0x95 0x03 Report Count (3)0x81 0x02 Input (Data,Var,Abs)0x95 0x05 Report Count (5)0x81 0x01 Input (Cnst,Ary,Abs)0xc0 End Collection0x06 0x00 0xff Usage Page (Vendor Defined Page 1)0x09 0x01 Usage (Vendor Usage 1)0xa1 0x01 Collection (Application)0x85 0x02 Report ID (2)0x1a 0xf1 0x00 Usage Minimum (241)0x2a 0xfb 0x00 Usage Maximum (251)0x15 0x00 Logical Minimum (0)0x25 0x01 Logical Maximum (1)0x75 0x01 Report Size (1)0x95 0x0b Report Count (11)0x81 0x02 Input (Data,Var,Abs)0x95 0x05 Report Count (5)0x81 0x01 Input (Cnst,Ary,Abs)0xc0 End Collection0x05 0x0c Usage Page (Consumer Devices)0x09 0x01 Usage (Consumer Control)0xa1 0x01 Collection (Application)0x85 0x03 Report ID (3)0x15 0x00 Logical Minimum (0)0x25 0x01 Logical Maximum (1)0x75 0x01 Report Size (1)0x95 0x08 Report Count (8)0x19 0xb5 Usage Minimum (-75)0x29 0xb8 Usage Maximum (-72)0x09 0xcd Usage (UNK)0x09 0xe2 Usage (Mute)0x09 0xe9 Usage (Volume Up)0x09 0xea Usage (Volume Down)0x81 0x02 Input (Data,Var,Abs)0x0a 0x83 0x01 Usage (UNK)0x0a 0x8a 0x01 Usage (UNK)0x0a 0x92 0x01 Usage (UNK)0x0a 0x94 0x01 Usage (UNK)0x0a 0x21 0x02 Usage (UNK)0x1a 0x23 0x02 Usage Minimum (547)0x2a 0x25 0x02 Usage Maximum (549)0x81 0x02 Input (Data,Var,Abs)0x0a 0x26 0x02 Usage (UNK)0x0a 0x27 0x02 Usage (UNK)0x0a 0x2a 0x02 Usage (UNK)0x95 0x03 Report Count (3)0x81 0x02 Input (Data,Var,Abs)0x95 0x05 Report Count (5)0x81 0x01 Input (Cnst,Ary,Abs)0xc0 End Collection0x05 0x01 Usage Page (Generic Desktop)0x09 0x02 Usage (Mouse)0xa1 0x01 Collection (Application)0x09 0x01 Usage (Pointer)0xa1 0x00 Collection (Physical)0x85 0x04 Report ID (4)0x05 0x09 Usage Page (Button)0x19 0x01 Usage Minimum (1)0x29 0x03 Usage Maximum (3)0x15 0x00 Logical Minimum (0)0x25 0x01 Logical Maximum (1)0x95 0x03 Report Count (3)0x75 0x01 Report Size (1)0x81 0x02 Input (Data,Var,Abs)0x95 0x05 Report Count (5)0x81 0x01 Input (Cnst,Ary,Abs)0x05 0x01 Usage Page (Generic Desktop)0x16 0x01 0xf8 Logical Minimum (-2047)0x26 0xff 0x07 Logical Maximum (2047)0x75 0x0c Report Size (12)0x95 0x02 Report Count (2)0x09 0x30 Usage (X)0x09 0x31 Usage (Y)0x81 0x06 Input (Data,Var,Rel)0x15 0x81 Logical Minimum (-127)0x25 0x7f Logical Maximum (127)0x75 0x08 Report Size (8)0x95 0x01 Report Count (1)0x09 0x38 Usage (Wheel)0x81 0x06 Input (Data,Var,Rel)0xc0 End Collection0xc0 End Collection0x06 0x01 0xff Usage Page (UNK)0x09 0x01 Usage (UNK)0xa1 0x01 Collection (Application)0x85 0x05 Report ID (5)0x95 0x01 Report Count (1)0x75 0x08 Report Size (8)0x15 0x00 Logical Minimum (0)0x25 0x0a Logical Maximum (10)0x09 0x20 Usage (UNK)0xb1 0x03 Feature (3)0x27 0xff 0xff 0x00 0x00 Logical Maximum (65535)0x75 0x10 Report Size (16)0x09 0x27 Usage (UNK)0xb1 0x03 Feature (3)0x09 0x23 Usage (UNK)0xb1 0x03 Feature (3)0x09 0x24 Usage (UNK)0xb1 0x03 Feature (3)0xc0 End Collection0x06 0x01 0xff Usage Page (UNK)0x09 0x02 Usage (UNK)0xa1 0x01 Collection (Application)0x85 0x06 Report ID (6)0x95 0x01 Report Count (1)0x75 0x08 Report Size (8)0x15 0x00 Logical Minimum (0)0x25 0x0a Logical Maximum (10)0x09 0x20 Usage (UNK)0xb1 0x03 Feature (3)0x27 0xff 0xff 0x00 0x00 Logical Maximum (65535)0x75 0x10 Report Size (16)0x09 0x27 Usage (UNK)0xb1 0x03 Feature (3)0x09 0x23 Usage (UNK)0xb1 0x03 Feature (3)0x09 0x24 Usage (UNK)0xb1 0x03 Feature (3)0xc0 End Collection0x06 0x01 0xff Usage Page (UNK)0x09 0x03 Usage (UNK)0xa1 0x01 Collection (Application)0x85 0x07 Report ID (7)0x95 0x01 Report Count (1)0x75 0x10 Report Size (16)0x15 0x00 Logical Minimum (0)0x27 0xff 0xff 0x00 0x00 Logical Maximum (65535)0x09 0x27 Usage (UNK)0xb1 0x03 Feature (3)0x75 0x08 Report Size (8)0x26 0xff 0x00 Logical Maximum (255)0x09 0x21 Usage (UNK)0xb1 0x03 Feature (3)0x09 0x22 Usage (UNK)0xb1 0x03 Feature (3)0x09 0x25 Usage (UNK)0xb1 0x03 Feature (3)0x09 0x26 Usage (UNK)0xb1 0x03 Feature (3)0xc0 End Collection0x06 0x01 0xff Usage Page (UNK)0x09 0x08 Usage (UNK)0xa1 0x01 Collection (Application)0x85 0x08 Report ID (8)0x06 0x00 0xff Usage Page (Vendor Defined Page 1)0x09 0x05 Usage (UNK)0x19 0x00 Usage Minimum (0)0x2a 0xff 0x7f Usage Maximum (32767)0x15 0x00 Logical Minimum (0)0x26 0xff 0x7f Logical Maximum (32767)0x75 0x10 Report Size (16)0x95 0x04 Report Count (4)0xb1 0x02 Feature (2)0xc0 End Collectioninterface 20x06 0x01 0xff Usage Page (UNK)0x09 0x04 Usage (UNK)0xa1 0x01 Collection (Application)0x85 0x04 Report ID (4)0x19 0x00 Usage Minimum (0)0x2a 0xff 0x00 Usage Maximum (255)0x15 0x00 Logical Minimum (0)0x26 0xff 0x00 Logical Maximum (255)0x75 0x08 Report Size (8)0x95 0x1f Report Count (31)0xb1 0x02 Feature (2)0xc0 End Collection
