1200字范文 > 倍福服务器维修 Beckhoff TwinCAT

倍福服务器维修 Beckhoff TwinCAT

时间:2024-06-28 17:59:26


倍福服务器维修 Beckhoff TwinCAT



/8/10Fixed an issue that could cause some tags to fail to generate during ATG.


/11/14修复了 6.5 版中出现的以下问题:写入字符串标记的值的末尾可能附带一个多余字符。




/9/27修复了以下问题:当对 BC/BX 设备进行写入时,对嵌套结构中的一个标记进行写入将会更新该嵌套结构中的所有标记。




/6/11修复了以下问题:当对 BC/BX 设备进行写入时,对嵌套结构中的一个标记进行写入将会更新该嵌套结构中的所有标记。


/11/15解决了以下问题:从 .tpy 文件自动生成的过滤项不正确。


/10/20Resolved an issue where memory could be corrupted in certain scenarios when filtering tags.


/10/21Fixed an issue where automatic tag generation from a *.tpy file would force all characters in the address to be uppercase. The case is now left as is in the *.tpy file.

Fixed an issue where generating tags with the option Only import variables marked for OPC enabled would cause the server to become unresponsive after attaching a client.

Corrected an issue where nested structures were not always being automatically generated correctly from a TwinCAT device.

Corrected an issue where tags automatically generated from a device and from an equivalent *.tpy file would result in non-equivalent projects under certain conditions.


/9/23Fixed an issue where generating tags with the option "Only import variables marked for OPC" enabled would cause KEPServerEX to become unresponsive after attaching a client.

/10/15Both a copy of TcAdsDll.dll and the Beckhoff TwinCAT Remote Manager Utility are no longer provided with the install. Users must obtain the TwinCAT ADS Communication Library from Beckhoff in order to access the tools that are required to configure successful AMS Remote Connections.

Improved performance reading from TwinCAT 3 PLC by monitoring the OnlineChangeCnt global variable and not reading the symbolic information for every read.


/11/13Fixed an issue that was introduced in the 5.3 release when compatibility information was added that affected the reading of OPC Read Only variables.


/6/26Fixed an issue where a repeating Event Log message occurred when multiple TwinCAT devices were located on a single channel.

/2/21Corrected issues that prevented the Port Number device property from persisting in sheet mode.

Corrected issues in wizard mode that caused changes to the Port Number to be lost after leaving the page and returning to wizard mode.

For TwinCAT PLC models, do not attempt to read device version information if the API dlls are missing (or if generating tags from a symbol file).

Optimized communications with TwinCAT PLC models by minimizing the overhead previously put on the device.

Automatically generated tags no longer allow clients to override the assigned data type.

/10/24Added support for TwinCAT PLC version 2.10 with builds 909 or earlier.

/7/25Removed the pop-up displayed during Automatic Tag Generation (ATG) for arrays with more than 1000 elements.

Updated the driver to check each device's version as applicable (instead of assuming that all devices under a channel are using the same Firmware version).

Fixed an issue with legacy tag processing where the entire queue would fail if the last tag failed to get symbols.

Improved DNR handling with legacy tag processing.

Made performance improvements to tag queuing in the state machine. If any step of the tag read or write transaction fails, the tag will fail and be removed from the queue in order to eliminate the need to keep trying the tag. The number of retries is now applied to the entire tag transaction instead of each individual step.

/10/28Added support for TwinCAT PLC version 2.9. The driver now queries the version information to determine what function codes can be used to communicate with the controller.

/6/9Fixed issue where the driver was unable to load tags in structures from a .tpy file for a BC/BX device.


/7/22Fixed anomaly where writes to IO could fail, and reads from IO would not always report the correct values.
